Friday, September 13, 2013

Big Brother 15 Week 11 Thoughts

Jesus Christ is this season over yet?? Once again I apologize for the tardiness of this blog, yesterday my friend Jonny invited me over for poker, and at first I declined because of course I had Big Brother on, but then I thought who gives a shit, this final 4 is brutal.  Really the only thing I missed was not being able to watch the snarky comments roll in on Twitter, that's really the best way to watch things like Big Brother or the Oscars or whatever, peoples jokes on Twitter are usually 100 times better than what you're watching.  Anyways... I just finished watching it, and to absolute no one's surprise McCrae aka McPizza aka Tuglord was shown the door.  I always thought he looked like Canadian rock legend Geddy Lee of Rush as seen in the picture above.  McCrae doesn't have the massive beak Geddy does, but at least Geddy showers unlike McCrae who might as well have stink lines wafting around him constantly.  McCrae was hampered all season by that lunatic Amanda, I guarantee he realizes that now, he even said as much in his interview with Julie Chen, he had a few days alone in the house to reflect, and I guarantee he is kicking himself.  Those two are definitely not going to last long outside of the house, Amanda is far too crazy, as evidenced in the jury house tonight.  I can't believe how absolutely delusional she is, McCrae played a shitty game and it was because of her, but she thinks he has played the best game ever....and she was still shocked that she got booed by the audience when she was evicted of course she got booed! She is going to get booed by random people while she walks down the street for the rest of her life because she sucks so much.

My cousin sent me that pic she found on Twitter of the final 5.  I would have to say it is quite spot on, I suppose McCrae does look like Darlene from Roseanne just as much as he does Geddy Lee, and Judd is definitely Boomhauer.  Anyways everyone on Twitter is complaining about people who are left, and I agree with them that they are boring and they are all floaters, but fuck they are the ones who got this far in the game, if floating give you a solid chance at $500K why wouldn't you be a floater?  As much as I don't like Andy aka WAHndy, he is the one that deserves to win, you could make an argument for VaGinaMarie, but WAHndy, as irritating as he is should win. A bitter jury could prevent him from winning but I think the jury will respect what he did to get there, granted he lied and back stabbed people, but that is the god damn point to the game! Honestly if I ever go on Big Brother that would be my strategy I would lay back at first, earn the trust of everyone, maybe tell a fib or two along the way to get people evicted, then start winning shit at the end when it counts.  Andy is a fucking dork and pretty annoying but he is will be $500K richer than any other houseguest this season.  That being said if he goes to Final 2 with VaGinaMarie I think she has a solid chance of beating Andy she has outlasted and has been responsible for taking down some of the big players in this game, and everyone in the jury likes her.  If Spencer somehow falls ass-backwards into final 2 he will lose in a landslide to either Andy or GM.

So GM won the first part of the HOH competition, it was some kind of physical competition which should come as no surprise that she beat Andy and Spencer.  In years past the second part is a puzzle which plays into Andy's favour, and then the third part is the one where jury members come and ask questions, I think Andy has a better chance than GM to win, so I think he will win HOH, evict GM and take Spencer to the final 2, he'd be fucking stupid not too.  I really don't want any of these dorks to win, but one of them has to and out of all of them Andy does deserve it.  We'll see what happens, Sundays episode is a lame clip episode that's gonna show Amanda and McCrae's wedding PUKE!  It is also gonna show this fight, you should watch it uncensored here now below.  Careful there is very salty language, I laughed quite a bit. 

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