Monday, August 24, 2015

Big Brother 7 Week 8 Thoughts

Well my sincerest apologies to the 6 or 7 loyal readers of this blog for being so late with my weekly ramblings.  Excuses, Excuses I know, but with the Jays playing so well, BB has taken a back seat... plus do I really need to see/hear about that Caveman Austin finger banging Liz?  Or him getting a hammer-jammer under the covers? No fucking thank you, those two make me physically ill.

Sooo a lot has happened since we last spoke, Becky was eliminated... big fucking deal.  She had some good ideas in her HOH but she was boring as all get out.  I don't think she stands a chance coming back in the house especially against Shelli, Jackie or (potentially) Johnny Mac.  It does suck to her that she put all her cards on the table to eliminate Vanessa (the proper thing to do) and yet she is on the outside looking in and Vanessa is still safe in this game.

Holy fuck is Austin a loser.  I really can't stand this caveman, this whole Judas schtick needs to end immediately.  I really hated how he kept referring to his god damned Top Hat and turning into Judas, plus his speech at the eviction ceremony was amongst the most painful things I have sat through watching Big Brother ever... and that includes two seasons of Rachel Fucking Reilly.  I don't think I was in too much of a hurry to catch up on this past weeks episodes knowing Austin and the twiiiiiinsss-uhhhh had all the power-uhhhhhh.   Seriously Liz and Julias voices are so fucking annoying, why do they say uhhhhhh after every other word??  Oh my gooooddd-uhhhhhhhh you just gave Austin a handy?? Ewwwwww-uhhhhhhhhhh.

How is Vanessa made out of teflon in this game?? Jesus Christ do these people not have a clue... it seems to me they do have a clue (shockingly) yet are doing aboslutely nothing about it.  I suppose it does make a little sense to boot her after the jury member comes back in, that way when they do eliminate her she is gone for good.

I would honestly have more respect for her game play if she wasn't such a blubbering paranoid lunatic.  She has played a good game so far, but for christs sakes have some composure.  Her lying and constant scheming and paranoia has put a big target on her back and it's only a matter of time before she is gone.


I know who wins Veto and if they use it... spoilers at the end.

David Price pitches for the Jays on Wednesday, and there is a Ti-Cats game on Thursday so I won't be catching up on BB until the weekend, hopefully I post one of these on Saturday or Sunday.

I can't wait for the return of Zingbot.  He's the highlight of the season for me, I love some good ol insult-comedy.

Otev was incredibly annoying this year with the whole BUTTTAAAH thing... no one besides Paul Stanley screams like that.

Austin's Angels? Scamper Squad?  Fuck off... especially Austin's Angels.

Steve is still a sniveling little wiener, and all those nerds in his home town can fuck off too.  Unfortunately I have him in my work pool and he is my last shot to win some money.

I hope if Johnny Mac gets eliminated he comes back, him and James are the only reasons to keep watching now.  They're both hilarious.

Ughhhhh, Vanessa won veto and of course she didn't use it.  It looks like Johnny Mac is the one to go. Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-uhhhhhhhhhh

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Big Brother 17 Week 7 Thoughts

OK what the fuck just happened??  Steve quite possibly made the worst move of the season thus far.  What a fucking doorknob.  I knew you shouldn't trust nerds, there is a good fucking reason why nerds are my mortal enemy.

Why on Earth did he put up Meg and Jackie? I am trying to think about his reasoning and I am drawing blanks.  I am not sure if he was planning on back-dooring someone but fuck the Double Eviction episode is not the god damn time to get cute with nominations, you have your target in mind and you put them up immediately.  If he was targeting "the other side" why didn't he go after James?  Why didn't he put up the fucking twins? Vanessa? What a completely stupid decision.

Steve clearly over-thought this, like my man Johnny Mac said nobody was targeting him, nobody thought this fucking nerd was in the house until two weeks ago.  I don't get this kids fucking deal, he talks to himself and dances around like a Jerry's Kid.  He shouldn't be allowed to leave his house let alone appear on national television.  Someone evict this dork as soon as possible.

How in the fuck did Vanessa survive this week?? As far as I am concerned she is playing a terrible game, and looked to be good as gone, and yet there she is.  With the double eviction they didn't really have time to explain how she managed to pull it off, and I really don't follow the live feeds as much as I used too (I got a lot on my plate - school, the OHL, my record deal).  They almost need to use the whole Sunday show to explain what went on in that house between Veto and the Double Eviction.

Vanessa looked down and out, but if she can remain emotionally stable (something that is clearly a challenge for her) she could pull off the win this season.

As for the evictees this week... meh.  I really don't care that either of them are gone, plus I think they both have a good shot of coming back in the house.  I am sure they'll wait another two weeks and have 4 evicted houseguests compete to come back in, obviously we don't know who the other two are but despite who it is both Shelli and Jackie have proved to be good at competitions and have a chance to get back in.

Other Random Thoughts:

No idea when they are going to do HOH, I'm sure it'll happen at some point tonight, I'll post spoilers in the morning if they do. UPDATED WITH SPOILERS

Apparently Austwins are celebrating this "victory" for them.  Vanessa somehow stayed safe, and they are still flying through.  I am starting to really dislike Liz, Julia seems to be the normal one.  Plus Liz is actually falling for Austin?  Gag me with a fucking spoon.

WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T STEVE PUT UP THE TWINS.  Seriously I still can't get over that, it's completely god damned absurd.

Everyone on Twitter is saying the momentum has swung in favor of the remaining "6th Sense" losers.  I don't think that is necessarily true.  If fucking Johnny Mac and Steve stop playing the middle and they actually go after these assholes then they're done.

I really don't like Becky much... I don't hate her as much as my buddy Bobbo who texted me "I wish the train had finished her off" but I really don't like her... not that I like Vanessa either, but fuck everyone except Johnny Mac, James and Meg at this point.

Tough to predict what happens next week.  If one of Vanessa, Austin or the Twins wins HOH I am sure James is their target.  If someone else wins, hopefully the twins go up with either Austin or Vanessa as a back door target.

Liz wins HOH.... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck, this sucks that means Austin and Liz making gross whoopee in the HOH room, that means Vanessa is safe too.  I think Johnny Mac isn't too much longer for this game now.  He is a Veto champ, but I see them putting up James and Johnny Mac this week.

Saturday, August 08, 2015

Big Brother 17 Week 6 Thoughts

What an absolutely dreadful display put on by Ken and Barbie Clay and Shelli last week.  It was a complete fucking embarrassment to themselves, to Julie Chen and to the entire Big Brother franchise.  Get the fuck off my TV and never come back you obnoxious plastic twats.

Tens of thousands of people apply to be on the show every year and this fucking clown gives it all up for some retarded showmance.  They didn't even kiss until week 6 for christs sakes!  There is probably some dreadful holier than thou Jesus-y reason behind it, which makes it even worse.  I have absolutely no game at all but I think even I would have gotten to First Base a lot sooner... how many nights did they spend alone in the HOH room and all they did was cuddle?  Go back to Grade 6 losers.

Anyways half the power couple is gone, which I am obviously happy about.  Clay is just a dumb fuck who has been hit in the head far too many times... he needs subtitles for christs sakes.  Shelli is even worse, has she never seen the show before?  Big fucking deal if you were blind-sided that's the name of the game.  How can these cretins not realize that they were not going to be in charge of the game forever and eventually they were going to be the target.  Delusional fuckers. Unfortunately we still have to deal with Shelli for the next few weeks, while she is good to look at I can see her pull a VaGinaMarie and cry and be stupid about this for the rest of the season.  I guess unlike VaGinaMarie and Nick her and Clay actually had a relationship.  Hopefully she doesn't start sniffing Clay's shorts like VGM.

James is the man, despite me saying that Johnny Mac is going to win, I really want James to win.  Unfortuneatly I would lose my office pool, but the $10 would be worth it.  Finally someone is stepping up and making big moves in this game.  Good for him for stabbing Shelli/Clay in the back, that's what this game is all about, it's not about falling in love and dry-humping someone you didn't know existed 2 months ago.  I really hope he makes it far in the game, because he's great entertainment.

For those who were wondering, when James said he spent three years in prison having big guys yelling at him, he wasn't actually locked up as an inmate, it turns out he was a jail guard.

Other Random Thoughts:

Given that it is Saturday afternoon I know who won HOH and who the HOH put up, Spoilers at the end as usual.

Standard Austin is a creep comment.

What was with Meg all over Clay when she was white-girl wasted?  That was a bit embarrassing...then Clay said that she has had a showmance with everyone?? Yikes.

As hard as I was on Shelli, and will continue to be hard on her her the rest of the season her punishment was extremely hard, and I can't believe she pulled it off, I would have quit for sure.

Vanessa is bat-shit crazy, 6 weeks without her booger-sugar has really messed with her head.  At first I thought she had a good chance of winning the game, but I don't see her lasting for too much longer.

More Johnny Mac please.

So a jury member gets to come back in the house....ughhhhhh.  I hate this twist more than any of the other ones, if you get evicted that should be it, no second chances.

Whatever happened to the Big Brother Take-Over??  Not that I miss it, but they dropped that like a dirty shoe pretty quickly.

Becky the train wreck won HOH?  Oh, she was playing this game?  She puts up Shelli and Steve... Steve???  What has that guy even done this season?  He has gotten absolutely no air time and it is a fucking nerd (my mortal enemies).  I haven't read any context to why she did that, but hopefully Shelli is gone this week, or they are using Steve as a pawn to backdoor Vanessa or Austin.

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Everything is Happening!!!! Jesus Price!!!

Lord Thunderin' Jesus

When I last wrote my "weekly" sports blog, the Jays had just limped into the All-Star Break and they were about to embark on a West Coast trip, and once again I was hoping the Jays would pull the trigger on a move.

Jesus H. Christ the Jays not only pulled the trigger, they launched nuclear fuckin' missiles.  Never in my wildest dreams did I envision the trades the Jays made.  David Fucking Price buds.  I still get goosebumps seeing him in Blue Jay blue.

