Thursday, July 25, 2013
Big Brother 15 Week 4 Thoughts
Well good bye Kaitlin, despite your Uncle Leo eyebrows you were easy on the eyes. It certainly didn't sound like she was going to go rushing back to Jeremy, maybe she clued in to what a giant turd he is. Boy did Julie Chen ever give her a scathing exit interview, calling her Aryan and VaGinaMarie out for being "mean girls". It was actually kind of uncomfortable watching it, I can only imagine what Chenbot's interview with Aryan is going to be like when she's evicted. But as we all know that's not gonna happen anytime soon...
So Aryan is the HOH...fuck her. I can't believe that soulless wench has survived another week. I was looking for another photoshopped picture of her (most of them were her in KKK robes or dressed up like a Nazi) but this one of her creeps me out, look at that awful look on her face, and is someone behind her or is that all her hair?? I think it's that dunce David behind her distracted by something shiny. I thought it was quite telling when JC said tonight that America "overwhelmingly" voted for her to be the MVP's nomination this week, you can tell production hates her, so it will be interesting to see how this week plays out. I think they were counting on someone else winning HOH, so that's why they made America the MVP again so Aryan would be nominated, buutttt if those idiots were planning on doing that at least make the HOH something besides being a dumb luck roulette game. Speaking of the MVP twist, get the fuck rid of it. Either leave it as it was originally intended or get rid of it all together. I thought it was an alright idea for a twist at first but I'm over it. As for who she puts up, she'll probably have everyone in the house up in the HOH room kissing her ass and campaigning for what is best for them, but I think Elissa will be her target, and thank god for that. That being said, Helen and Elissa are tight, and Helen and Aryan had some kind of side deal going so that can keep her safe, but I think Helen is starting to realize what a liability Elissa is becoming.
I've had about enough of her, and if Aryan can't go home this week I certainly hope it's Elissa and her weird duck-bill collagen lips. I felt sorry for her at first because she was being targeted hard by the so-called Mean Girls, but she finally showed that she was fucking Rachel's sister this week. Purposely stirring up trouble, and threatening to quit the whole game when she was nominated and acting like a total psycho hose beast when she was. I thought she was going to pull a Rachel and go crying in the bushes. It's pretty hard to pick a side in her feud with Aryan, both are deplorable. Plus she was a total bee-otch to Amanda when she was giving Tuglord his birthday spankings. Granted she did look like a member of Kiss...
But seriously fuck Elissa. I think she is as good as gone, if Aryan doesn't nominate her, I think America will, and remember she doesn't get to play in the veto competition this week. BUT, I also think there is a good chance production will do what they can to keep her in the house...ugh. As for Amanda, from what I've already read on the live feeds (don't worry no spoilers) she is already in Aryan's ear pushing hard for her to put up Howard. She really needs to calm the fuck down on this, this is eventually going to come back and bite her in the ass. I don't really know why she is so hellbent on getting Howard out. If she wants Howard out that badly, how about try winning an HOH? I like Amanda, but simmer down already, or the target is gonna be on yours and Tuglords back before you know it.
One last thought this week, that illiterate VaGinaMarie sucking back that Frozen Yogurt reminded me of the 3 seconds of 2 Girls 1 Cup I watched before vomiting everywhere.
That's enough for me this week, there really wasn't a hell of a lot of action this past week, hopefully it picks up a bit more next week, and with Aryan and Elissa butting heads I can totally see that happening!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Big Brother 15 Week 3 Thoughts
VaGinaMarie is psychotic. Seriously look at her crying into and sniffing a pair of Nick's shorts! Her fatal attraction to Nick is pathetic and embarrassing. Fucking Kaitlin took losing her actual showmance a hell of a lot better than VaGinaMarie losing her imaginary one. What must Nick think being on the outside watching this shit, her wearing his stuff, keeping these weird mementos like his cereal box, coffee mug and chapstick, and she flipped shit when they hid it on her! The funny thing is I read on the live feeds she was consoling herself by saying "at least I have my pageants to go back to" think again numbnuts, you've been fired for being a racist piece of shit! I can't stand her, I thought it was hilarious on Sundays episode when she was having a meltdown calling everyone "cock-a-roaches" that Amanda and the rest of them were laughing their ass off at her. Apparently she has not shut up about Nick since his eviction and the rest of the house is obviously sick of it and thinks she is just as bat shit crazy as the rest of us do. She doesn't bring anything to the game, she'll never win an HOH or a Veto comp, she is just gonna float on through until she's finally out of there. Hopefully that date is sooner rather than later.
