Friday, August 30, 2013

Big Brother 15 Week 9 Thoughts

I'm sorry that this is a bit late, I left the power cord to my laptop at work, and this piece of shit computer is lucky to get about 10 minutes of battery time before it needs to be charged.  But what an episode that was last night! Aaryn's actual eviction was one of the craziest I've ever seen in all my years of watching Big Brother.  I actually went back and watched it again, it was just as awkward and uncomfortable to watch the second time around! The first thing I noticed was the audience reaction was one of the most subdued ever, usually everyone gets a big round of applause, but Aaryn barely got any applause and there was a few boos thrown in for good measure.  Then there was the interview, Julie Chen threw her some soft ball questions at first - the usual shit, then WHAM, she confronted her about the racist comments, and of course Aryan denied everything, saying it was a southern stereotype etc., then the Chenbot actually read her some of her more famous quotes.  Aryan was really painted into a corner and was obviously gobsmacked and didn't know what hit her, the audience even laughed at her answers. She seemed apologetic, claiming she loved Helen and Candice and everyone else and then she went on how everyone in Texas makes jokes like that.  Julie Chen really didn't hold anything back on her, and good for the Chenbot, this was big news this season when it happened, it would've looked bad if they didn't say anything.  Still I kind of felt bad for Aaryn because she has been the scapegoat for all the racist stuff this season when VaGinaMarie, Spencer, Amanda, Jeremy have all made derogatory remarks and nothing was said about that. Aaryn did deserve that Julie Chen smackdown, but so do the rest of them!  Bottom line is Julie Chen is a powerful woman, do not fuck with her.

Amanda is crazy.  I'm not just making things up or over-exaggerating things like I always do, I honestly thing she is mentally unstable.  I really didn't mind Amanda at first and even in recent weeks when everyone started hating her, I didn't hate her as strongly as everyone else I know did, I thought she was playing a good villain, but now I am with everyone else, she is truly an awful person and needs to be given the heave-ho.  Really the producers should have kicked her out by now.  How many times did she physically threaten Elissa?  That whole thing where she "tortured" her was brutal, she was nothing more than a bully, and ultimately it is going to lead to her exit from the game. Wasn't in awful when she gave Spencer, Andy and McCrae shit for not torturing Elissa either, threatening them with being "her next target" if they talk or be nice to her? Believe me I am no Elissa fan but nobody deserves to be treated like that.  She has been in charge pretty much the whole game and all the "power" has clearly gone to her head. There is a rumour on the Twitter that Amanda is actually good friends with Alison Grodner (the executive producer of the show) and that production pre-determined that she would be the winner.  You can read all about that by here  That's probably why they haven't showed any of the racist things Amanda has said on air, being friends with the Executive Producer clearly has its perks.  She is honestly bi-polar, one minute she is acting like this mega-bitch the next she is crying because she lost a competition.  I think McCrae has to be wondering what he got himself into, he does try to stop her from stirring up trouble and gets mad at her for it, but other than that he is still pretty whipped.  Now for who won HOH.......

Holy shit VaGinaMarie won HOH and I could not be happier!  I have been a bit hard on her this season, but she has kind of grown on me.  She is still batshit crazy with the whole Nick thing, but she has made me laugh quite a bit recently.  I kept up with the live feeds from last night and today, and it is pretty much assured that she will nominate Amanda and McCrae, thank fuck!! If that happens I honestly think Amanda is going to have a nuclear meltdown.  As soon as GM won HOH, Amanda was right in her ear telling her to nominate Elissa for evicting Aaryn, calling Elissa a bitch and shady, the whole 9.  Last night in the HOH room Amanda goes to GM and says that she wants her McCrae and Andy to be Final Four, and GM was like "oh for sure."  Then Amanda started crying because she says she misses Aaryn, GM went to hug her then rolled her eyes at the camera.  When Amanda left the room, GM looked at the camera and said "She's fucking crazy!! She's going up!!"  I guarantee they'll show that on Sundays episode.  That signaled GM's face turn for me.  Amanda and McCrae are convinced GM is going to put up Elissa and Judd, they are going to be blind-sided at the nomination ceremony and Amanda will go apeshit, I am not doing anything tonight so I am going to watch that free live feed site that my cousin hooked me up with to see the fireworks.

It's easy for me to pick now, but fucking Andy is going to win this game.  The Exterminators will be Final 4, and if he goes to Final 2 with either Spencer, Judd or GM, he'll win the whole god damned thing.  I'd much rather Judd win but my money is on Andy to win the whole thing.....ugh.

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