Friday, August 30, 2013

Big Brother 15 Week 9 Thoughts

I'm sorry that this is a bit late, I left the power cord to my laptop at work, and this piece of shit computer is lucky to get about 10 minutes of battery time before it needs to be charged.  But what an episode that was last night! Aaryn's actual eviction was one of the craziest I've ever seen in all my years of watching Big Brother.  I actually went back and watched it again, it was just as awkward and uncomfortable to watch the second time around! The first thing I noticed was the audience reaction was one of the most subdued ever, usually everyone gets a big round of applause, but Aaryn barely got any applause and there was a few boos thrown in for good measure.  Then there was the interview, Julie Chen threw her some soft ball questions at first - the usual shit, then WHAM, she confronted her about the racist comments, and of course Aryan denied everything, saying it was a southern stereotype etc., then the Chenbot actually read her some of her more famous quotes.  Aryan was really painted into a corner and was obviously gobsmacked and didn't know what hit her, the audience even laughed at her answers. She seemed apologetic, claiming she loved Helen and Candice and everyone else and then she went on how everyone in Texas makes jokes like that.  Julie Chen really didn't hold anything back on her, and good for the Chenbot, this was big news this season when it happened, it would've looked bad if they didn't say anything.  Still I kind of felt bad for Aaryn because she has been the scapegoat for all the racist stuff this season when VaGinaMarie, Spencer, Amanda, Jeremy have all made derogatory remarks and nothing was said about that. Aaryn did deserve that Julie Chen smackdown, but so do the rest of them!  Bottom line is Julie Chen is a powerful woman, do not fuck with her.

Amanda is crazy.  I'm not just making things up or over-exaggerating things like I always do, I honestly thing she is mentally unstable.  I really didn't mind Amanda at first and even in recent weeks when everyone started hating her, I didn't hate her as strongly as everyone else I know did, I thought she was playing a good villain, but now I am with everyone else, she is truly an awful person and needs to be given the heave-ho.  Really the producers should have kicked her out by now.  How many times did she physically threaten Elissa?  That whole thing where she "tortured" her was brutal, she was nothing more than a bully, and ultimately it is going to lead to her exit from the game. Wasn't in awful when she gave Spencer, Andy and McCrae shit for not torturing Elissa either, threatening them with being "her next target" if they talk or be nice to her? Believe me I am no Elissa fan but nobody deserves to be treated like that.  She has been in charge pretty much the whole game and all the "power" has clearly gone to her head. There is a rumour on the Twitter that Amanda is actually good friends with Alison Grodner (the executive producer of the show) and that production pre-determined that she would be the winner.  You can read all about that by here  That's probably why they haven't showed any of the racist things Amanda has said on air, being friends with the Executive Producer clearly has its perks.  She is honestly bi-polar, one minute she is acting like this mega-bitch the next she is crying because she lost a competition.  I think McCrae has to be wondering what he got himself into, he does try to stop her from stirring up trouble and gets mad at her for it, but other than that he is still pretty whipped.  Now for who won HOH.......

Holy shit VaGinaMarie won HOH and I could not be happier!  I have been a bit hard on her this season, but she has kind of grown on me.  She is still batshit crazy with the whole Nick thing, but she has made me laugh quite a bit recently.  I kept up with the live feeds from last night and today, and it is pretty much assured that she will nominate Amanda and McCrae, thank fuck!! If that happens I honestly think Amanda is going to have a nuclear meltdown.  As soon as GM won HOH, Amanda was right in her ear telling her to nominate Elissa for evicting Aaryn, calling Elissa a bitch and shady, the whole 9.  Last night in the HOH room Amanda goes to GM and says that she wants her McCrae and Andy to be Final Four, and GM was like "oh for sure."  Then Amanda started crying because she says she misses Aaryn, GM went to hug her then rolled her eyes at the camera.  When Amanda left the room, GM looked at the camera and said "She's fucking crazy!! She's going up!!"  I guarantee they'll show that on Sundays episode.  That signaled GM's face turn for me.  Amanda and McCrae are convinced GM is going to put up Elissa and Judd, they are going to be blind-sided at the nomination ceremony and Amanda will go apeshit, I am not doing anything tonight so I am going to watch that free live feed site that my cousin hooked me up with to see the fireworks.

