Thursday, August 08, 2013

Big Brother 15 Week 6 Thoughts

So, what the fuck just happened??  Holy shitballs what an action packed episode tonight.  First things first, we have Candice's eviction, and all that drama surrounding that.  Candice was annoying as fuck, and had ridiculous earrings, but I did feel bad for her, because she was an outcast, and if you read what happened in the live feeds, the other houseguests talked mad shit about her constantly.  Her argument with VaGinaMarie at her eviction speech was epic, fuck VaGinaMarie anyways, if she wasn't deplorable enough already, she goes "at least my Mom loves me" someone who is adopted, that is just plain mean.  Anyhoo, despite CBS wasting our time for the first 10 minutes teasing the possibility of Amanda's eviction everyone saw Candice's eviction coming a mile away.  What happened next shocked me.

Judd? Seriously? That bumbling redneck was the only houseguest left that I could actually tolerate.  What was Aaryn thinking?  I know it must've been difficult for her to nominate someone considering both black houseguests were evicted, but really this was her big game move?  Clearly she wasn't the one calling the shots, saying "she wanted to make the less waves possible" then she said that she was only doing it because she didn't want to get voted out.  I suppose she only had a few minutes to make her decision, and really I wouldn't have wanted to be in that position, but seriously fuck off with that noise, she won HOH she won POV, she may be a horrible person but that earns her the right to do what she wanted to do.  By the way remember when these idiots voted out Katelyn instead of Aaryn because they saw Katelyn as a bigger game threat, how many competitions has Aaryn won since then?  It's clear to me that (once again) fucking Helen controlled her HOH.

I mentioned last week that I am sick of Helen's act, and after this week I am especially sick of it.  While the rest of the sheep in the house went into the Diary Room and were crying like little wieners, she was all sassy when she evicted Judd.  After the eviction they showed Helen making one of her stupid fucking motivational speeches to Aaryn, staring at her with her cold ceiling eyes, from what I remember she was assuring her what a great she made for the house and how 'shifty' Judd was. I couldn't believe it, I actually yelled 'Fuck Off!!" at my TV screen...then I realized how sad and dumb that was hahahaha.  By the way, have you noticed whenever Helen celebrates something she looks like she is having a fucking seizure.  Seriously she starts shaking like Michael J. Fox (wow a Downs Syndrome and a Parkinson's Joke in the same blog, I'm going to hell)  But still, we won't know until Sunday what was actually said to Aaryn, (especially with the god damned audio cutting out every two seconds on the show tonight because people were saying naughty words) but it sounds like Helen threatened her with eviction if she didn't do what she told her to.  Why is she listening to Helen anyways, I thought she was racist?? This house is gonna have to start turning on each other soon, I think Amanda and Helen are going to be butting heads sooner rather than later.

Speaking of Amanda, what the fuck is her problem?  Her act wore on me very quickly, at first I didn't mind her, now I can't stand her.  Her obsession with getting Howard out started it, but her subsequent fights with Jessie and then Candice really sealed it for me.  You can tell McCrae is getting sick of it too, but he's not about to do anything about it, because ol Tuglord is whipped badly.  The fight with Candice was ridiculous, she totally started it and kept it going, but according to her did absolutely nothing wrong.  I thought for a split second that Aaryn was going to have the guts to backdoor her, but I think Amanda had some influence on Judd going home, considering she was convinced that he was MVP and wanted her gone, when in fact it was ALL of America!  Like I mentioned I think her and Helen are going to butt heads eventually being the 2 people that are actually running the show, but Amanda is such a god damned hot head, I can see ol' ceiling eyes Helen prevailing, and actually winning the whole game.. ugh  But as you all know my predictions are absolutely useless.

I actually don't like anyone left in this house, especially Spencer. In case you didn't hear Spencer made some jokes about child pornography in the house....yeah kiddie porn jokes.  He was whispering into McCrae's microphone (pretending to be McCrae) saying how he likes to beat off to kiddie porn, if that wasn't uncomfortable enough he kept going, saying especially if it's with 4 or 5 year olds.  Yeah.  That was his idea of hilarity.  The local police back in Deliverance or whatever Buttfuck redneck town he is from actually investigated it.  It's kind of funny how he gave a shout out to his employers at the Railroad Track, little does he know he won't have a job when he gets back!  I can't believe how dumb these people are, you're filmed 24/7 and your current and potential future employers are going to see this shit.  They all deserve to be unemployed after this debacle of a season.

One good thing about tonight's episode is how pissy Julie Chen got with the houseguests during the HOH competition.  I was having a good laugh about it, screaming THAT'S LOCKED IN!!! and SETTLE DOWN!!  Julie Chen doesn't have any time for their bullshit, her getting sassy with the house is the highlight of my week usually.  What was lost in this whole episode is she hinted something about people in the jury house still being a part of the game.  What does this mean?  At first I thought that the Jury House would either nominate the MVP or put up the 3rd nomination, but that theory was quickly crushed when they announced the end of the MVP twist.  I can see a Jury Member coming back into the house....ughhhhhhhhh.  They did that on Big Brother Canada with fucking Gary Glitter, so I can see them doing it here.  I think that is a bullshit twist, once you're evicted you are out, you shouldn't be allowed back into the house....unless it's Judd coming back in, then that would be OK, considering everyone else in the house are a bunch of losers.

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