Thursday, August 13, 2015

Big Brother 17 Week 7 Thoughts

OK what the fuck just happened??  Steve quite possibly made the worst move of the season thus far.  What a fucking doorknob.  I knew you shouldn't trust nerds, there is a good fucking reason why nerds are my mortal enemy.

Why on Earth did he put up Meg and Jackie? I am trying to think about his reasoning and I am drawing blanks.  I am not sure if he was planning on back-dooring someone but fuck the Double Eviction episode is not the god damn time to get cute with nominations, you have your target in mind and you put them up immediately.  If he was targeting "the other side" why didn't he go after James?  Why didn't he put up the fucking twins? Vanessa? What a completely stupid decision.

Steve clearly over-thought this, like my man Johnny Mac said nobody was targeting him, nobody thought this fucking nerd was in the house until two weeks ago.  I don't get this kids fucking deal, he talks to himself and dances around like a Jerry's Kid.  He shouldn't be allowed to leave his house let alone appear on national television.  Someone evict this dork as soon as possible.

How in the fuck did Vanessa survive this week?? As far as I am concerned she is playing a terrible game, and looked to be good as gone, and yet there she is.  With the double eviction they didn't really have time to explain how she managed to pull it off, and I really don't follow the live feeds as much as I used too (I got a lot on my plate - school, the OHL, my record deal).  They almost need to use the whole Sunday show to explain what went on in that house between Veto and the Double Eviction.

Vanessa looked down and out, but if she can remain emotionally stable (something that is clearly a challenge for her) she could pull off the win this season.

As for the evictees this week... meh.  I really don't care that either of them are gone, plus I think they both have a good shot of coming back in the house.  I am sure they'll wait another two weeks and have 4 evicted houseguests compete to come back in, obviously we don't know who the other two are but despite who it is both Shelli and Jackie have proved to be good at competitions and have a chance to get back in.

Other Random Thoughts:

No idea when they are going to do HOH, I'm sure it'll happen at some point tonight, I'll post spoilers in the morning if they do. UPDATED WITH SPOILERS

Apparently Austwins are celebrating this "victory" for them.  Vanessa somehow stayed safe, and they are still flying through.  I am starting to really dislike Liz, Julia seems to be the normal one.  Plus Liz is actually falling for Austin?  Gag me with a fucking spoon.

WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T STEVE PUT UP THE TWINS.  Seriously I still can't get over that, it's completely god damned absurd.

Everyone on Twitter is saying the momentum has swung in favor of the remaining "6th Sense" losers.  I don't think that is necessarily true.  If fucking Johnny Mac and Steve stop playing the middle and they actually go after these assholes then they're done.

I really don't like Becky much... I don't hate her as much as my buddy Bobbo who texted me "I wish the train had finished her off" but I really don't like her... not that I like Vanessa either, but fuck everyone except Johnny Mac, James and Meg at this point.

Tough to predict what happens next week.  If one of Vanessa, Austin or the Twins wins HOH I am sure James is their target.  If someone else wins, hopefully the twins go up with either Austin or Vanessa as a back door target.

Liz wins HOH.... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck, this sucks that means Austin and Liz making gross whoopee in the HOH room, that means Vanessa is safe too.  I think Johnny Mac isn't too much longer for this game now.  He is a Veto champ, but I see them putting up James and Johnny Mac this week.

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