It's easy for me to pick now, but fucking Andy is going to win this game.  The Exterminators will be Final 4, and if he goes to Final 2 with either Spencer, Judd or GM, he'll win the whole god damned thing.  I'd much rather Judd win but my money is on Andy to win the whole thing.....ugh.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Big Brother 15 Week 8 Thoughts

It's no secret that I can't stand Helen, and I was thrilled when she was evicted, but I can't really celebrate because she is now in a competition to get back in the house.  I will honestly shit bricks if Helen gets back in, by the time I finish writing this the competition may be over, but until then I have no clue.  But still Helen is the worst, the fucking crying, the motivational speeches and pep talks, "doing a crazy dance", the fact that she rambles on and on and doesn't shut up. Seriously if her speech before the eviction was at the Oscars she would have got the wrap it up music for sure.  Her sidekick Elissa is no better, her permanent duck face and talking like she is fucking stoned all the time.  I hated her whole stunt where she said she was going to leave the show completely if she went to jury, what a fucking baby.  Plus I read on the live feeds that she said was "Big Brother Royalty" and that production will do whatever they can for her to stay because she is Rachel's sister.  She's awful.

That being said I have absolutely nothing good to say about the 3AM alliance either.  Holy piss everyone left this season sucks.  Andy is such a little squealer/tattletale if someone farts in one room I am sure Andy goes running to Amanda telling her exactly who ripped it.  Aaryn is a racist nut job as we all know, I am so sick of her winning these competitions then doing exactly what others want her too and always saying "I was pushed into a corner" blah blah blah.  Give me break, plus she is fucking dumb, I read on the live feeds that she took a big swig of nail polish remover thinking it was water.  McCrae, I really don't hate strongly, but he still sucks, take a fucking shower for once in your life.  I think McCrae would have been way better this season if he wasn't leashed to Amanda.  Speaking of Amanda, pretty much everyone I talk to about the show hates her as much as I hate Helen.  I can't stand Amanda either, she is cocky as fuck, but she has controlled the game thus far, and if she ends up in the final 2 she deserves to win the $500K.  Amanda is kind of like Rachel, she is a hypocrite and is a big fucking baby when she doesn't get her own way, but Rachel ended up winning, and I think Amanda has a very good chance to this year.

So my cousin hooked me up with a site where you can watch the feeds for free and I am watching the HOH/Jury Re-Entry contest now.  PS you can watch it here at The shitty thing is producers keep fucking around, they'll show a few minutes of competition then cut to trivia questions.  So far Spencer, McCrae, Andy, and Jessie are gone.  This competition is so stupid, it is taking forever they only fire balls at them every 4-5 minutes or something. I am tired now and want to go to bed but I can see myself staying up to watch this.  I hope to god Elissa doesn't win, I really want Judd to come back in the house and for him to win HOH, at least he is one contestant I like.  If I don't fall asleep I'll post the results tonight, if not I will tomorrow morning (in case you don't know how to look it up yourself hahaha)


Judd is back in the house!!! Now it's down to who wins HOH


Fuck!! Elissa won HOH....I just really don't like Elissa, but I think she will put up Amanda and McCrae which should make for some good TV.  My prediction is Amanda is gone.....uhhhh so much for writing earlier that I think she'll win the whole game. 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Big Brother 15 Week 7 Thoughts

So in yet another predictable move, a unanimous vote sends Jessie packing.  Whoopdee-Fuck.  Up until tonight's episode she has done absolutely nothing interesting in the house.  The fights tonight at least made things interesting and it exposed Helen for the fraud that she is.   By the way what the fuck was with that little shimmy dance she did when she voted to evict Jessie, that was so fucking awkward.  Anyways, good riddance Jessie thanks for offering next to nothing all season.

