Thursday, August 01, 2013

Big Brother 15 Week 5 Thoughts

This house sucks.  They are all a bunch of sheep who don't realize that fucking Amanda and Helen are running shit... or they do realize and don't have the balls to do anything about it. I hate them all going into the diary room and saying "sadly I vote for {insert who Helen and Amanda want out here}  Give me a fucking break.  I don't understand why Amanda was so hellbent on voting Howard out anyways, Amanda kept on saying he was shady, but what exactly did he do???  He lied about being in the Moving Company, big fucking deal.  He was loyal to his alliance to the end, and he is shady for that?  Plus everyone kept saying he is a physical threat, the guy didn't win a single god damned competition, in fact when he tried to purposely throw a competition to get Aryan and VaGinaMarie to be have not's, he fucked it up!!  I liked Howard too, he was one of the few people I actually tolerate, the preachy hyper-religious stuff was a bit much, and some of his speeches didn't make any sense, but he seems like a stand up dude.  He even took the high road when Julie Chen asked him about the racist bullshit that's been happening in the house.

Preach on Evel Dick.  Before this season and in the opening episode we were promised a season of no floaters, and that could not be farther from the truth.  I suppose they aren't so much floaters but they are just sheep that are just "voting with the house" and by "voting with the house" they are doing what fucking Helen and Amanda want, and I am sick of it.  I stood up and applauded tonight when Spencer stood up to Amanda and told her to shut up and told her he didn't give a shit what she said.  Granted Spencer is a bit of a douchebag himself but someone had to finally stand up and put her in her place.  Seriously though, this cast sucks.  Andy going and squealing to Amanda like a kid in Grade 3 about Spencer and Howards plans to evict her.  Helen tattle-taling about every conversation she has.  These people are deplorable and they are all playing awful games.

I, for one am sick of Helen's act, it's so obvious her and Amanda are running shit right now, and everyone are pawns in their game.  Someone for the love of god make a big game move and get her and Amanda out.  If America had any sense whatsoever they would put up either Helen or Amanda again as the 3rd nominee, but as we all know Americans don't have that much sense.  I think Aryan will be America's nomination again, they are still pushing the racist angle, and this week she was in the HOH room, saw Candice and her ridiculously ugly earrings on the big screen and said "hey Aunt Jemima, go make me pancakes".  Don't get me wrong, Candice is pretty annoying too, especially the "house meeting" shit tonight, but there is no excuse for the racial stuff.  Rumor on the Twitter is Aryan's (wealthy) family has hired a PR firm to create a bunch of fake "Pro Aaryn" twitter accounts, she obviously is convinced she has done nothing wrong even though it has been caught on tape multiple times.  Oh well, she'll have a great career with the KKK or Fox News when she is out of the house.  I really don't like anyone on this cast, actually that hillbilly Judd is still alright, even though his Mom looks like she got hit in the face with a frying pan.

STOP READING NOW IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE SPOILED.  As of this second that I am writing this Jessie, McCrae and VaGinaMarie are remaining in the HOH comp.  I hate VaGinaMarie but her winning would be kind of funny...she would "make these cock-a-roches pay!!! FUH NICK!!"  Tuglord will just do whatever Amanda tells him too, and Jessie is a bit of a wildcard.  I'll predict McCrae ends up winning this, puts up Spencer and Candice, and Aaryn will be the 3rd nominee.  Spencer will end up being the first of the double evictions next week.

At least things tonight were a little interesting...someone needs to make some big moves quick, because this season, after getting off to a quick start is starting to be crap.

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