Thursday, July 10, 2014

Big Brother 16 Week 2 Thoughts

Well what a fucked up week that was.  At this point last year we were all shocked by the horrible racist/homophobic/misogynist comments by some of the BB15 houseguests, this year we are just shocked about how bat shit crazy Devin is.  More on that nut bar in a bit...  Anyways, that firecracker Pow Pow is second one evicted from the Big Brother house, I can't say that I will miss her, for whatever reason she thought she was all that and a bag of chips.  What in God's name was she doing at the Veto meeting?? I honestly she thought she was having a stroke but she kept doing some kind of fashion pose.  She'll soon be forgotten...but, since when was she best friends with Donny?? I don't watch the feeds (I just read spoilers!) so I must've missed that whole friendship bloom, I don't want to see my boy Donny upset, I am sure he'll get over it soon.

Devin certainly has got his cables cut.  Honestly in all my years of watching this show I don't think I have seen anyone play such a sloppy, terrible game that Devin has.  The waters don't run deep with that fella.  I just trashed Pow-Pow but she had the best line saying "You have 5 personalities and they all suck."  He had the worst case of HOHitis in the history of the game, honestly some people can't handle any sort of power and they let it go straight to their head which Devin clearly did.  He was a bully, he pushed people around thinking he was some sort of evil puppet master, when all he has done is piss off everyone in the house (including his ever-expanding stupid alliance) putting the target squarely on his back.  I would have to say the Bomb Squad is the worst alliance in Big Brother History, right up there with the Moving Company from BB15 and The Regulators from BB13.  It wasn't so much an alliance as Devin having god forsaken meetings and people nodding at him not wanting to set him off.  Those meetings were so fucking awkward, and I actually thought they threw Zach under the bus when he was the only one that spoke up against him when they were all bashing Devin before the meeting.  It doesn't come across on the show as badly but people who watch the live feeds say that he CONSTANTLY brings up his daughter to the point that #devinhasadaughter is a thing on Twitter.  Obviously the Bomb Squad has exploded and they are no longer a thing, and Devin has no one to blame but himself.  He made the alliance and he destroyed it. The more I think about it the more I think Devin is going to be safe for a while, Big Brother USA is notorious for helping out the lunatics who people "love to hate" by keeping them on the show, and making them the entire focus of the show (seriously the Wednesday episode was 90% Devin)  Think Amanda last year, and friggin Rachel Reilly for two seasons.  Somehow Devin is going to manage to slip through the cracks for another couple of weeks.

Derrick and Nicole are the two HOHs this week, and I am pretty happy with that.  Nicole is hilarious and I like her alliance with Hayden and Christine.  I like Derrick as well, he is a really smart player, and knows the show very well.  I am going to make my prediction now - he will win this season.  As for what they are going to do this week, I think Devin is the obvious target, but I think it would be a mistake for either of them to put him on the block right away, because he could well win the Battle of the Block and pull himself off.  If they were smart (which I think they are) whoever lasts through the Battle of the Block will back-door him at Veto.  As for the first four they are going to put up... that's tough to pick if they were going to target Devin and Caleb you could put them on competing teams for the Battle of the Block, but then you risk either one of them getting veto sending that whole plan to shit.  There is a lot of dead weight in the cast this year, so I could see some randos like Jacosta or Victoria going up.

Other Random Thoughts:

I can't be the only one who thinks the Zach/Frankie thing is a little odd... He says he isn't gay but likes to cuddle with gay men.  OK.  Not that there is anything wrong with that! If that's what makes them happy then who am I to say anything?  It isn't the only male on male cuddle-mance this season, Caleb was feeling a little lonesome and wanted someone to cuddle, and Devin stepped right up to the plate! Frankie and Zach had their little lovers quarrel after the POV fight but I think they'll work it out, but Zach is a bit of a hot head and I can see his big mouth getting him in trouble, it almost got him evicted this week! 

That POV fight was alright, but I have definitely seen better.  It did make Devin the target which I think is what Zach intended on.

The Team America thing is as stupid as I predicted, I honestly hope they don't make this a bigger part of the show than it is.  Obviously Frankie's sister Ariana Grande and her 16 million Twitter followers got him on Team America, I am kind of surprised Derrick made it....Donny obviously is going to win anything the audience votes on.  He already has the $25K cheque for being America's favourite player wrapped up at the end of the season.

Caleb reminds me of this dishwasher I worked with when I worked at the Delta Hotel a few years back.  They both have the same vacant stare, and kind of look a like.  If Caleb has a Palasad Bowling Alley tattoo then that would be the weirdest coincidence ever. (enough with the jokes that maybe 2 people reading this blog will understand!)  What's with those glasses with no lenses?  As a glasses wearer I am offended by that.  He is a major creeper too... I am sure Amber is going to have to get a restraining order on him when they get off the show.  I actually like him less than Devin, and least Devin is good for shits 'n giggles.

Is Victoria or Jacosta on this show?  It seems like Victoria saying "I vote to evict Pow Pow" was the second thing she has said all season, and the first being "I vote to evict Joey."  I am kind of glad Jacosta hasn't had much to say this season as every second word out of her mouth would be either God, Jesus or bowties.

As for a prediction... I am going to go off the map and say Brittany is gone, she isn't really close with either Nicole or Derrick (or anyone else for that matter), she had that little breakdown at the POV ceremony, and like I said the BB Producers will figure out someway to keep Devin in this. 


Unknown said...

I love your blog Dids...will be following regularly. Interesting predictions...let's see what happens!

Unknown said...

Thanks Dom! I enjoy writing them too!