hate hate hate hate

I hate everyone left in this miserable cast. This house sucks.  They have been so predictable thus far "going with the house" instead of shaking things up.  Plus as we all know they are deplorable people in real life, especially VaGinaMarie.  I guess just because they were given psychiatric tests before the show, that doesn't mean they passed them. I was quite shocked tonight when Julie Chen - who appeared to be wearing a burlap sack, seriously she looked like the fucking Paper Bag Princess - called out the house for not making any big moves and and for playing it safe...Helen then shit out some nonsensical answer that I barely paid attention too, but still I can't believe she basically told them all they're a bunch of assholes and horrible Big Brother players.  That being said something HAS to happen, the "3 AM Alliance" is gonna butt heads with Helen and Elissa soon.  This match is hard for me, it's like when the Montreal Canadiens play the Ottawa Senators in hockey, I hate both teams so equally that I can't bring myself to pick a favourite and I hope they just mutually self-destruct.  That being said if I had a gun to my head and had to choose I would rather the 3 AM alliance take out Helen and Elissa, I can't stand either of them. 

Isn't that picture creepy as all fuck...seriously gives me the heebie jeebies, and I am not even talking about the clown.  Aaryn the Aryan is a 4 time HOH, you got to give credit where it's due, she has been pretty good at competitions this year, but is she actually going to take control of her HOH?? When she was first HOH way back when Jeremy (remember that turd?) controlled her HOH, and Helen has controlled her last two.  My prediction is that she nominates Spencer and Elissa.  If she knew what was good for her she'd put up Helen and Elissa, you can't always count on veto, so they shouldn't plan on backdooring her, just put up those two wenches and be done with it.  A plan to evict Helen can be pulled out without a hitch....but because of the stupid fucking twist she could walk right back into the house.

They pulled this stunt on Big Brother Canada, and I wasn't a fan of it then, and I'm not a fan of it now, at least this time the Jury House members compete to get back in.  The only one I want back in would be Judd, but if Helen gets evicted and turns around and walks right back in I'll shit bricks.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

REVIEW: McLobster

I think it's time for a little break from my Big Brother reviews, I haven't done a food review in a while, and believe it or not since I moved to Kingston at the beginning of May I have only been to McDonald's once, there really isn't a convenient location close to me, so don't worry I am not on some god forsaken diet.  McDonald's hasn't really rolled out anything new since my last review of the Jalapeno Angus Third Pounder, granted they had the QPCBLT but that doesn't fucking count.  Adding bacon, lettuce and tomato to a Quarter Pounder is a weak attempt at a new burger and it certainly didn't warrant a national ad campaign. You could have just added lettuce, tomato and bacon to a Quarter Pounder yourself, and besides the bacon who in their right mind would do that?? I've heard of the McLobster before, they've had it available in the Maritimes during the summer for years now, so when they rolled it out here in Ontario I thought it was something I would have to try.  Overall I give it a solid "meh" it wasn't blind-blowingly good, but it wasn't unedible like the Grilled Cheese and Ketchup Lays chips I had yesterday that I was only able to stomach three handfuls of. 

Compare the photo I took and the advertisement, it looks nothing like the actual thing.  This really should come as no surprise as everything you get from any fast food place looks nothing like it does in the commercials.  Based on the ads, it looks like you get some hearty chunks of lobster, but that certainly was not the case.  I'm not really a huge lobster guy, if I ever go out for a fancy meal it's steak all day, I even live a stones throw from a Red Lobster and haven't stepped foot in the place.  That being said I do like lobster, but you certainly don't taste any nor do you get much of it in the McLobster.  

Now for the taste test, first things first the mix is cold, I was not expecting that, it threw me off right away.  The predominant taste is that of green onion...the bastard child of the onion family.  The whole thing ended up being like a lettuce, green onion and a watery mayo sandwich.  The sandwich was very bland, and could have really used some Frank's Red Hot or at the very least some salt and pepper.  If they knew what was good for them they would substitute that mayo with some Big Mac sauce, now there is a million dollar idea.  At $8.99+tax for a combo, this certainly was not worth the money, and I will most definitely not be ordering it again.  I do give McDonald's some credit for trying something different, but the McLobster fails to leave any sort of positive impression with me.

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Big Brother 15 Week 6 Thoughts

So, what the fuck just happened??  Holy shitballs what an action packed episode tonight.  First things first, we have Candice's eviction, and all that drama surrounding that.  Candice was annoying as fuck, and had ridiculous earrings, but I did feel bad for her, because she was an outcast, and if you read what happened in the live feeds, the other houseguests talked mad shit about her constantly.  Her argument with VaGinaMarie at her eviction speech was epic, fuck VaGinaMarie anyways, if she wasn't deplorable enough already, she goes "at least my Mom loves me" someone who is adopted, that is just plain mean.  Anyhoo, despite CBS wasting our time for the first 10 minutes teasing the possibility of Amanda's eviction everyone saw Candice's eviction coming a mile away.  What happened next shocked me.

