Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Big Brother Canada 3 Week 9 Thoughts

Uhhhhh... did anyone else know tonights episode was starting at 7?? Was this once ever mentioned in ANY broadcast?? Maybe I just didn't hear, but luckily my TV was on Global when I turned it on around 7 and the show was just starting.  Julie Chen would've reminded us for weeks about a scheduling change but I don't think Arisa Cox mentioned it once.

So Zach the Twitter troll is gone.  While I am pretty hard on (huh h- huh huh hard-on) the houseguests on this shitty blog that's about the extent of it.  I am not about to call them a "bitch" or a "pussy" like some Grade 8 dullard on Twitter, that's just pathetic.   That being said Peter was a terrible Big Brother player and is even more annoying now trying to squeeze the 15th minute out of his so-called fame, and Zach did play a way better game than Peter.

I never liked Zach, he is boring as fuck and doesn't seem like the kind of guy I would want to hang out with in real life.  And what was with those ridiculous soliloquies he's been dropping lately, he had that bizarre one about diapers and shit tonight, and then this stupid "I love you maaaan" speech at eviction.  Get the fuck back to boring assed Saskatchewan where you can watch your dog run away from home for days at a time

Peeleee (or Peanut Brain Potatohead as EvelDick has taken to calling her) was next to go, did anyone notice the the house wasn't phased at all when Arisa said it was a Double Eviction?  They've gotten so used to having a stupid twist thrown at them every god damned week.

I am happy that Peelee is gone, she offered absolutely nothing to the show.  She was absolutely brutal at everything, yes she did win an HOH but that was luck, and she dropped out of more challenges than she won.

That being said from a strategic standpoint it was pretty stupid for Brittnee to evict Peeeeleeeeeee over Godfrey.  Don't get me wrong I am happy that Godfrey is staying, but at this point you got to have your eye on the prize and sitting next to Peeeleeee in the final 2 all but assures your victory.  Imagine Peeleeee stumbling her way through Finale?? It would be 100 times worse than VaGinaMarie.

It's actually tough for me to pick a winner out of the Final 4.  I want Godfrey to win, but I think it'll be either Sarah or Brittnee.  If it comes down to Sarah and Brittnee in the Final 2, it may come down to the wire with Jury Votes.  I think Brittnee should win out of her and Sarah, she has won more competitions, she won the superpower which changed the game and she escaped the block 5 times.  That's not to say Sarah has been shit, she has played an amazing social game and was never really in danger once.  That being said if Sarah or Brittnee go up against either Godfrey or Ashleigh in Final 2, either of them would win in a landslide. 

Other Random Thoughts:

Ashleigh hasn't been completely useless lately, good for her! But I am afraid it is too little too late, a couple of late wins against little competition doesn't make up for a season of utter uselessness.

That Big Brother rap..... let's just pretend that never happened.

That HOH was competition was absolutely disgusting, I couldn't imagine having hundreds of fucking worms being blown at you.  That is giving me the heebeejeebees thinking about it.

Willow is fucked... what is her deal??  Did Sarah ever tell her that she had a boyfriend that she has been with for years?  These people get psychiatric care paid for them after the show right?

HOH hasn't been decided yet, if you want to be spoiled I usually get my spoilers from 

I DID notice this time about the scheduling change, the Finale is on at 8 next Wednesday when the winner gets a Hundo Grand and a lifetime supply of Twistos.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And it's not like Sarah orchestrated her leaving or planned it way in advance ... Assclowns.... It was a heat of the moment thing - maybe if she'd not dismissed Queen B so easily , she could be having her psychotic episodes INSIDE the house!!!