Thursday, July 03, 2014

Big Brother 16 Week 1 Thoughts

Joey and her insane alter ego 'Alex' are the first casualty of Big Brother 16.  Meh.  Good riddance, she didn't really bring much to the table, and in three weeks we'll all be like "remember when that Milhouse-haired weirdo went around pretending she was a dude?"  It must suck being the first evicted from Big Brother, especially by a 13-0 margin but someone has to be the first... at least she had a week unlike Jodi from BB14 who was given the boot on the very first day! So much for her being on "Team America" it is like how Annie was the "saboteur" on BB12 but she got voted off first.  It was weird how Big Brother portrayed her as "The LIBERAL" like it was something outrageous.... Americans are fucked.

Devin aka the lost 5th member of the Ninja Turtles is fucking whack-a-doodle, and now after video review he is HOH?  Good Lord I am not sure what this paranoid lunatic is going to do.  Joey played a pretty awful game of Big Brother but Devin calling her the worst player in Big Brother history is pretty fresh.  Seriously this guy sucks, first at 4:30 in the morning he unilaterally decides to expose his whack alliance to Christine and Amber inviting them in thinking that they need more members, and second he thinks Donny is some secret genius!!  Donny told his corny "pasta-tute" joke to a group and based on that Devin thought he was a fucking professional comedian!?!?!  Also Donny's "tall drink of water socks" made him stop growing hair on his legs and him and Caleb took that to mean he was a some GI Joe Secret Ops Navy Seal....if you want to know who killed Osama Bin Laden it was fucking Donny.  I love how Big Brother played the dodo derp derp music when those two neanderthals were 'thinking' through their theories on Donny.  Anyways Devin is nuttier than squirrel shit, and even though he won HOH, so did Amber and with the twist that doesn't mean anything.  I hope the other people in the whack Bomb Squad realize what a paranoid loose cannon he is, and he could well be shown the door this week despite winning HOH....especially if being HOH goes to his head like I predict it will.

I fucking love Donny.  How could you not?  Like I said last week I first saw his picture and thought he'd be some crack-pot Duck Dynasty piece of shit but he could not be farther away from those assholes.  Every word that comes out of his mouth is hilarious... bust a bean, the pasta-tute joke, saying that he is wearing tall drink of water socks.  I didn't go out of my way to read spoilers this week but I was still spoiled (Thanks BBCAN2 Jon Pardy on Twitter!!) so I knew what was coming, but I still stood up and applauded when he won the Veto.  The shitty thing he has put so much of his trust into Devin, and I can see Leonardo turning around and stabbing him in the back which will make Donny will cry, and I will cry too.  I really hope he lasts well into the summer but I have a terrible feeling he won't.  He's in "Team America" obviously because everyone else loves him, I hope that doesn't fuck up his game either.  The more I think of it the more I think this stupid Team America twist isn't going to do anything.

Other Random Thoughts:

So the whole Caleb/Amber thing got about 5 minutes of air time tonight, but according to people watching the feeds it was 10000 times more awkward in real time than what they showed tonight, and apparently he has some sort of fatal attraction to Amber and she is not having that.  Caleb certainly gives me the douche chills.  It'll be interesting to see what she does as one of the HOH's. I know she was thrown into the whole stupid Bomb Squad by Devin but I doubt she is very loyal to it, and she certainly doesn't want anything to do with Caleb.

The Bomb Squad sucks, it's really just Caleb and Devin being lunatics and the rest of them just going along with what they say for now waiting for a perfect time to cut loose.  Derrick despite his lack of air time is a smart player and I think has realized this, same goes for Christine, Cody and Amber.  If they knew what was best for them they'd ditch those arseholes ASAP.

I love Nicole and Christine aka Nicotine, their fear of ghosts, the chest bump they did after they voted tonight.  I think they will be sticking around for a bit, and will provide a lot of much needed entertainment this season.

I really don't like the new opening, depsite that amazing Donny screencap seen above.  Just stick with the old one for christs sake!

I don't know why and I don't have a reason yet but Victoria bugs me.

Pao-Pao sucks.  She is brutal in competitions and doesn't offer anything to the show, if Joey wasn't so bat shit crazy she'd be the one first evicted.

As for a prediction for this week it's pretty hard for me to put a finger on it, with the double HOH, the Battle of the Block, Veto etc.  I would honestly like to see either Caleb or Devin go, but I doubt that will happen, it'll probably be someone random and forgettable like Pao-Pao or Brittany....I just hope it is not Donny!

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