Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Big Brother Canada 3 Week 8 Thoughts

As a bald man, I have taken a firm stand against baldism and baldists everywhere.  But Bruno is a bootleg bald man who tries to hide his true bald identity with pathetic greasy strings of hair.  He looks like he has some kind of greaseball guido combover, you might as well spray that hair in a can on top.

While the result of Bruno being evicted is something I welcome, as a Big Brother purist it was nothing more than bullshit.  Thank FUCK Arisa Cox said that this is the last Twistos Twist of the year.  Bruno deserved to go, I was all about Bruno a couple of weeks ago but he fell into my bad graces immediately.  Taking Zach off the block was completely idiotic move, and his reasoning was extra stupid. By the way, what is the deal with his thumb?? That thing has been in a fucking splint since week 1.  Anyways he really rubbed me the wrong way this past week, I thought he got pretty aggressive with Sarah during their fight, he was getting right in her face and flying off the handle.  Plus he started playing the whole family angle, I hate that shit, it was almost #DEVINHASADAUGHTER 2.0.

So much for the shitty Generals... what an absolutely dreadful name for an alliance, they were more like the Washington Generals.  He had an incredibly sloppy week and I am glad he got blind-sided with the asinine twist

I really hated this Twistos Twist.  I am happy that Brittnee won it, and I am glad she used it wisely, but fuck off with this.  Why is this necessary??  It's not the game, I know you have to "expect the unexpected" but just once I would like to see them go through one season without a fucking twist.  Double/Triple Eviction is OK because you get some game play.  These types of twists are so completely unnecessary and stupid.  If this twist seemed familiar it is, remember when Golden Boy Jeff was given the Coup D'Etat (or as he said Coop De Twat) in BB11?  At least Ashleigh didn't have a melt down and throw her microphone in the pool like Chima.  PS I hate Jeff... he's awful, there was rumour that he might be replacing my beloved Julie Chen as host, if that ever happened I would never watch the show again.

I thought it was awful leaving them hanging thinking all of Canada voted for them to be on slop, that must've been psychologically damaging.  I can't fault Brittnee for using the power given to her, and I think she made the smart choice putting up Bruno and Zach.  She also bought loyalty from Godfrey which will bode well for her in the home stretch of the show.  Bruno is such a fucking idiot for making himself the target this week, he could have hung low, allowed Zach to be evicted last week.  Instead he used the Veto on him because that retard Bobby planted the seed in his head that there was an all girls alliance. He completely fucked himself in the game, he can't blame Twistos for this one.

Other Random Thoughts:

I hate updates from the Jury House, I don't want to see these squids unless something major happens.  It's all such forced terrible acting too, especially Jordan, he is such a little dweeb I am so glad that he got evicted when he did.

As much as I have deservedly given Ashleigh shit this year for being useless, she did win a tough HOH and deserves kudos for that.  But.... it turns out her HOH was completely useless hahahaha.  Anyways, she kept saying that it was her HOH and that she was going to "do what's right for her" but it's completely obvious that it was Zach making all the moves.  I also didn't know that she was as dumb as Peeeleee... she didn't know Toronto was in Ontario, and said that Edmonton is the capital of Calgary?? I hope she was just joking because if not that is just sad. 

I'm sorry but Peeleeeeee should never be allowed to host a competition again, at least nothing that involves reading.  I know English isn't her first language, but she sounded like someone doing a horrible Swedish accent.

It goes without saying but Godfrey is the man.  He is fucking hilarious, especially when he makes fun of Peeeleee.  At this point I really want him to win, I think he deserves it.  That being said I HATE the competition throwing, I have talked about how much I hate it in previous posts, and I think Godfrey is better than that, plus it is getting to the point where he NEEDS to win.

I was going to complain about the corporate sponsorship but I realize it's a necessary evil.  It's a Canadian production so it doesn't have a lot of funding.  So instead of having it look half-assed and second-rate, the extra money is used to boost production values.  If you ask me the production of the show is just as good if not better than Big Brother USA.

The HOH competition is going to be tough on Peeeleee, I don't think she can even count to 100 let alone make out what 100 minutes would be.  Speaking of HOH....

Sarah wins!! I am pretty happy with this.  She's a smart cookie so I am thinking she nominates Zach and Ashleigh and if one of them wins veto Peeeeleeeeee goes up.  Hopefully it's Zach who is shown the door.  I am thinking Sarah, Brittnee and Godfrey will be the final 3.  But you never know what will happen in the second eviction next week. 

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