I couldn't find a good photoshop picture of Suzette so I picked what celebrity she resembled the most, and that would be Grimace
Finally, Suzette is gone. I have disliked her since day one, and I am glad the entire house has felt the same way. Unless your name is Stone Cold Steve Austin you have absolutely no business saying "Hellll yeeahhhh", and her other catch phrase "Hey boyzzzzzzzzz" was just as horrible. Basically what Emmett said at the POV ceremony and throughout his diary room sessions is exactly what I felt. Whining the whole time about missing your family and making everyone try to feel sorry for you is the last thing you should do in the Big Brother house. I don't have kids, or a significant other so I don't know what that would be like to be separated from them, but she knew exactly what she was getting into when she auditioned for, and for some god forsaken reason got chosen to be on the show. That being said, her exit interview with
My boy Peter is definitely running the show. That may be the only correct thing Suzette has said in her entire life. Don't get me wrong, I kind of think Peter is a loser too, the way he shouts in the diary room is as annoying as fuck, plus, he had the chance to eat steak and lobster and he opted for a baked potato?? What the fuck is the matter with you?!?!? He probably didn't even put butter and sour cream on it. I can accept making the Shield sign when you're making your eviction vote, but the fucking elastic you got from Liza too?? You should be ashamed of yourself, and you will feel shame once you go back and watch all the episodes. That being said, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that The Shield is going to be the final 2. Alec already winning $10K helps Peter's chances of winning the whole thing. Speaking of the Shield, Alec, what's with the Miami Marlins gear? Nobody is wearing sports gear in the house, not even from the NHL but he asks for Miami Marlins stuff and he gets it?? Disgusting, I am going to enjoy Jose Reyes, Mark Buerhle and Josh Johnson this season, Go Jays! (PS I am going to have my first of many Jays blogs posted on Opening Day this Tuesday). That whole Diary Room scene where Alec and Peter were imitating each other was hilarious, and good on Alec for calling him out for screaming in the DR. The Shield is good this week, considering Topaz won HOH and Alec is closely aligned with her, but more on that later.
Peter may be my choice to win, but Andrew has emerged as my favourite house guest, and I would be thrilled for him to prove me wrong and win the entire game. Andrew is a Newfie, and even though I live in London Ontario and was born and raised in Hamilton I still consider myself somewhat of a Newfie. My grandfather fought in World War Two in the Royal Newfoundland Regiment (Newfoundland wasn't a part of Canada then, but you knew that), and he met my grandma during the war in England, and after the war, as a 19 year old war bride she moved to Newfoundland. My Mom and my aunt and uncles were all born in Newfoundland, so I identify with Newfiedom. Andrew is hilarious, his bromance with AJ had been one of the highlights this season for me. As far as AJ is concerned I have kind of grown to like him too, although I find him speaking in the third person to be revolting. Andrew and AJ are older perverts and that is exactly what I would be in a house full of women in their 20's. Topaz, Talla and especially Jillian are all attractive, and AJ oogling them is exactly what I would be doing if I was in his position. I think Andrew and AJ can float to safety for the next few weeks.
So Sleeping Beauty won HOH, I was really rooting for Talla to win, however I don't know what the hell she would have done with it. With Topaz winning, we know that Gary and Alec are safe for sure, and if Alec is safe, Peter is safe. If they had any brains whatsoever they would go after Emmett and Jillian. Speaking of Emmett and Jillian I thought their random make-out session during the POV competition was one of the worst things to ever happen in the history of Big Brother, and that includes living through two seasons of Brenden and Rachel. Emmett and Jillian are very good players, Gary has already made a power move in this game, and I think he will influence Topaz to make one this week, that being said, she could go after Alec and Peter on his advice, and then I'll have egg on my face. I predict Jillian and Emmett are going to go on the block, and Emmett is going to be the first member of the jury house.
Ugh, just as I was finishing this blog, I check my Facebook and Big Brother announces yet another twist. What the fuck does this mean anyway?? Turns out there is going to be a surprise eviction, for Christ's sakes enough with the fucking twists already. PS that's Sean "Mr. Sparkle" Markle's update above that message, he banned me from Facebook and blocked me on Twitter for a while because along with his friend Greg McGill we bashed his tweets pretty good. I do love his tweets, however and was hurt when I was banned. I'm off track again....I don't know what in the blue fuck is going to happen now, hopefully Emmett is still gone.
That's it for my Big Brother thoughts this week, like I mentioned earlier I am going to have a Blue Jays post coming on Tuesday and as usual my Big Brother thoughts next Thursday or Friday. Stay tuned!!