Friday, May 09, 2014

Big Brother Canada 2 Final Thoughts

The Goofy Newfie Jon is your winner of Big Brother Canada 2, winning a hundo grand, some shit from the Brick and a lifetime supply of Twistos.  Even though I had picked Neda to win, and I think she deserved to win, I am happy that Jon won.  I was actually a little surprised that he ended up cutting Neda and taking Slobrina to the final 2, it was obviously the right move but I thought he would've been loyal to Neda to the end.  Neda was obviously pissed but she would have done the exact same thing, and even said so herself.  It's a shame that Neda walks away with nothing and fucking Slobrina aka Slob aka Saburrito gets $20K.  I begrudgingly give her some credit to making it to the end, but that's only because everyone else thought they could beat her in final 2 and kept stringing her along.... and Jon's 6-1 victory proved that (only fellow Gremlin Rachelle voted for Slob).  I am happy that she will never be on my TV again.  If Jon had taken Neda to final 2 I think she would've won by a big margin.  They actually asked the Jury on some god awful morning show who they would've voted for between Jon and Neda and the majority put up their hand for Neda, so it looks like Jon made the right call! PS I can't believe both Jon and Neda had to ask Arisa Cox to repeat the question so many times in the third part of the HOH competition.  There is no way Julie Chen would have tolerated such shenanigans and she would not have repeated the question - don't fuck with the Chenbot.

Well that wraps up Big Brother Canada 2, all in all I thought it was a pretty good season, as much as I hate the Twistos Twists they aren't going away anytime soon, and we'll have to live with it, but ultimately Canada being the HOH back in Week 5 significantly altered the course of the season, and I don't like outside influences affecting the show.  Thankfully because of Slobrina's sheer awfulness Canada's jury vote didn't matter in the end, but if it was a Jon-Neda final it could well have.  There was no dominating showmance this season which is always a good thing....other than the little fling between Asshole Andrew and Alison, by the way I got major douche chills when Andrew was eye-fucking Alison for across the studio in the show last night.  They haven't announced if there is going to be a Big Brother Canada 3, or have given any indication one way or another, but I think it'll be back.  I have no idea what the ratings are, but I am sure they are decent for a Canadian show that's not on a major network.  Who knows I may even apply to be a houseguest... I don't exactly have a ton on my plate these days!  I usually follow the houseguests on Twitter after the show (follow me too! @HDH2112).  Most I unfollow almost immediately because they just re-tweet compliments, or are completely insufferable like Alec and Liza are from BBCAN1, but I still keep tabs on them through Twitter and it's kind of a neat little fraternity they have, they seem to get together all the time and party, I am not quite sure how they can all afford flying around North America to do so.  Who knows what will end up of these houseguests from BBCAN2, but I think Jon's going to go back to his buddies on the East Coast that are seen in the video below:

My beloved Julie Chen and Big Brother 16 will be back on June 25th, which is just a month and a half away!  Once again I'll be giving my weekly thoughts on that season...let's hope they aren't a bunch of racists and generally awful people like they were last year.  Until then I think I may write something up on the Blue Jays, and if McDonald's comes out with something new I'll have a review on that..... but you won't likely hear much from this blog until BB16.

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