Friday, May 02, 2014

Big Brother Canada 2 Week 8 Thoughts

Ugh, in an entirely predictable yet unfortunate move Adel has been evicted from the Big Brother Canada house.  I do see the logic in getting Adel out, he is the stronger player blah blah blah, but for fucks sakes Slobrina is slipping through the cracks, and she could well end up in Final 2 or even worse can win the whole bloody game.  I have to hand it to Adel, he was pretty down and out in the first part of the game, everyone he aligned himself with were eliminated...Paul, Kyle, Ika... yet he survived to make Final 5.  I liked Adel, his "Wake Up Canada" catch phrase got kind of annoying, but ultimately Neda made the call for him to go and he is in the jury house.

I guess the inevitable is happening with the Jon/Neda partnership.  They have to look out for number one sooner or later and I guess that time is now.  They are both in a position that if they go to Final 2 together the votes could go either way, which is why unfortunately that beast Sabrina is still in this game.  I want either Jon or Neda to win this game, I picked Neda to win way back in Week 2 (go back and read my week 2 post it's there!) so I want to be right (it doesn't happen often), but I won't be heartbroken if Jon wins.

Other Random Thoughts:

There was this to haunt your dreams... 

Of course fucking Twistos was all over that POV competition.  How much did this company pay to have their lousy product plastered all over Big Brother Canada?  Maybe Twistos will replace slop next season.

On the whole family/friends thing, I may sound cold-hearted but enough is enough with the fucking dramatics surrounding this.  They do this on every single Big Brother, you are going to see everyone in two weeks! They've only been apart since the start of March but they act like they've been apart for years.  Obviously I have never been cut off from my family for a long time so I don't know how I'd react.  I don't know who they'd bring out for me...maybe my Mom?  It would probably be my cat actually.  Most of what they had to give up was kind of whack.  Adel by far had to give up the most having to stay awake for 36 hours and he only got to see one of his idiot buddies.  Heather has to stay away from the HOH room? That's just lame.

I guarantee there has been more cliffhanger HOH's on this season of BBCAN than any other Big Brother in any other country ever and it is getting really fucking annoying.  They're not being clever or cute with these, especially when it is just a "before or after" competition like tonight.  When it was 9:55 and fucking Arisa Cox was still lobbing her softball questions I knew we were in trouble.  You know they will spend the first 15 minutes of Sundays show going over the HOH when we already know what happens.  Which brings us to........................ 

Holy puking shitting fucking puking fuck Slobrina won HOH.  I saw this coming 1000 miles away when Neda stupidly insisted on keeping her around because she is bad at competitions, well even a blind squirrel gets a nut sometimes you can never tell what will happen in these competitions.  They should have got her out when they had the opportunity (she's been on the block 6 fucking times) and now she is in Final 3.  Who knows what she does, I assume she'll put up Heather and Jon but what the fuck do I know.  In the end I still don't think she wins the game, it'll be like VaGinaMarie going to Final 2 in BB15.  If Slobrina ends up winning the game I will lose all faith in Big Brother and shit my pants at the same time.

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