Thursday, September 05, 2013

Big Brother 15 Week 10 Thoughts

To paraphrase Ricky from Trailer Park Boys, tonight's episode was Best Case Ontario for me, two of my least favourite people in the house were given the Australia style big boot.  First, Amanda, I am thrilled that she "got to steppen" as VaGinaMarie said.  This girl is nuttier than squirrel shit, I can't stand people like her.  She is such an awful, mean bully to people, but the second things don't go her way she is in tears and stomps around like a petulant little child, she pulled that stunt all season, she can scheme and plot against everyone else in the house but the second someone says boo about evicting her she goes on a rampage. She is completely delusional, even at the end when the audience booed her she was shocked, what exactly was she thinking? She was actually convinced everyone liked her, and that she was gonna win America's Player.  Osama Bin Laden has a better chance of winning America's Player than Amanda.  I don't know why she thought she was invincible, I know VaGinaMarie is dumber than a box of hammers but she made a good game move nominating her and McPizza, she didn't do it because she was jealous that she never had a relationship with Nick like Amanda has with McCrae, when people like Amanda get backed into a corner, they pull the jealousy card.  Child Please.  All week I have been reading Joker's Updates about the deal Elissa and Amanda made, and I was obviously as shocked as the rest of us. I think production had something to do with it, according to the feeds Amanda came right out of the Diary Room and went to Elissa to propose the deal, with Amanda being good friends with the Executive Producer and Elissa being Rachel's sister it is clear who production wanted to win, and they influenced them to come together and I am glad tonight fucked that all up.

Speaking of Elissa, thank god she is gone.  I haven't liked her since before the season started when I found out she was Rachel's sister.  I did feel bad for her at various points in the season, and she wasn't as irritating as Rachel was but I still found her to be insufferable.  Despite it being awful that Amanda said it right to her, she does have a Joker Face... which was so incredibly shiny when she was being interviewed by Julie Chen. She also talks way to slowly, I just want yell "t-t-t-t-today Junior!" when she talks.  She is also wealthy in real life, I am not saying rich people should be excluded from playing Big Brother, but really when your husband is a millionaire who owns hockey arenas, and you've been able to afford thousands of dollars in plastic surgery, you don't need $500K.  A lot of people on The Twitter are boo-hooing because Elissa is gone, I don't get it.  It's not like she played a good game or anything, as much as I didn't like Rachel, at the end of the day I had to give her credit because she was a good player, I didn't see that at all in Elissa.  Plus is she completely stupid? Thinking McCrae was the one that voted to evict Amanda?  Julie Chen is never one to be at a loss for words, but she was completely stunned that she can be that fucking dumb.

Andy looks like my sisters cat River, and he is going to win this whole game.  Not that I want him to win, but he totally is going too.  Granted he is a floater, and cries all the time but his social game has been good, he played both sides of the house like a violin.  One of my sisters friends correctly predicted Andy was going to win back in early August, so I have to give credit there, it took me until last week to predict he would win! If the Exterminators (aka Exterminaturds) are indeed the final 4, I think he'll win against them all, but if somehow McCrae sneaks his way in I think he has a chance, but him not playing the next HOH all but guarantees that he will be nominated and the one that is evicted next.  Speaking of HOH there is no spoilers to report, who knows when they plan on doing it, as usual I will read the spoilers and as usual I will end up pissing off my friend Jonny when he overhears me telling his wife what the spoilers were, because he doesn't want to hear them.

With the there being an eviction on the Wednesday episode and the Thursday episode you guys might be so lucky as to get 2 blogs next week! Don't count on it though....but if I feel so inclined I just might, then again the rest of this season is going to be boring as fuck now that the villains are gone.

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