Judd? Seriously? That bumbling redneck was the only houseguest left that I could actually tolerate.  What was Aaryn thinking?  I know it must've been difficult for her to nominate someone considering both black houseguests were evicted, but really this was her big game move?  Clearly she wasn't the one calling the shots, saying "she wanted to make the less waves possible" then she said that she was only doing it because she didn't want to get voted out.  I suppose she only had a few minutes to make her decision, and really I wouldn't have wanted to be in that position, but seriously fuck off with that noise, she won HOH she won POV, she may be a horrible person but that earns her the right to do what she wanted to do.  By the way remember when these idiots voted out Katelyn instead of Aaryn because they saw Katelyn as a bigger game threat, how many competitions has Aaryn won since then?  It's clear to me that (once again) fucking Helen controlled her HOH.

I mentioned last week that I am sick of Helen's act, and after this week I am especially sick of it.  While the rest of the sheep in the house went into the Diary Room and were crying like little wieners, she was all sassy when she evicted Judd.  After the eviction they showed Helen making one of her stupid fucking motivational speeches to Aaryn, staring at her with her cold ceiling eyes, from what I remember she was assuring her what a great she made for the house and how 'shifty' Judd was. I couldn't believe it, I actually yelled 'Fuck Off!!" at my TV screen...then I realized how sad and dumb that was hahahaha.  By the way, have you noticed whenever Helen celebrates something she looks like she is having a fucking seizure.  Seriously she starts shaking like Michael J. Fox (wow a Downs Syndrome and a Parkinson's Joke in the same blog, I'm going to hell)  But still, we won't know until Sunday what was actually said to Aaryn, (especially with the god damned audio cutting out every two seconds on the show tonight because people were saying naughty words) but it sounds like Helen threatened her with eviction if she didn't do what she told her to.  Why is she listening to Helen anyways, I thought she was racist?? This house is gonna have to start turning on each other soon, I think Amanda and Helen are going to be butting heads sooner rather than later.

Speaking of Amanda, what the fuck is her problem?  Her act wore on me very quickly, at first I didn't mind her, now I can't stand her.  Her obsession with getting Howard out started it, but her subsequent fights with Jessie and then Candice really sealed it for me.  You can tell McCrae is getting sick of it too, but he's not about to do anything about it, because ol Tuglord is whipped badly.  The fight with Candice was ridiculous, she totally started it and kept it going, but according to her did absolutely nothing wrong.  I thought for a split second that Aaryn was going to have the guts to backdoor her, but I think Amanda had some influence on Judd going home, considering she was convinced that he was MVP and wanted her gone, when in fact it was ALL of America!  Like I mentioned I think her and Helen are going to butt heads eventually being the 2 people that are actually running the show, but Amanda is such a god damned hot head, I can see ol' ceiling eyes Helen prevailing, and actually winning the whole game.. ugh  But as you all know my predictions are absolutely useless.

I actually don't like anyone left in this house, especially Spencer. In case you didn't hear Spencer made some jokes about child pornography in the house....yeah kiddie porn jokes.  He was whispering into McCrae's microphone (pretending to be McCrae) saying how he likes to beat off to kiddie porn, if that wasn't uncomfortable enough he kept going, saying especially if it's with 4 or 5 year olds.  Yeah.  That was his idea of hilarity.  The local police back in Deliverance or whatever Buttfuck redneck town he is from actually investigated it.  It's kind of funny how he gave a shout out to his employers at the Railroad Track, little does he know he won't have a job when he gets back!  I can't believe how dumb these people are, you're filmed 24/7 and your current and potential future employers are going to see this shit.  They all deserve to be unemployed after this debacle of a season.

