The Fruit Loop Dingus is gone and the Big Brother producers got their stupid wet dream of having someone go from HOH to evicted the same week fulfilled, so can we finally end the STUPID double HOH twist?? Nicole got screwed over pretty badly this week, she had a pretty solid plan in place where Frankie was the target that the rest of the house and the entire world agreed upon but he managed to weasel his way out of. I reluctantly have to give Frankie some credit for pulling off the Battle of the Block victory after Caleb refused to participate, but he's still annoying as fuck and I want him off my TV immediately. Have you all noticed that during the Thursday episode whatever houseguest they focus on during the first part of the show is always the one eliminated? They always make it seem that they are hashing out a plan and that they are safe....only to be unanimously booted 10 minutes later. As we all know there is a chance that Nicole is going to be come back in the show, so we may not have seen (or unfortunately have heard) the last of the Fruit Loop Dingus.
I am so sick of Frankie, get the fuck out of here... and he is HOH again this week too, wonderful. What the fuck is a social media mogul anyways?? He is a massive loser who is riding the coat tails of his flavour of the month pop-star sister. I don't know why I did this but I sat through Ariana Grande's latest video and it was one of the most dreadful things I have watched in my entire life. Zach had a little melt down over Frankie playing for children in Africa (I call bullshit on that btw) but I agree with Zach's sentiments there, all these players are playing for themselves and their families and could use the $500K but Frankie is trying to show them all up saying he is playing for starving Africans, and his family probably is sitting on a ton of money so he does not need it. Frankie is a self-centered twat, he feels the need to be in the centre of absolutely everything and the sooner he is out of the house the better.
Other Random Thoughts:
Derrick and Frankie are the HOH's and I know their nominees... spoilers as usual at the end.
Christine sucks. The live-feeders have been talking about her clinging and cuddling to Cody for weeks, and they touched on it on the episode last night. Apparently her husband is pretty upset and has tweeted about how disappointed and hurt he is by her actions. Well that should be fun for her when she gets home.
If Victoria had a brain the size of her nose she may have a chance to do something in this game. Jesus Christ, she's as dumb as a post. She thought her and Derrick was the only alliance in the game? And she was in tears when she heard he was in another alliance? Cripes all Friday get a fucking clue. That being said I think she is going to pull a Slobrina from BBCAN2 and weasel her way late into the game, she has absolutely no chance of winning though.
I hate to admit this but Caleb has gotten a little more tolerable since Amber left and he isn't a massive creeper anymore. Beast Mode Cowboy is still the most insufferable thing I have heard in my life, but I don't think he as bad as I once thought.... he is still stupid as fuck though.
I feel awful for Donny. He is genuinely one of the most kind-hearted people to ever play this game... which unfortunately may not make him cut out for Big Brother. He's constantly a target, and being 10 years older than the next closest house guest (and 15-20 years older than most of them!) makes him an outsider. He's NEVER a part of any plans or discussions, and he genuinely does feel left out. He's not going to win but at least he has his Team America (Fuck Yeah!) money and is definitely going to win the $25K as America's Favourite Player.
Speaking of shitty Team America is this still a thing?? I've missed watching it live the last few weeks and have been watching it online and they never mention having to vote for any challenges on the online version, but this week they said their mission failed... I didn't even know they had a mission?? That just goes to show what a total flop that twist was.
Frankie nominated Caleb and Cody, and Derrick nominated Christine and Donny. The Battle of the Block hasn't happened yet, so it is tough to say who I think is going home, plus I just read who was nominated I don't know what the discussions were or any context. Out of those 4 nominated I would like to see Christine gone, but if they can back door Frankie that would be brilliant!
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