Friday, August 08, 2014

Big Brother 16 Week 6 Thoughts

Well it took 6 fucking weeks but there was finally some gameplay in the Big Brother house.  Double Eviction nights are always one of the highlights of the Big Brother season and last night certainly did not disappoint.  First the Holy Roller Jocasta got the boot, it was a bit of a shocking turn of events as I was convinced that lunatic Zach was gone, but the majority flipped and sent Jocasta and her stupid bowties out the door.  I have been a little hard on Mama J in these posts, but I started to slightly warm up to her the last few episodes, her sassy diary rooms were kind of funny... who was she phoning anyways, Jesus??

After that piece of shit Caleb miraculously won HOH, he put up Hayden and my boy Donny, and after an epic Veto victory by Donny, Hayden left the house... above is stock footage of Hayden surfing.  I liked Hayden, he was pretty laid back and chill but ultimately he wasn't on the side of the house with the numbers and he is done.  Nicole seemed pretty upset about it at the end of last nights episode, and both of them called out Frankie and Christine in front of the house.  It'll be interesting to see on Sunday what they actually said. As we learned last night the game is not over for the jury members...

Fuck this noise, fire this stupid twist into the sun and never have it return. I can't believe they are going to have an evicted houseguest return to the game.  It is the worst twist of them all, once you are out of the game that should be it!  I am not sure if it's just people in the jury house that are going to come back or what.  Joey, Devin, and Brittany have all been active on Twitter since their eviction so it won't be them for sure, but to my knowledge Amber has not been on Twitter so she may still be in isolation... maybe she has a chance to come back too??  If Amber does return to the house she better have a restraining order against Caleb and his stupid over-alls.  Regardless it is just a waste of time.

Speaking of stupid twists, unfortunately Team America is still a thing, and they went back to the dual HOH with a Battle of the Block ughhhh.... spoilers at the end of the post.

Other Random Thoughts:

Christine is annoying, ugly too but mostly annoying. I really just wanted to post that picture of her looking like a screeching eagle.

Nicole looks way better with out those big Steve Urkel glasses on, but I have to say her voice is really starting to grind my gears, it is getting torturous listening to her for more than 10 seconds at a time.

I don't think I have flip-flopped between liking and hating a houseguest more than Zach.  He's a fucking headcase for sure, but he does make me laugh.  Quit screaming in the god damned diary room though, why do houseguests do this??  He is like Teflon this season, no matter all the shit he starts and the ridiculous verbal diarrhea that spews from his mouth, he still comes out clean at the end of the day.

Frankie is getting really fucking annoying.  Just enough already with the stupid voices and characters, I heard it is 1000 times worse on the live feeds too.  He's been in the middle of a lot of shit this season and I think people are going to turn on him sooner rather than later.

Donny winning the Veto made me stand up and applaud, I loved how he played it cool during the competition, while Zach and Caleb were flailing around like they were having seizures.  That being said I don't think he is long for this game at this point, he has no real alliance (out of the 17 fucking alliances in the house) and he doesn't seem to have any real strategy.

Speaking of alliances can we give it a rest on the stupid names?? Each one is worse than the last one.  The Brigade will always be the best Br-Br-Br-BRI-GADE!

Christine and Nicole are the  2 HOH's.... and they are targeting Frankie!! The plan as of now is to back door him, I think Frankie knows a thing or two about back dooring (so does Zach.... not that there is anything wrong with that!)  But if Frankie is ultimately the one who leaves I can see him being the one who gets back into the house uuuughhhhhhh, I will shit bricks if that happens.

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