Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Big Brother 15 Week 1 Thoughts

Now before I get into talking about what's happened in the actual game, I'd be remiss if I didn't talk about the controversy that's swirling around Big Brother right now.  Trusting, reliable news sources like uhhhh... TMZ and BuzzFeed are on the case that this years cast is amongst the most reprehensible they've had.  GinaMarie called being on welfare "n****r insurance", both GinaMarie and Aaryn told Helen the Asian to go make rice.  Spencer referred to Andy as "Kermit the Fag", and has defended Hitler.  The rest of the house has been saying other misogynist and homophobic remarks, you can find a whole break down here of what has been said.  GinaMarie has been fired from her job and Aaryn has been dropped by her modelling agency as a result of what is going on.  It's these morons own dumb fault, they know full well they are being filmed 24/7 and people on the internet with nothing better to do watch them 24/7, so any racist/homophobic/misogynist things they say should be held against them in real life.  What I find weird is CBS didn't put any of this on air, instead they show a fight over a fucking bottle of wine, they did send out a statement, saying houseguests views do not reflect those of CBS blah blah blah, but I think they chickened out by not addressing any of this on the show.  Usually I end up hating most of the houseguests because they end up annoying me, and they play a shitty game, this year I hate most of them because they are actually terrible people.  But hey, you can't spell Aryan without Aaryn.

So David the Dumbass is the first eliminated this year.  That guy is so fucking stunned, I don't think the guy even packed his bag.  That being said his stupidity was good for a laugh or two.  I must say that veto competition was hilarious, I didn't think anything would top Jeff's "Technotronics" from Big Brother 11, but he didn't even spell a word.  I guess asking David to spell a word is the same as asking a goldfish to climb a tree, so we shouldn't have expected much.

It's Elissa!

I actually felt a bit bad for Elissa this week, I think she has had a target on her back from day 1, being Rachel's sister and all.  It was obvious she was going to win MVP, which made the other catty girls in the house hate her. I am glad she finally fessed up to the house about it, continuing to lie about it when it's that obvious is stupid, telling people you were Gisele Bundchen's sister? Newfie please. So far she isn't anywhere close to being as annoying as Rachel, she must've got plastic surgery to remove that gene too.  Her speech before the eviction tonight was awful and cringe-worthy though, she should stick to playing her own game and quit bringing up Rachel's horrific catch phrases. I especially felt bad for Elissa after this incident...

This is another incident that CBS didn't bother touching.  That's Jeremy taking Elissa's hat and wiping it with his bare ass!  Holy fuck this guy is terrible person, the producers made him apologize, but he pretty much said he was only apologizing because he was told he had to. Worst of all he is banging the hottest girl in the house! Seriously this guy is a piece of shit, it's a shame he is part of the "Moving Company" alliance, whom I like. I can actually see Jeremy getting kicked out of the game by the producers for being such an asshole.

I like 3/5ths of the Moving Company so I guess that isn't bad.  The name is kind of stupid, it's not as stupid as the fucking Quack-Pack though.  I've already discussed how much I hate Jeremy, and Spencer likes Hitler and he looks straight out of Deliverance, but Nick, McCrae and Howard are cool in my books.  In fact, I am officially picking Nick to win the whole game.  He orchestrated Rocky Dennis' exit from the house, and I think he'll be running shit from here on out. 

PS what was up with the audio tonight?? Is CBS that concerned that a swear word would sneak through that you couldn't hear a word Julie Chen was saying?  That needs to be fixed and quick.

As of this second I don't know who wins HOH, so it's hard to predict what will happen in the coming week.  It's a long competition so I doubt we'll hear anything about it until around midnight.  I'll read the spoilers for sure though!  A reminder to everyone that they've changed the dates that the show is on, starting next week it will be on Sundays at 8, Wednesdays at 8 and Thursdays at 9.  Until next week, leave a message in the comment section or hit me up on twitter @didhenley if you want to talk more Big Brother!


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Quijibo - a damn bald North American Ape

Unknown said...

Good article. I love your writing style. :)

Unknown said...
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