Thursday, August 15, 2013

Big Brother 15 Week 7 Thoughts

So in yet another predictable move, a unanimous vote sends Jessie packing.  Whoopdee-Fuck.  Up until tonight's episode she has done absolutely nothing interesting in the house.  The fights tonight at least made things interesting and it exposed Helen for the fraud that she is.   By the way what the fuck was with that little shimmy dance she did when she voted to evict Jessie, that was so fucking awkward.  Anyways, good riddance Jessie thanks for offering next to nothing all season.

hate hate hate hate

I hate everyone left in this miserable cast. This house sucks.  They have been so predictable thus far "going with the house" instead of shaking things up.  Plus as we all know they are deplorable people in real life, especially VaGinaMarie.  I guess just because they were given psychiatric tests before the show, that doesn't mean they passed them. I was quite shocked tonight when Julie Chen - who appeared to be wearing a burlap sack, seriously she looked like the fucking Paper Bag Princess - called out the house for not making any big moves and and for playing it safe...Helen then shit out some nonsensical answer that I barely paid attention too, but still I can't believe she basically told them all they're a bunch of assholes and horrible Big Brother players.  That being said something HAS to happen, the "3 AM Alliance" is gonna butt heads with Helen and Elissa soon.  This match is hard for me, it's like when the Montreal Canadiens play the Ottawa Senators in hockey, I hate both teams so equally that I can't bring myself to pick a favourite and I hope they just mutually self-destruct.  That being said if I had a gun to my head and had to choose I would rather the 3 AM alliance take out Helen and Elissa, I can't stand either of them. 

Isn't that picture creepy as all fuck...seriously gives me the heebie jeebies, and I am not even talking about the clown.  Aaryn the Aryan is a 4 time HOH, you got to give credit where it's due, she has been pretty good at competitions this year, but is she actually going to take control of her HOH?? When she was first HOH way back when Jeremy (remember that turd?) controlled her HOH, and Helen has controlled her last two.  My prediction is that she nominates Spencer and Elissa.  If she knew what was good for her she'd put up Helen and Elissa, you can't always count on veto, so they shouldn't plan on backdooring her, just put up those two wenches and be done with it.  A plan to evict Helen can be pulled out without a hitch....but because of the stupid fucking twist she could walk right back into the house.

They pulled this stunt on Big Brother Canada, and I wasn't a fan of it then, and I'm not a fan of it now, at least this time the Jury House members compete to get back in.  The only one I want back in would be Judd, but if Helen gets evicted and turns around and walks right back in I'll shit bricks.

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