Thursday, August 22, 2013

Big Brother 15 Week 8 Thoughts

It's no secret that I can't stand Helen, and I was thrilled when she was evicted, but I can't really celebrate because she is now in a competition to get back in the house.  I will honestly shit bricks if Helen gets back in, by the time I finish writing this the competition may be over, but until then I have no clue.  But still Helen is the worst, the fucking crying, the motivational speeches and pep talks, "doing a crazy dance", the fact that she rambles on and on and doesn't shut up. Seriously if her speech before the eviction was at the Oscars she would have got the wrap it up music for sure.  Her sidekick Elissa is no better, her permanent duck face and talking like she is fucking stoned all the time.  I hated her whole stunt where she said she was going to leave the show completely if she went to jury, what a fucking baby.  Plus I read on the live feeds that she said was "Big Brother Royalty" and that production will do whatever they can for her to stay because she is Rachel's sister.  She's awful.

That being said I have absolutely nothing good to say about the 3AM alliance either.  Holy piss everyone left this season sucks.  Andy is such a little squealer/tattletale if someone farts in one room I am sure Andy goes running to Amanda telling her exactly who ripped it.  Aaryn is a racist nut job as we all know, I am so sick of her winning these competitions then doing exactly what others want her too and always saying "I was pushed into a corner" blah blah blah.  Give me break, plus she is fucking dumb, I read on the live feeds that she took a big swig of nail polish remover thinking it was water.  McCrae, I really don't hate strongly, but he still sucks, take a fucking shower for once in your life.  I think McCrae would have been way better this season if he wasn't leashed to Amanda.  Speaking of Amanda, pretty much everyone I talk to about the show hates her as much as I hate Helen.  I can't stand Amanda either, she is cocky as fuck, but she has controlled the game thus far, and if she ends up in the final 2 she deserves to win the $500K.  Amanda is kind of like Rachel, she is a hypocrite and is a big fucking baby when she doesn't get her own way, but Rachel ended up winning, and I think Amanda has a very good chance to this year.

So my cousin hooked me up with a site where you can watch the feeds for free and I am watching the HOH/Jury Re-Entry contest now.  PS you can watch it here at The shitty thing is producers keep fucking around, they'll show a few minutes of competition then cut to trivia questions.  So far Spencer, McCrae, Andy, and Jessie are gone.  This competition is so stupid, it is taking forever they only fire balls at them every 4-5 minutes or something. I am tired now and want to go to bed but I can see myself staying up to watch this.  I hope to god Elissa doesn't win, I really want Judd to come back in the house and for him to win HOH, at least he is one contestant I like.  If I don't fall asleep I'll post the results tonight, if not I will tomorrow morning (in case you don't know how to look it up yourself hahaha)


Judd is back in the house!!! Now it's down to who wins HOH


Fuck!! Elissa won HOH....I just really don't like Elissa, but I think she will put up Amanda and McCrae which should make for some good TV.  My prediction is Amanda is gone.....uhhhh so much for writing earlier that I think she'll win the whole game. 

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