Soooooo....this was kind of fucked wasn't it? What did he possibly think this was going to accomplish? Dressing up as a baby was going to save you from 3 weeks of being a bullying asshole to the rest of the house? By the way, VaGinaMarie was the last person to wear the diaper when she hosted that Veto Comp, so in case Jeremy didn't already have the Clap, he certainly does now. Anyways, I am glad Jeremy is out of the house, it's been well established how much of a douchebag I think he is, and I am certainly not gonna miss him. As much as I wanted to see Aryan go, the rest of the house made the right game move, he was a strong competitor and it gives everyone else a better chance to win now that he is gone.
So Judd and his fucking bear shirt is the new HOH, that is going to increase his air time substantially. I think the main reason he has barely got any air time this season is no one can understand a god damned word he is saying. He sounds like either John Gibbons the manager of the Blue Jays or Mama June from Honey Boo Boo, he might as well be talking with a handful of marbles in his mouth. I guarantee they are going to have bust out the subtitles for him. I am really not sure where his head's at, I think he is going to do what Amanda, Helen and Elissa tell him to. I am pretty sure they are going to talk Judd into putting up Spencer or Howard, but it's hard to tell now, Aryan, Kaitlin and VaGinaMarie can all be targets too. Either way Jesse (remember her? she's a contestant too), Helen, Amanda, Tuglord, Elissa and Andy are safe for sure.
As for this new twist, at least fucking Elissa won't be the MVP again, although I like what she has done with her MVP moves it's kind of bullshit that she has won every week, there should be a rule that if you win one week you can't win the next week. Plus she has the same dumb reaction every week "ohhhhh myyy goooooddddd, thaaaaaankkkkk yooooooouuuuuu Ammeerrrrriiccccaaaaaa, thisssss isssss soooooooo surrprrrrrrrrrising" I'm surprised all her botox has let her convey any emotion whatsoever. As for who America puts up as a nominee it's gotta be Aryan. After all the horrible press, and the horrible edits she has got, and that fact that she is a horrible person it seems like she is the most logical choice, but who the fuck knows. She has no soul, her latest incident on Sunday flipping over Candice's bed and proceeding to throw on a ghetto accent while arguing with her proves that even more. Plus from the sounds of things her family is already quite well off, it's not like she needs the cash. So whoever Judd puts up could all be for not.
I love Amanda and ol' Tuglord. Normally I find Big Brother showmances insufferable and annoying, Jillian and Emmett from BB Canada and Rachel and her fianceeeee Bah-Ren-Den come to mind, but Amanda and McCrae are great. Amanda is quickly becoming one of my favourite houseguests, she can drag me around by my hair anytime...oh wait I'm bald. McCrae has hit the jackpot, from the sounds of things he was broke as a joke delivering pizzas, and now he has found his sugar mama and I'm legitimately happy for him.
