Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Big Brother Canada 3 Final Thoughts

Stinky Sarah the Pothead is your Big Brother 3 champion!  I bet she is celebrating with a Snoop Dogg stylez blunt right about now.  Congratulations to her, despite me wanting Godfrey Mangwiza the Lady Pleaza to win, I am happy for Sarah and it was a deserving victory.   She was a very good social player, and despite being pretty awful in comps that got her through the game.  She flew under the radar at the right times, and orchestrated great moves at others and her game was never really in jeopardy.

So she gets the $100,000 which is about a tenth of the amount of tears she shed in the house, Jesus Christ was there a bigger crier in the history of Big Brother?  I also couldn't stand it when she lash out at herself in the third person "Sarah you're an idiot" "You suck Sarah!" But besides that I think she would be a pretty fun girl to hang out with outside of the house...despite her claim to only shower once a week.

The writing for me in this episode was on the wall when pretty much everyone in jury was asking her and not the Godfather any questions, I knew then and there that she had the game won.  At the end of the day I don't think Godfrey would've beat Ashleigh in Final 2 either.  Ashleigh had a lot of allies on jury and she did coming roaring back at the end winning a ton of competitions.

Other Random Thoughts

The episode dragged like fuck especially in the last hour, the whole thing could've wrapped up in an hour, maybe 90 minutes but there was WAY too much filler.  The showmance segment was insufferable.  I hate that term so much too, like Godfrey said "this ain't no lovers paradise, this is Big Brother, let's play!"

Speaking of insufferable... Jordan get off my TV forever.  What a fucking attention whore he is, I don't know what his deal is but I will be happy never to see that dork again in my life.

Every year after a Big Brother season ends I follow a ton of them on Twitter....aaaaaand quickly unfollow them because they're horrible at it.  I really want to keep up with Godfrey on the Twitter, he is fucking hilarious and I am sure will be a good follow.  I also hope that they don't become attention whores holding on to their Big Brother fame for dear life *cough* Peter, Gary *cough*.   I certainly won't be following Peeeleeee on Twitter, last time I checked you can't tweet in crayon. 

As insufferable as a lot of the former houseguests are ESPECIALLY from BBCAN1, it's kind of a neat fraternity they all have, they go and party all around North America together and seem to be genuine friends.  Last year they all went to Niagara Falls to party after wrap, and I am sure they are partying somewhere in Toronto tonight.

All in all it wasn't the best season of Big Brother I have ever seen, but it wasn't the worst. It was pretty boring at first and all the "Big game moves" came about via fucking Twistos Twists.  Players play too safely now, it's not a bad strategy because you're in it to win, not entertain people like myself.  Still I would love for Big Brother Canada to ease up on the twists, it's totally unnecessary, let the players play the fucking game without the producers meddling too much.  I am itching for an All-Stars season, perhaps a Canada vs. USA game.  That would be awesome.  At least with an All-Stars season you are bringing in players, not floaters and not people looking to make whoopee.

Thankfully we won't be without Big Brother for long, Big Brother 17 will be debuting in less than a month!  My beloved Julie Chen will be back and sassier than ever.  You better believe I will be blogging BB17 this year.  Until then give your boy a follow on the Twitter @HDH2112 and you can still read this blog for my weekly sports ramblings and food reviews until BB17.

Seriously though thank you for reading, I got some pretty high page views (for me!) on a few of these and I am always shocked.  I even got a re-tweet or two from Evel Dick himself.  Thanks for the nice comments on Facebook or whatever as well.  I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I do writing them! 

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