Friday, March 15, 2013

Big Brother Canada Week 3 thoughts

Canada fucked up.  We fucked up when that toupee wearing douchebag Stephen Harper got elected Prime Minister, and we fucked up when we voted to keep shitty Suzette in the Big Brother Canada house.  Keep in mind I voted for neither.  Mind you we weren't given much of a choice between the King of the Floaters AJ and Suzette, the Queen of the Harpies. Ugh, I can't stand Suzette, not because she is fat (I'm fat too, I can't hate for that) or she's aboriginal, just she is so fucking annoying, she can barely string a sentence together, is a Deathcon 5 floater and offers nothing to the game.  It was in the houses best interest and the nations best interest to see her sent packing, that being said Fuck Tom.  I'm glad his HOH got screwed.  I think the producers were expecting for Gary to stay on the block, and they thought Canada would vote to keep him.  I really hope they keep these ridiculous "twists" to a minimum the rest of the season.  I think the American version has gone overboard with twists the last few seasons, Pandora's Box, Coup d'Etats, fuck off let the players play.

As for this weeks eviction, I kind of feel bad for Aneal.  I didn't really care much for him as a player, and won't miss him but the way he left was kind of shitty.  Plus he looks like Steve Urkel.  I think the house should've taken the opportunity to show AJ the door, the guy the biggest floater since Kathy on BB13, and the whole schtick where he talks in the 3rd person is appalling.  It's probably a good thing he doesn't say a thing on the broadcasts, lets keep it that way.

As far as the rest of the house is concerned, Peter is still my favourite to win it all, if the Shield had any balls at all they'd make a power move and get rid of Tom.  The sooner the better.  Tom is a douchebag of the highest order, the way he stood on the balcony in front of the HOH room with his arms extended like he owned the fucking place made me barf.  Obviously everyone in the house is sick of his act too and they have the votes to get rid of him.  Perhaps Emmett will turn his back on Tom during his HOH exceeeppptt................................

Emmett is a regular 4-Middle cheater (only 2 people might get that joke, you see when I was in residence at UWO, we had a dodge ball tournament and those bastards on 4-Middle cheated, I'll never forgive them).  During the stupid Bumble Bee competition last night the house guests weren't allowed to carry the balls in their hand (easy there, Gary).  But as the picture shows above Emmett clearly did break the rules, during the competition I noticed Liza and Jillian carrying the balls as well.  It looks like the shit has hit the fan, the producers have acknowledged that Emmett cheated, and they have turned off the live feeds while shit gets sorted out.  They posted this on their Facebook page earlier.

My theory is that they're re-doing the competition and there will be a new HOH, perhaps as punishment they won't allow Emmett to participate in it, but as I said earlier I noticed others were were carrying the balls too.  All I can say is there is no way shit like this would have gone down on Julie Chen's watch.  On a aside I think Arisa Cox is doing a decent job hosting but.......enough.......with.......the dramatic...........long...........................................pauses.  My beloved Julie Chen went through her growing pains at first, she is called the Chenbot for a reason, but has since come into her own.

As for my predictions it's kind of hard to make them not knowing who the HOH is.  (PS I was right with my nomination predictions last week!)  I am gonna keep it safe and say AJ and Suzette will get nominated this week, and as for the double eviction I say Suzette and Tom are gonna peace out.  Tom is a good villain though, I see the producers doing what they can do to keep him around as the boy you love to hate.

As always give me a follow on Twitter, @didhenley and leave a comment!  Call me a blithering idiot if you want but leave one none the less!


Joe said...

Dirty 4 middle cheaters

blogafunny said...

OMG didy. LOVE IT. and exactly my thoughts!!

Unknown said...

Thank you!! And you're right Joe, 4-Middle sucks...I should go paste a bunch of article about cheating on Pete Bedore's door