Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Big Brother Canada 3 Week 7 Thoughts

Am I watching Big Brother or the Special Olympics??  Honest to god I can't think of a cast with more mouth breathing fucking idiots in my entire life.  Not just in Big Brother Canada, but Big Brother USA, UK, Australia, Jupiter etc. etc. 

Holy fuck where do I even begin??  Obviously I will get to Bruno being a stupid fucking Sens fan Squid in a second, but Bobby could quite possibly the dumbest one of the them all....even dumber than Peeleeee.  Even though there was a shit load of dumb moves made this season, and especially tonight, Bobby's whole game has been a clusterfuck of mental retardation.  

First things first this cementhead has been going around all season telling everyone he has a secret power of veto.  While that may have worked initially you have to know that you are going to get called on it eventually.  If you have any secret, let alone in Big Brother you keep it to yourself, but this cretin goes and tells everyone in the house, even Marsha the Moose.  In a completely inexplicable and just plain stupid move,this arsehole decides it's a great idea to put himself up on the block.  His reasoning is that he is going to OBVIOUSLY win the Veto because that's what idiots like him do, they assume they can win anything.  Quit being a cocky piece of shit, there is always some jock type in every season who think just because they can carry a case of beer 4 blocks without getting winded (like yours truly) that they can go and win every competition. Of course he lost, then pump-faked that secret veto, and that part was so fucking stupid and embarrassing.  

The other thing that just proves that Bobby just fell off the fucking turnip truck is that HE THOUGHT THE CHOP SHOP STILL EXISTED.  The girls were clearly making fun of him and that ridiculous alliance, yet he didn't understand that the Chop Shop has been dead for weeks.  This fucking squid likely needs to get reminded what day of the week he is because he is that fucking dense.

Bobby's actual eviction pissed me off too, what the fuck is Bruno doing voting Bobby out?  I thought he was your boy! Why does this house feel the need to always have an unamimous decision??  When was it determined that every week has to be a god damned fucking unanimous eviction??  What does it matter?  He should have thrown his boy at least one vote.  Anyways Bobby is gone, and I am happy for that, but this just in..... I was just able to get this exclusive of Bobby entering the jury house....

Next on the docket is the much hyped Triple Eviction, a Twistos Twist so big that they forgot to mention anything about it on the Monday episode.  At first Brittnee made the smart decision, putting up Peeeeleeee (who got lost on her way to the nomination chair), Zach and Kevin, setting the firm target on the Lover's Paradise.  Then Bruno won veto and decided to turn heel.

Apologies to those who don't get 20 year old Pro Wrestling references

What in god's name is Bruno thinking??? Jesus Sawed Off Christ, I thought Bruno was a smart game player.  Granted it looked like he only had seconds to make a decision but that is no fucking excuse.  What happened to Black and Bru???  I thought those guys were tight in the game, but he goes and saves Godfrey's number one target.  

I had only assumed that Bruno was in on the plan to get rid of Zach... maybe the 3 of them worked something out?? It's more likely that Bruno and Zach made a deal... I don't fucking know and neither do people who watch the feeds.  I really can't wait to hear his explanation on the Sunday.  There is no logical reason for him to save Zach, but that's only the first of four inexplicable game moves tonight.

Brittnee, why in the flying fuck did you put up useless Willow as the replacement nominee??  I knew Brittnee didn't get along with Willow... why I don't know.  Could she have been jealous that Sarah has ditched her as a partner and is with Willow?  If so that was really catty and stupid, but lesbehonest I think Sarah and Willow have more of a connection (not that there is anything wrong with that!)  Anyways, Willow is put on the block, but you'd think for the majority of the house the best bet is to get out two members of the diaper alliance (I hate, hate, hate that name by the way).  Nope!!

 Both Sarah and Godfrey made absolutely stupid voting moves.  What in the flying fuck is going through their heads???  They are two of the smarter houseguests left, I think this was just a case of over thinking things... I guess that would tend to happen when you have a fucking Twistos Twist thrown at you every three seconds.  Sarah, switch to hash because the high test trees are fucking with your head.  I don't remember what exactly she mumbled when she was making the vote but it was assuming Bruno or Godfrey would vote to evict Willow so she was going to save Peeleee?  I want to hear her explanation too, I am sure it will be annoyingly sullied by tears, but I need to hear what she was thinking.

Godfrey also has some 'splaining to do.  He voted to save Peeeeeleeeee, what happened to breaking up Lover's Paradise??  I can only think that Godfrey has turned heel too and has made a final 3 deal with Zach and Bruno.  Perhaps they saw Kevin as a threat after the shenanigans he pulled this week with lying about Bobby being his main target.  They know that they have Peeeeleeeee's and Ashleigh's vote so they can easily pluck off Sarah and Brittnee.   Ugh, Bruno should have just left the nominations the same and Zach and Kevin would have been evicted and Peeeeleeeeeeeeeee and Ashleigh would have blamed Brittnee and Sarah, letting them fight it out, letting Black and Bru cruise to final 2.

So, quelle surprise there is another ridiculous Twistos Twist next week.  Basically whoever gets this fucking Lawon-Stylez special power has the chance to change one or both of the nominations.... fuck. right. off.  Fuck this nonsense, it's a voting thing so I hope Godfrey wins, he bloody well better.  Imagine if fucking Peeleeeeeeee wins?  Her little pea brain will explode like that dude at the start of this blog.  I am so sick of twists and the producers meddling in the game, for once let the players fucking play.  That being said these fucking cretins don't know how to play so maybe the producers have a point doing this shit.  I still dont like it... they really need to an All-Star Season (perhaps a North American season, get some BBUSA players back).  Get people to play the fucking game, not just go to get a girlfriend and "not get blood on their hands."  Fucking Plebes.

No spoilers this week (they haven't done anything yet!) but for spoilers always follow @HamsterWatch on Twitter or visit I can't be bothered to watch the live feeds, I am glad Hamster Watch is there to give us all the cole's notes version!  
It's taken me 90 minutes to write this (and half ass proof-read hahaha), I am tired and I am going to bed.

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