Thursday, July 25, 2013

Big Brother 15 Week 4 Thoughts

Well good bye Kaitlin, despite your Uncle Leo eyebrows you were easy on the eyes.  It certainly didn't sound like she was going to go rushing back to Jeremy, maybe she clued in to what a giant turd he is.  Boy did Julie Chen ever give her a scathing exit interview, calling her Aryan and VaGinaMarie out for being "mean girls". It was actually kind of uncomfortable watching it, I can only imagine what Chenbot's interview with Aryan is going to be like when she's evicted.  But as we all know that's not gonna happen anytime soon...

So Aryan is the HOH...fuck her.  I can't believe that soulless wench has survived another week.  I was looking for another photoshopped picture of her (most of them were her in KKK robes or dressed up like a Nazi) but this one of her creeps me out, look at that awful look on her face, and is someone behind her or is that all her hair??  I think it's that dunce David behind her distracted by something shiny.  I thought it was quite telling when JC said tonight that America "overwhelmingly" voted for her to be the MVP's nomination this week, you can tell production hates her, so it will be interesting to see how this week plays out.  I think they were counting on someone else winning HOH, so that's why they made America the MVP again so Aryan would be nominated, buutttt if those idiots were planning on doing that at least make the HOH something besides being a dumb luck roulette game.  Speaking of the MVP twist, get the fuck rid of it.  Either leave it as it was originally intended or get rid of it all together.  I thought it was an alright idea for a twist at first but I'm over it.  As for who she puts up, she'll probably have everyone in the house up in the HOH room kissing her ass and campaigning for what is best for them, but I think Elissa will be her target, and thank god for that.  That being said, Helen and Elissa are tight, and Helen and Aryan had some kind of side deal going so that can keep her safe, but I think Helen is starting to realize what a liability Elissa is becoming.

I've had about enough of her, and if Aryan can't go home this week I certainly hope it's Elissa and her weird duck-bill collagen lips.  I felt sorry for her at first because she was being targeted hard by the so-called Mean Girls, but she finally showed that she was fucking Rachel's sister this week.  Purposely stirring up trouble, and threatening to quit the whole game when she was nominated and acting like a total psycho hose beast when she wasI thought she was going to pull a Rachel and go crying in the bushes.  It's pretty hard to pick a side in her feud with Aryan, both are deplorable.  Plus she was a total bee-otch to Amanda when she was giving Tuglord his birthday spankings. Granted she did look like a member of Kiss...

But seriously fuck Elissa.  I think she is as good as gone, if Aryan doesn't nominate her, I think America will, and remember she doesn't get to play in the veto competition this week.  BUT, I also think there is a good chance production will do what they can to keep her in the house...ugh.  As for Amanda, from what I've already read on the live feeds (don't worry no spoilers) she is already in Aryan's ear pushing hard for her to put up Howard.  She really needs to calm the fuck down on this, this is eventually going to come back and bite her in the ass.  I don't really know why she is so hellbent on getting Howard out.  If she wants Howard out that badly, how about try winning an HOH?  I like Amanda, but simmer down already, or the target is gonna be on yours and Tuglords back before you know it.

One last thought this week, that illiterate VaGinaMarie sucking back that Frozen Yogurt reminded me of the 3 seconds of 2 Girls 1 Cup I watched before vomiting everywhere.

That's enough for me this week, there really wasn't a hell of a lot of action this past week, hopefully it picks up a bit more next week, and with Aryan and Elissa butting heads I can totally see that happening!

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