Friday, April 25, 2014

Big Brother Canada 2 Week 7 Thoughts

The good news is the Gremlins have been split up, the bad news is Slobrina is still in the house.  While Rachelle offered very little this season, at least she was easy on the eyes.  While I am once again disappointed that we have to be plagued with another week of Slobrina, I see the Sloppy Seconds' point in getting out Rachelle.  Rachelle has at least won a competition or two, while the only thing Slobrina has won is the scorn of a nation.  This type of strategy annoys me even though I begrudgingly admit it is the correct one, keep stringing along the dead weight no matter how irritating they are because they can't win shit.  The worst part about this week is that had a Gremlins love montage before the eviction... ugh what a waste of my time.

This brings me to Adel's strategy.... PS bud if you're going to be making a dramatic speech with wild arm gestures you might want to check your shirt for pitters.  He says he is going to piss off every jury member in order for people to keep taking him to final 2, and then "explain himself" at the final episode.  I am not too sure about it... I suppose it could work, but if he is going up against either Jon or Neda, even Heather in Final 2 I don't think he has a chance of winning.... obviously if Slobrina slithers her way to the Final 2 he would easily beat her because she is awful at everything.

Other Random Thoughts:

Do I even have to mention how annoying Slobrina's meltdown was at this point?  Get her the fuck off my TV forever please.

I thought the strategy session with Jillian and Emmit from last year was a dumb idea, but it actually wasn't too bad watching it on TV, despite Emmit's continued insistence on wearing a god damned cowboy hat.  I still think Neda will win it all, and that advice might've helped give her a boost!

Speaking of Neda I love how over the shitty Twistos (tm) Twists she is... we all are, I hate how BBCAN thinks they need to shove twists down our throats to keep things interesting.  While I was happy when Asshole Andrew and Slobrina were put up as Canadas vote, it really derailed the game for the First 5, and I don't like how an outside influence changed the face of the game (even if it was to a result I like!)

The Veto Competition was awful, mainly because of the involvement of Alan Thicke and Peter.  It's bad enough the commercial for "Unusually Thicke" is on 17 times during each broadcast of Big Brother (the show looks absolutely awful too) then we had a cameo appearance by Thicke himself, has this dork done anything since Growing Pains?  I heard the house got to watch the premiere of the show.... did they lose a have-not competition?  Then that holier than thou dork Peter came sauntering out to host the competition.  Yeccch.  Last night on the side show they had a montage of Rachelle saying how cute he is (he has been drooling over Rachelle all season).  I am sure Rachelle's boyfriend was pumped about that.

Jon won HOH! Which all but assures that him and Neda will be in the Final 3... unless they do something untoward.  I wish I could report that Slobrina is the target.... she is not.  From what I have read this morning, they are going to target Heather for eviction, you know the same "strong player" argument they had to get Rachelle out.... ugh just get Slobrina out of the god damned house already before I got completely mental!

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