Thursday, April 02, 2015

Big Brother Canada 3 Week 2 Thoughts

While Cindy with an S was annoying and conceited, at least she actually played the fucking game.  She did well in competitions and did a great job scheming, but unfortuneatly she was schemeing when Kevin was taking a dump and that sunk her game, and has potentially sunk the games of Naeha and Sarah as well.  I can totally see Cindy coming back into the game with this stupid Twistos Twist, she has already proven herself to be a competition threat and even without knowing who the other 2 houseguests competing to come back in I'd say she is the favourite.

Kevin in the HOH... here is a picture of him dressed up like Zach Rance from BB16 for Halloween, seems pretty appropriate! Like Zach from BB16 I've gone hot and cold with him so far this year.  At the very least he's interesting and unlike fucking Bobby he will have an interesting HOH.  As for his targets it's easy for me to say that Naeha and Sarah as he over heard them talking shit about him while he was taking a shit.  But I don't think he is that petty that he will automatically put them up, or have one of them be his for sure target, he could just use that as a decoy/excuse and go after someone else.  Of course there is the instant eviction, so it will be tough to call how the next week will transpire.

The one thing about Kevin though, put on a fucking shirt bud your nipples are so weird.  Every god damned diary room he is in he has his shirt peeled and I can't help but notice how weird his nipples are, they are in a weird spot on his man boob and they face directly down.  If Ashleigh's or Willow's nipple was exposed it would be considered obscene and would be censored, which is a fucked up double standard.  Please Global put a black bar over those two weird looking things before I fucking puke.

It's time for your boy to go out on a limb and make his pick.  My pick for the winner of Big Brother Canada 3 is Jordan.  Yeah he is another dork in a bowtie, but I have faith in his Newport alliance with boring Zach.  The only thing that concerns me is as we saw in that pool party luxury competition everyone else in the house thinks he has the best chance to win.  If these squids were smart they would target him.... but as we have seen time and time again Houseguests are as dumb as a box of smashed arseholes.  While he isn't in the ridiculous Chop Shop, he is pretty much a member by default because Zach told him about the alliance, and will know about all their moves.

Other Random Thoughts:

Naeha looks like Grumpy Cat.

I like the girls alliance of Grumpy Cat/Stinky Sarah and Brittnee.  Grumpy Cat and Stinky Sarah have both played solid games so far, but I think the Kevin shitting fiasco exposed them and they won't be long for the house.

Speaking of Stinky Sarah, what's the deal with not showering, that is gross as all get out.  She just looks like the type to have stink lines trailing her around the house like Pig Pen from the Peanuts cartoons.

What is Graig's major malfunction? First thing's first his name isn't Greg or Craig it's fucking Graig.  He's a complete cement head, you're 36 bud quit acting like you're 18, give up the dream and get a hair cut.  Prepare to be grossed out... he snapped one off while sharing a bed with Sindy, he said it "got weird" when she started to wake up.  Barf.

The "April Fool's" joke they played on the house was stupid.  I like a good prank as much as the next guy, but that was the producers meddling in the game for no reason.  I don't watch the feeds but I pick up a few things on Twitter, apparently that fight between Godfrey and Sindy was a lot bigger than they showed and really sealed Sindy's fate in the house.  There was a ton of paranoia and bullshit about that broken camera.  Big Brother can come up with a much better prank than that and not have it affect the game.

I am not sure why Global is hell-bent on cock-blocking Americans from watching Big Brother Canada.  We're allowed to watch BBUSA no problem up here, but Americans have to jump through hoops to watch BBCAN.  They can't just go on the BBCAN website and watch the show as it's blocked, they need a VPN and some other nerd shit to watch.  Big Brother Legend and Friend of the Blog Evel Dick has been offering live streams for free on his website, but Global sent him a strongly worded letter to stop.  Give me a fucking break, they should be encouraging more people to watch not trying to shut them out.  Give your head a shake Global.

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