Friday, July 18, 2014

Big Brother 16 Week 3 Thoughts

Sorry I didn't get this up last night, the Wifi in my house is acting all fucky as of late, anyways, last week I predicted that Devin was going to end up sticking around for a bit.... well I was dead wrong on that one!  Get used to it folks, I am always wrong.  Devin was a terrible Big Brother player for sure, but I don't think he is a bad person or anything.  The problem is when ultra-competitive alpha males get in the house they play too hard too fast, they end up getting an early HOH and let the power COMPLETELY go to their head, it seems to happen every single season of Big Brother... remember that arsehole Jeremy from BB15?? It was the exact same thing.  They really teased having Caleb be the one evicted over Devin last night, and I was really rooting for that to happen because Caleb is a fucking creep show.

Caleb is the worst, he gives me major league douche chills.  At this point I am surprised the producers of the show are allowing him to be within 10 feet of Amber.  Bud, she's not into you get over it.  It was funny when Cody was massaging her shoulders and they showed psycho hose beast giving them the stink eye from the other room and they played the psycho music.  I don't know why he thinks just because he retardedly put himself on the block "for her" that she was going to rip off her clothes and jump his bones immediately... plus the whole thing with the blankets? If I were Amber I wouldn't want to sleep in the same room as him, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if she is missing a few pairs of underwear.  Plus "beast mode cowboy" do up your god damned shirt when someone like Julie Chen is talking to you, show some fucking respect.  I thought VaGinaMarie's obsession with Nick (you's a buncha cock-a-roaches!!) was bad but this is a million times worse.

Other Random Thoughts:

I have spoilers at the end of this.... don't read on if you don't want to know what happened!

As much of a d-bag Jeff Schroeder is, the segment with Donny's family was good, his girlfriend isn't that bad looking either!  I honestly don't get why people think he is something he isn't, the same thing happened with Judd last season when the simple southern guy was some perceived genius, Donny wears a Harvard t-shirt so he MUST be a Doctor?  Ol' Donny has proved himself to be a worthy competitor with #OldManBeatDown, but unfortunately if he keeps winning competitions it is going to put a target his back and he could be sent packing....which would suck because Donny is the best.

Jacosta really annoys me, the puking and the sobbing this week were too much.  Plus they put one of her shitty bowties on the chair when she was too sick to compete in the veto? Ugh I don't know how many of you noticed that but that almost made ME all time favourite houseguest Enzo aka the Meow Meow from BB12 had the best line on twitter...

Hayden is quickly becoming one of my favourites this season.  His flirting with Nicole is funny and cute, not psychotic and creepy like Caleb.  Plus he had the line of the night last night when Victoria walked by and they were all yelling at her and he goes "No seriously, what's your name??" It's easy to forget that Vic-Bore-ia is on the show!

Buzzfeed has a fucking list for everything in the god damned world, and of course there is now one for Big Brother fans.... I can definitely identify with a lot on this list.  Check it out here:

The team of Cody and Frankie won HOH.  As of this morning the potential nominees are Amber/Jacosta and Vicboria/Brittany.  As part of the STUPID Team America twist they have to target a "strong physical competitor" apparently they have deemed Amber to be that.  I hope they don't give them the $5K for that, how on Earth is she a physical contender?  Anyways as it stands now I can see either Jacosta or Vicboria going home, and I wouldn't miss either of them!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Honestly, I couldn't stand the fuckin' Jacosta sobfest either...soooo annoying I ALMOST changed the channel! With that said, and I DID notice that horrendous bowtie on the pillow!!#superbrutal #puketimeforme