Well that's it for me this week. As usual you can find me on the Twitter @didhenley and in case you are wondering what that retard David has been up to since he has been evicted, I found this clip of him surfing.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Big Brother 15 Week 2 Thoughts
I sure hope this is the last time this season I'm going to have to talk about it's bigoted houseguests. In last week's post I put CBS on blast for not touching the racist comments of the houseguests when it has been widely reported on the internet. Obviously the big shots at CBS read my blog because they brought it up on Sundays, and tonights episode. I'm glad they did, especially since most people don't watch the live feeds (read: most people have jobs, lives etc.) and since the audience does have a role this year in choosing the MVP, the edits do mean something. Holy shit did Aryan get thrown under the bus, and then run over with that bus. She is in for a real rude awakening when she gets out in the real world. It's obvious she really pissed off Julie Chen, doesn't she know how powerful she is?? It was hilarious tonight when the Chenbot was interviewing them all, and she was dropping hints that they are filmed 24/7 and there might be something they say that they would regret, and she specifically called out Aryan asking her if there was something she might have said (I don't remember the exact words, but you get my drift) and Aryan just sat there like a dumb little racist. And PLEASE, her saying people calling her "blonde" and "Barbie" are the same as racial slurs. Get your fucking head out of your ass, you ignorant twat. That being said they only showed the shit that Aryan said, even though Spencer, Jeremy and VaGinaMarie have all said awful things, VaGinaMarie has been fired from her job too, and Spencers employers are saying they are "reviewing" his employment, yet they only paint Aryan to be the racist. Aryan is a terrible player too, that troglodyte Jeremy won her HOH, and she kept going on about avenging David's exit...please, you guys were together in the house for a week, it's not like you were married. Plus her whole "Triangle of Trust" alliance with Kaitlin and Jeremy is disgusting, the three of them slept in the HOH bed together, and Aryan would just lay there when they got busy, she even complained to Kaitlin that they left a "stain" in the bed...ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Anyways, enough racial bullshit because this season has actually been really good so far.
So I was dead wrong with my prediction last week that Nick was gonna start to run shit and win. Get used to it folks, I am always wrong. I am the guy who predicts the Leafs to win the Cup every year, and I haven't been right about that until 2014. The Moving Company Alliance fell apart quickly, and is quite possibly the worst alliance in Big Brother history, maybe the Renegades in BB13 comes close, but these guys obviously weren't meant to last. McCrae has his showmance with Amanda (PS good for him! If he can get ass there is hope for anyone!) and Jeremy is pretty much the worst. I feel bad for Howard though, he was loyal to the MC until the end, hopefully that doesn't come back to bite him in the ass. Despite his over-Jesusy persona I like Howard, I think he can regroup and make it far in the game. VaGinaMarie was certainly upset to see Nick go, even though he had no interest in her whatsoever, I think he was more interested in Andy's type if you get my drift....not that there is anything wrong with that! So The Brigade remains the best alliance in BB history.
Enzo is the best
I must admit at the start of the season I did not want to like Elissa. Rachel is easily one of my least favourite house guests ever, and I think it's bullshit that she was able to get on the show, and I think it's bullshit the the legions of "Brenchel" fans keep voting her for MVP. She also talks incredibly slowly like she is on valium which is irritating. All that being said she really isn't that bad, and I like her Super-Mom Alliance with Ceiling Eyes Helen. I have to give mad props to Elissa for surviving the early onslaught against her, and for getting the house on her side. She has played a really good game so far. I was relieved when Helen won HOH tonight, I wanted her or Amanda to win it, but with Helen we can be assured that either Aryan, Kaitlin or Jeremy are gone this week. Speaking of Jeremy....
He kind of looks like Quasimodo. I really don't like him, no wonder the Moving Company collapsed with that clown in the picture bossing them around, I hate when players are convinced they are going to win every HOH and every competition. I read on the live feeds that after he won veto he wore the veto medallion around his neck all day, that is both unsurprising and gross. Unfortunately I can see him sticking around for a bit, but not too much longer. As for who I think will be evicted next week, it's gotta be Aryan, and boy that interview with Julie Chen will be awwwwkkwwwwwarrrrrrrrrrdddd.
On a completely unrelated note, I found out McCrae's middle name is Tuglord....TUGLORD!! Now I know I am one to talk about having a different name, but really....McCrae Tuglord? On second thought, I've been accused of being a Tuglord myself :(
So that's it for me this week, usually after I write one of these I think of about a million other things I should have put in this, but oh well. As usual I leave my pitch to follow me on The Twitter @didhenley or leave a comment in the comment section, I love it when I get comments that aren't weird spam.
