Saturday, August 10, 2013

REVIEW: McLobster

I think it's time for a little break from my Big Brother reviews, I haven't done a food review in a while, and believe it or not since I moved to Kingston at the beginning of May I have only been to McDonald's once, there really isn't a convenient location close to me, so don't worry I am not on some god forsaken diet.  McDonald's hasn't really rolled out anything new since my last review of the Jalapeno Angus Third Pounder, granted they had the QPCBLT but that doesn't fucking count.  Adding bacon, lettuce and tomato to a Quarter Pounder is a weak attempt at a new burger and it certainly didn't warrant a national ad campaign. You could have just added lettuce, tomato and bacon to a Quarter Pounder yourself, and besides the bacon who in their right mind would do that?? I've heard of the McLobster before, they've had it available in the Maritimes during the summer for years now, so when they rolled it out here in Ontario I thought it was something I would have to try.  Overall I give it a solid "meh" it wasn't blind-blowingly good, but it wasn't unedible like the Grilled Cheese and Ketchup Lays chips I had yesterday that I was only able to stomach three handfuls of. 

Compare the photo I took and the advertisement, it looks nothing like the actual thing.  This really should come as no surprise as everything you get from any fast food place looks nothing like it does in the commercials.  Based on the ads, it looks like you get some hearty chunks of lobster, but that certainly was not the case.  I'm not really a huge lobster guy, if I ever go out for a fancy meal it's steak all day, I even live a stones throw from a Red Lobster and haven't stepped foot in the place.  That being said I do like lobster, but you certainly don't taste any nor do you get much of it in the McLobster.  

Now for the taste test, first things first the mix is cold, I was not expecting that, it threw me off right away.  The predominant taste is that of green onion...the bastard child of the onion family.  The whole thing ended up being like a lettuce, green onion and a watery mayo sandwich.  The sandwich was very bland, and could have really used some Frank's Red Hot or at the very least some salt and pepper.  If they knew what was good for them they would substitute that mayo with some Big Mac sauce, now there is a million dollar idea.  At $8.99+tax for a combo, this certainly was not worth the money, and I will most definitely not be ordering it again.  I do give McDonald's some credit for trying something different, but the McLobster fails to leave any sort of positive impression with me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bastard child of the onion family hahahaha

For the record I have been adding lettuce and tomato to my QPs for CENTURIES.