Friday, April 04, 2014

Big Brother Canada 2 Week 4 Thoughts

The First 5 alliance is dead, and I am very happy about that.  To nobodies surprise Canada nominated two of the most insufferable members of the First 5, Asshole Andrew and Slobrina, though I really wanted Sabrina out and still do I am certainly not going to shed any tears that Asshole Andrew is gone... he shed enough for all of us this past week!  Andrew really was a hot-headed dickhead, I couldn't believe it when he chewed out Heather, calling her a "dumb bitch" because she picked Adel over Kenny to be in the veto competition.... why should she do what he wanted?  He's a bully and with his exit ends the dreadful showmance between him and Allison, which thankfully has been the only one this season.  While it must've been a shitty feeling knowing that the whole country voted to evict you... he deserved it.

Ugh, as I mentioned I am happy Andrew is gone but I wish it was that Bootleg Kardashian Sabrina.  She has quickly become my most reviled houseguest.  I hate her waterworks, every two seconds she is in tears about something.  My cousin who "listens" to the live-feeds at work says that she is every bit as annoying on them as she is on the show.  I hate the sound of her voice too, I hate how she pronounces "A's" Ahhhhndrew, Caahhhhnahhhndaahhh and whatnot.  I thought it was funny when she was wondering aloud if Canada thinks she is a bitch - yes Slobrina, we do.

I think I have mentioned every week how much I like Jon Pardy.... how can you not love a Newfie who's last name is Pardy. His alliance with Neda and Adel is my favourite thing going in the house right now, I am hoping they use Arlie and Heather to pick off the remaining members of the First 5 (although I do like Kenny and Sarah still).  I said last week that Neda is my pick to win it all, but I hope that Jon wins!  By the way, when they showed the Newfie party on the Thursday episode with Jon, Allison and Kenny's friends and families, didn't Jon's girlfriend kind of look like Neda??  I can't be the only one who thought that....

Other Random Thoughts:

I know who won HOH but I will post the spoiler at the end of this...

I still think Arlie is completely mental, but he has actually grown on me recently.  I am glad he is the first one to turn his back on the ridiculous First 5 alliance... alliances should NOT be made off the bat, and for christs sake these idiots just walked in the house at the same time, that doesn't mean they should be a controlling alliance. I don't know why but he makes me laugh, and isn't that the whole point of watching any TV show is to be entertained?? He is entertaining to say the least, despite the fact that he belongs in the looney bin.

As I alluded to earlier I am disappointed in Allison's time in the house so far.  She had so much promise, being a Super-Fan from Newfoundland, but so far she has failed to live up to expectations, embroiling herself in that insufferable showmance with Andrew and then doing nothing of use so far.  I suppose it's early but I can see her being evicted soon, especially with the double eviction on the horizon.

Arisa Cox will never be Julie Chen, everyone and their dog knows that, but Christ all mighty enough with the bloody dramatic pauses.  When she revealed Canada's nominations on the Sunday episode what should've taken 90 seconds seemed like it took an hour and a half.  Just cut the bullshit already and give us the goods straight up Julie Chen stylez.

I hate comparing the USA version to the Canadian version, but there is certain stuff that happens on BBCAN that would never happen on BBUSA.  First things first, leaving the HOH competition hanging is ONLY meant for endurance competitions, not the shitty little 50/50 quizzes like we saw this past Thursday, and earlier this season when that dork Paul refused to go across the zipline.  Plus the buzzer malfunction on the episode last night?? How does that even happen!?!?! That was just embarrassing and made Big Brother Canada look budget.  Julie Chen wouldn't tolerate this shit and neither should you. 

So after we were left hanging in that ridiculous HOH comp, it was fucking Heather who ended up winning!  While I am glad it is not Sabrina, I find Heather to be quite annoying and the sooner she is gone the better.  That being said she has started to side with the people in the house that I want to win (Jon, Neda, Adel, Arlie) and that being said I think she SHOULD put up Kenny and Slobrina, but I think it will end up being Rachelle and Kenny.  With the Double Eviction happening next week who knows what will happen next, but with any luck Slobrina is gone!

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