One good thing about tonight's episode is how pissy Julie Chen got with the houseguests during the HOH competition.  I was having a good laugh about it, screaming THAT'S LOCKED IN!!! and SETTLE DOWN!!  Julie Chen doesn't have any time for their bullshit, her getting sassy with the house is the highlight of my week usually.  What was lost in this whole episode is she hinted something about people in the jury house still being a part of the game.  What does this mean?  At first I thought that the Jury House would either nominate the MVP or put up the 3rd nomination, but that theory was quickly crushed when they announced the end of the MVP twist.  I can see a Jury Member coming back into the house....ughhhhhhhhh.  They did that on Big Brother Canada with fucking Gary Glitter, so I can see them doing it here.  I think that is a bullshit twist, once you're evicted you are out, you shouldn't be allowed back into the house....unless it's Judd coming back in, then that would be OK, considering everyone else in the house are a bunch of losers.

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Big Brother 15 Week 5 Thoughts

This house sucks.  They are all a bunch of sheep who don't realize that fucking Amanda and Helen are running shit... or they do realize and don't have the balls to do anything about it. I hate them all going into the diary room and saying "sadly I vote for {insert who Helen and Amanda want out here}  Give me a fucking break.  I don't understand why Amanda was so hellbent on voting Howard out anyways, Amanda kept on saying he was shady, but what exactly did he do???  He lied about being in the Moving Company, big fucking deal.  He was loyal to his alliance to the end, and he is shady for that?  Plus everyone kept saying he is a physical threat, the guy didn't win a single god damned competition, in fact when he tried to purposely throw a competition to get Aryan and VaGinaMarie to be have not's, he fucked it up!!  I liked Howard too, he was one of the few people I actually tolerate, the preachy hyper-religious stuff was a bit much, and some of his speeches didn't make any sense, but he seems like a stand up dude.  He even took the high road when Julie Chen asked him about the racist bullshit that's been happening in the house.

Preach on Evel Dick.  Before this season and in the opening episode we were promised a season of no floaters, and that could not be farther from the truth.  I suppose they aren't so much floaters but they are just sheep that are just "voting with the house" and by "voting with the house" they are doing what fucking Helen and Amanda want, and I am sick of it.  I stood up and applauded tonight when Spencer stood up to Amanda and told her to shut up and told her he didn't give a shit what she said.  Granted Spencer is a bit of a douchebag himself but someone had to finally stand up and put her in her place.  Seriously though, this cast sucks.  Andy going and squealing to Amanda like a kid in Grade 3 about Spencer and Howards plans to evict her.  Helen tattle-taling about every conversation she has.  These people are deplorable and they are all playing awful games.

I, for one am sick of Helen's act, it's so obvious her and Amanda are running shit right now, and everyone are pawns in their game.  Someone for the love of god make a big game move and get her and Amanda out.  If America had any sense whatsoever they would put up either Helen or Amanda again as the 3rd nominee, but as we all know Americans don't have that much sense.  I think Aryan will be America's nomination again, they are still pushing the racist angle, and this week she was in the HOH room, saw Candice and her ridiculously ugly earrings on the big screen and said "hey Aunt Jemima, go make me pancakes".  Don't get me wrong, Candice is pretty annoying too, especially the "house meeting" shit tonight, but there is no excuse for the racial stuff.  Rumor on the Twitter is Aryan's (wealthy) family has hired a PR firm to create a bunch of fake "Pro Aaryn" twitter accounts, she obviously is convinced she has done nothing wrong even though it has been caught on tape multiple times.  Oh well, she'll have a great career with the KKK or Fox News when she is out of the house.  I really don't like anyone on this cast, actually that hillbilly Judd is still alright, even though his Mom looks like she got hit in the face with a frying pan.

STOP READING NOW IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE SPOILED.  As of this second that I am writing this Jessie, McCrae and VaGinaMarie are remaining in the HOH comp.  I hate VaGinaMarie but her winning would be kind of funny...she would "make these cock-a-roches pay!!! FUH NICK!!"  Tuglord will just do whatever Amanda tells him too, and Jessie is a bit of a wildcard.  I'll predict McCrae ends up winning this, puts up Spencer and Candice, and Aaryn will be the 3rd nominee.  Spencer will end up being the first of the double evictions next week.

At least things tonight were a little interesting...someone needs to make some big moves quick, because this season, after getting off to a quick start is starting to be crap.