The first move was sending Jose Reyes and prospects for Troy Tulowitzki.  Troy Fucking Tulowitzki, only who many believe to be the best shortstop in baseball! This trade happened in the middle of the night, I got up at 3:45 am to rock a piss, and of course the first thing I look at is my phone, and I see a bunch of Notifications about the trade... I was up for the next hour laying in bed refreshing Twitter on my phone to get the latest #hot #takes.  My bud and Jays Blogger extraordinaire Andrew Stoeten must've pulled an all-nighter because he was right in the middle of things, even Fav'ing one of my tweets at 4:20 am.

The Tulowitzki trade came out of absolutely nowhere, he was the face of the Colorado Rockies organization and is in the middle of a 10 year contract, but somehow AA managed to get him and LaTroy "I'm Too Old For This Shit" Hawkins (who has been awesome) For a declining Jose Reyes and some prospects.

It does suck to see Reyes go, he always embraced Toronto and always had a smile on his face playing (much to the chagrin of Jerry Howarth).  Reyes wasn't nearly as bad as his detractors said, but holy fuck did he ever have some poorly timed errors.  I wish Reyes well in Colorado, but my goodness Tulo is a dream.  He had that amazing debut game, and has been solid ever since, and you don't have to worry about a routine fucking ground ball go through his legs.

What can I possibly say that hasn't already been said about David Price 1000 times over.  My heart went aflutter when I heard the news, this is the best pitcher the Jays have had since Roy Halladay.  Price was incredible in his debut on Monday, and the whole town has embraced him.  Price has said that it was the best atmosphere he has ever pitched in, and he has been to the playoffs.  I watch 95% of Jays games anyways, but Price starts are going to be must-see TV, especially against the asshole Yankees on Saturday afternoon.

Despite the euphoria there was a smattering of garbage clowns poo-pooing the prospects they gave up.  As Alex Rios said "WHO GIVES A FUCK!?!"  Yes they could end up being All-Stars but they could also be like JP Arencibia and Ricky Romero.  In 2009 would you have wanted to trade Romero and Arencibia for a rental like Price?  Fuck no, but now both those guys are pretty much out of baseball.  Flags Fly Forever and yes the Jays gave up 11 pitching prospects, but fuck this team could win the World Series.  Plus, who is to say that Price doesn't re-sign?  Beeston is gone after this year and so his ridiculous 5 year cap for contracts.  Rogers has BILLIONS... it's time to pony up the dough.

This is the year buds.  This is the one we've been waiting since 1993 for, I have nothing buy sky-high expectations for this team.  For years all I have been asking for is meaningful games in September, this is the year we will not only get that but meaningful games in October. 

The Week Ahead: vs. Minnesota (8/4 - 8/6) @ New York Yankees (8/7 - 8/9).  This is a pretty big week for the Jays they are currently tied with Minnesota for the 2nd Wild Card and they are chasing the Yankees for 1st in the AL East.  By the end of this week they could well have a playoff position solidified and be only a mere game or two out of the lead in the East swoooooooooooooooon.  I'm going to the game on Thursday too!

After Sunday's bru-ha-ha there is a bounty of Squid of the Weeks to choose from.  Could it be Edison Valquez for starting this shit by throwing at Josh Donaldson and then saying he was a baby and is "no Barry Bonds"  Could it be Umpire Jim Wolf who had one of the most poorly umpired game I have seen in my life, calling the absurd warning, failing to enforce it THREE times then doing so against Blue Jay Aaron Sanchez.  It could be fucking MLB for giving Sanchez an absurd 3 game suspension for nothing, but no it is Royals Manager Ned Yost.  

This fucking squid actually went on record saying that he thought the umpiring was "phenomenal"  Get the fuck out of here.  That's some next level trolling, it's unbelievable.  He's a terrible manager and a terrible person, the KC Royals have been involved in 3 bench clearing incidents this season, but no it's always the other teams fault

Fuck the KC Royals as a staff, record label and as a motherfucking crew, and if you want to be down with the KC Royals then fuck you too.  I hope we see those squids in the ALCS so we can demolish those assholes on a national stage.

The Ti-Cats finally played a game back at Horton's Field and boy was it worth the wait, demolishing the ever loving piss out of the woeful Argos.  I was pretty chewed at the game so I don't remember too much of the X's and O's but I do remember cheering a lot, and thinking the Tim Horton's Field has the best home field advantage out of any team in the CFL, and how much I love being there.

Things I do remember is some of the Heckles of the Week.  Well I don't remember a lot of them but, I did heckle some kids hahaha (not my finest hour)

I saw two kids in Argos Jerseys and first I called them "Squidlets" and said that they had no futures.

My best heckle was to these idiot Argo Fans.  They made everyone go to the concourse because there was Lightning in the area, and I see these Argos fans all decked out in shitty Argo gear, and one was holding up two flags and I said:

"Leave it to an idiot Argo fan to hold up a pole during a Lightning Storm!!"

That got a few laughs... I really got to start writing these down because my friends had some really solid heckles too.

The Week Ahead: vs. Winnipeg (8/10)  Back at Hortons Field for a bizarre Sunday 5pm game.  Winnipeg is trash, and I can see the Cats going on a solid run with all these home games on the horizon.