Wednesday, July 03, 2013
Big Brother 15 Week 1 Thoughts
Now before I get into talking about what's happened in the actual game, I'd be remiss if I didn't talk about the controversy that's swirling around Big Brother right now. Trusting, reliable news sources like uhhhh... TMZ and BuzzFeed are on the case that this years cast is amongst the most reprehensible they've had. GinaMarie called being on welfare "n****r insurance", both GinaMarie and Aaryn told Helen the Asian to go make rice. Spencer referred to Andy as "Kermit the Fag", and has defended Hitler. The rest of the house has been saying other misogynist and homophobic remarks, you can find a whole break down here of what has been said. GinaMarie has been fired from her job and Aaryn has been dropped by her modelling agency as a result of what is going on. It's these morons own dumb fault, they know full well they are being filmed 24/7 and people on the internet with nothing better to do watch them 24/7, so any racist/homophobic/misogynist things they say should be held against them in real life. What I find weird is CBS didn't put any of this on air, instead they show a fight over a fucking bottle of wine, they did send out a statement, saying houseguests views do not reflect those of CBS blah blah blah, but I think they chickened out by not addressing any of this on the show. Usually I end up hating most of the houseguests because they end up annoying me, and they play a shitty game, this year I hate most of them because they are actually terrible people. But hey, you can't spell Aryan without Aaryn.
So David the Dumbass is the first eliminated this year. That guy is so fucking stunned, I don't think the guy even packed his bag. That being said his stupidity was good for a laugh or two. I must say that veto competition was hilarious, I didn't think anything would top Jeff's "Technotronics" from Big Brother 11, but he didn't even spell a word. I guess asking David to spell a word is the same as asking a goldfish to climb a tree, so we shouldn't have expected much.
It's Elissa!
I actually felt a bit bad for Elissa this week, I think she has had a target on her back from day 1, being Rachel's sister and all. It was obvious she was going to win MVP, which made the other catty girls in the house hate her. I am glad she finally fessed up to the house about it, continuing to lie about it when it's that obvious is stupid, telling people you were Gisele Bundchen's sister? Newfie please. So far she isn't anywhere close to being as annoying as Rachel, she must've got plastic surgery to remove that gene too. Her speech before the eviction tonight was awful and cringe-worthy though, she should stick to playing her own game and quit bringing up Rachel's horrific catch phrases. I especially felt bad for Elissa after this incident...
This is another incident that CBS didn't bother touching. That's Jeremy taking Elissa's hat and wiping it with his bare ass! Holy fuck this guy is terrible person, the producers made him apologize, but he pretty much said he was only apologizing because he was told he had to. Worst of all he is banging the hottest girl in the house! Seriously this guy is a piece of shit, it's a shame he is part of the "Moving Company" alliance, whom I like. I can actually see Jeremy getting kicked out of the game by the producers for being such an asshole.
I like 3/5ths of the Moving Company so I guess that isn't bad. The name is kind of stupid, it's not as stupid as the fucking Quack-Pack though. I've already discussed how much I hate Jeremy, and Spencer likes Hitler and he looks straight out of Deliverance, but Nick, McCrae and Howard are cool in my books. In fact, I am officially picking Nick to win the whole game. He orchestrated Rocky Dennis' exit from the house, and I think he'll be running shit from here on out.
PS what was up with the audio tonight?? Is CBS that concerned that a swear word would sneak through that you couldn't hear a word Julie Chen was saying? That needs to be fixed and quick.
As of this second I don't know who wins HOH, so it's hard to predict what will happen in the coming week. It's a long competition so I doubt we'll hear anything about it until around midnight. I'll read the spoilers for sure though! A reminder to everyone that they've changed the dates that the show is on, starting next week it will be on Sundays at 8, Wednesdays at 8 and Thursdays at 9. Until next week, leave a message in the comment section or hit me up on twitter @didhenley if you want to talk more Big Brother!
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