Thursday, September 19, 2013

Big Brother 15 Final Thoughts

This shitty season is finally done!  Seriously what a horrible cast, looking back the only people I liked this season was Judd and Howard, everyone else be damned.  Ol' Howdy Doody Andy ended up winning, and I think he deserved it.  He has got a lot of hate on twitter for his game play,  and I don't get it.  I honestly think he played a perfect game, and he is $500K richer for it.  People said that "he didn't play the game and was a floater."  Bullshit.  He played an amazing social game, earning the trust of everyone in the house, and then he turned on them when he needed too.  He also did win 2 vetoes, and 3 HOH's including the all important final one, he won those competitions when it counted, and at no point this season was he ever perceived as a threat or a target.  He really convinced me that he deserved to win when he was getting grilled by the jury, and he was explaining his game to them. Speaking of getting grilled by the jury, what the hell was that verbal diarrhea that was spewing out of VaGinaMarie's mouth.  It was a complete trainwreck, I initially I thought that Andy was stupid for taking her to the Final 2 because I thought she had a decent chance of winning, I even tweeted that and texted the same thing to some friends who were watching.  I think her fumbling through her answers saying "I'm just GinaMarie" and bringing up Nick every 10 seconds cost her in the end with any jury members that may have been on the fence.  Andy is obviously very well spoken and absolutely crushed her in that Q&A.  Even though I did kind of warm up to her the last couple of weeks, here is a reminder why she doesn't have a job to go back home to...Yikes.

Yeah, that's ultimately the legacy of Big Brother 15, it making national headlines because of racist and generally horrible houseguests.  People are blaming casting for getting these contestants, but how were they supposed to know?  I don't think they asked them if they were prone to racial outbursts during the audition process.  As much as I didn't like this cast, people are taking it way to far, once again diehard Big Brother fans are harassing families of players and are calling up their employers insisting they be fired.....uh if haven't been already.  There is absolutely no excuse for that behavior, yeah they are contestants on a reality show, but they are still real people and have to go about their daily lives, people take things way too far and need to get a life.  Granted I talk shit about the houseguests, but that's only on this dumb blog, that I'm lucky to get 100 page views per post on.  I read that Shelly from Big Brother 13 got threats up to a year after Big Brother ended, and she had to get the FBI involved.  People who do that need to be committed to the looney bin.

I am pretty disappointed but not surprised that Elissa won $25K as America's player, as much as I don't get the hate for Andy, I don't get the Elissa love either.  On the website Joker's Updates they had a running poll all year of who your favourite houseguest was and fucking Elissa was always at the top.  I thought she played an awful game, and she is rich too, she does not need the $25K, Judd and Howard who were in the running for that money deserved it way more than her, and they probably need the money!  Spare me the fake shock too Elissa, and of course fucking Helen was in the middle of it all with her ridiculous over-enthusiasm. 

In other news, Amanda is still completely psychotic. I read this morning that Jessie said in an interview that Amanda and Elissa had it out (again) in the Jury House. They should have filmed the Jury House the last couple of weeks, it would have been a lot more interesting than the actual house!  I think living in the Big Brother house would make anyone go crazy, but Amanda is this nuts in real life.  Good luck with that McCrae.

Well that about wraps up my Big Brother posts for this year, I hope you had as much fun reading them as I did writing them.  If nothing else this gave me an excuse to keep the ol' blog active.  I'll have to go do some more food reviews or something soon.  I think I'll do an NHL season preview before the season starts, maybe a MLB Playoff preview, I'll think of something else. Big Brother Canada starts up in February so we have that to look forward too, my friend Willie is going to apply, and if you know Willie you know there is pretty much a 100% chance that he will make it on the show.  I thought of applying but I don't know... I doubt I'd ever get cast, I am really not that exciting hahaha.  In the meantime you can give me a follow on Twitter @didhenley I usually post a lot on there...but it's mainly re-tweeting The Iron Sheik.

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