Thursday, July 11, 2013

Big Brother 15 Week 2 Thoughts

I sure hope this is the last time this season I'm going to have to talk about it's bigoted houseguests.  In last week's post I put CBS on blast for not touching the racist comments of the houseguests when it has been widely reported on the internet.  Obviously the big shots at CBS read my blog because they brought it up on Sundays, and tonights episode.  I'm glad they did, especially since most people don't watch the live feeds (read: most people have jobs, lives etc.) and since the audience does have a role this year in choosing the MVP, the edits do mean something.  Holy shit did Aryan get thrown under the bus, and then run over with that bus.  She is in for a real rude awakening when she gets out in the real world.  It's obvious she really pissed off Julie Chen, doesn't she know how powerful she is??  It was hilarious tonight when the Chenbot was interviewing them all, and she was dropping hints that they are filmed 24/7 and there might be something they say that they would regret, and she specifically called out Aryan asking her if there was something she might have said (I don't remember the exact words, but you get my drift) and Aryan just sat there like a dumb little racist.  And PLEASE, her saying people calling her "blonde" and "Barbie" are the same as racial slurs.  Get your fucking head out of your ass, you ignorant twat.  That being said they only showed the shit that Aryan said, even though Spencer, Jeremy and VaGinaMarie have all said awful things, VaGinaMarie has been fired from her job too, and Spencers employers are saying they are "reviewing" his employment, yet they only paint Aryan to be the racist.  Aryan is a terrible player too, that troglodyte Jeremy won her HOH, and she kept going on about avenging David's exit...please, you guys were together in the house for a week, it's not like you were married.  Plus her whole "Triangle of Trust" alliance with Kaitlin and Jeremy is disgusting, the three of them slept in the HOH bed together, and Aryan would just lay there when they got busy,  she even complained to Kaitlin that they left a "stain" in the bed...ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww.  Anyways, enough racial bullshit because this season has actually been really good so far.

So I was dead wrong with my prediction last week that Nick was gonna start to run shit and win.  Get used to it folks, I am always wrong.  I am the guy who predicts the Leafs to win the Cup every year, and I haven't been right about that until 2014.  The Moving Company Alliance fell apart quickly, and is quite possibly the worst alliance in Big Brother history, maybe the Renegades in BB13 comes close, but these guys obviously weren't meant to last.  McCrae has his showmance with Amanda (PS good for him! If he can get ass there is hope for anyone!) and Jeremy is pretty much the worst.  I feel bad for Howard though, he was loyal to the MC until the end, hopefully that doesn't come back to bite him in the ass.  Despite his over-Jesusy persona I like Howard, I think he can regroup and make it far in the game. VaGinaMarie was certainly upset to see Nick go, even though he had no interest in her whatsoever, I think he was more interested in Andy's type if you get my drift....not that there is anything wrong with that!  So The Brigade remains the best alliance in BB history.

Enzo is the best

I must admit at the start of the season I did not want to like Elissa.  Rachel is easily one of my least favourite house guests ever, and I think it's bullshit that she was able to get on the show, and I think it's bullshit the the legions of "Brenchel" fans keep voting her for MVP.  She also talks incredibly slowly like she is on valium which is irritating.  All that being said she really isn't that bad, and I like her Super-Mom Alliance with Ceiling Eyes Helen.  I have to give mad props to Elissa for surviving the early onslaught against her, and for getting the house on her side.  She has played a really good game so far.  I was relieved when Helen won HOH tonight, I wanted her or Amanda to win it, but with Helen we can be assured that either Aryan, Kaitlin or Jeremy are gone this week.  Speaking of Jeremy....

He kind of looks like Quasimodo.  I really don't like him, no wonder the Moving Company collapsed with that clown in the picture bossing them around, I hate when players are convinced they are going to win every HOH and every competition.  I read on the live feeds that after he won veto he wore the veto medallion around his neck all day, that is both unsurprising and gross.  Unfortunately I can see him sticking around for a bit, but not too much longer.  As for who I think will be evicted next week, it's gotta be Aryan, and boy that interview with Julie Chen will be awwwwkkwwwwwarrrrrrrrrrdddd.

On a completely unrelated note, I found out McCrae's middle name is Tuglord....TUGLORD!! Now I know I am one to talk about having a different name, but really....McCrae Tuglord?  On second thought, I've been accused of being a Tuglord myself :(

So that's it for me this week, usually after I write one of these I think of about a million other things I should have put in this, but oh well.  As usual I leave my pitch to follow me on The Twitter @didhenley or leave a comment in the comment section, I love it when I get comments that aren't weird spam. 

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