Friday, March 22, 2013

Big Brother Canada Week 4 thoughts

I am thrilled with what transpired tonight on Big Brother last night, as far as double evictions go you can't get much better.  First Liza, who was the second evicted, I really didn't hate her as much as the rest of the house did, but I am glad she is gone now because she was distracting my boy Peter's game, plus she looks like Jerry Seinfeld's illegitimate daughter.  Her assessment of her game when she was interviewed by Scary Spice Arisa Cox was spot on, she perhaps played one of the worst games in Big Brother history.  I was reading some of the recaps of the live feeds and Gary said this about Liza "she'll suck, she'll fuck, she's a sex worker, that's the twist".  That might be a little (actually very) harsh, but she did seem to cozy up with a lot of the guys.  Liza could have done a hell of a lot better than she did but she let her ridiculous relationship with Tom get in the way.  Speaking of Canada's biggest douchebag, I am so glad that prick is gone. He honestly thought he was King Shit of Turd Island.  Far to emotional and such a fucking hot head, of course he revealed the Quarttro alliance to Liza because he was pissed off at them, the guy couldn't listen to reason.  I give full credit to The Shield for orchestrating this move, and for getting Emmett to go along with it.  Alec nailed it on the head on the Wednesday episode when he said something like "I'm trying to appeal to the few brain cells he has".  Speaking of Alec.....

Holy fuck bud, you'd think someone told you your entire family was murdered and your dog got run over.  What Tom did wasn't cool and all, but why all the waterworks??  I'm guessing if you're reading this you know what happened, but for those who don't Tom whipped open the shower door when Alec was in it and he is upset that his wiener got exposed on TV.  I would be a bit embarrassed and upset too if it happened to me, but I would get over it quickly, maybe have a laugh about it, but apparently he was crying actual tears for the better part of the afternoon about it.  That being said it was still, pardon the pun, a dick move on Tom's part.  I heard that some of the European Big Brothers are, uh, very "European" about nudity, and there is co-ed open showers, where everyone is buck nekkid together like it's no big deal.  That's not the case in the Canadian or American version, and there is some privacy, nobody can watch you drop a deuce on the live feeds.  Alec overreacted big time though, the tears and drama were not necessary.

Now that two of the biggest threats are out of the house, things are looking rosy for my boy Peter and the Shield alliance.  I think now their main competition is Emmett, he's a very strong player, and now he doesn't have that hot head Tom holding him back.   Right now I think there is a strong alliance of four with Peter, Alec, Topaz and Gary, and with those numbers they'd be smart to pick off Emmett and Jillian as soon as they can. As for the rest of the house, I'm starting to like the AJ-Andrew old man bromance, mainly because as someone who is almost 31 years old, I'd be considered an old man on the show if I were on, even though I honestly still feel like I'm 21 (being single, having no kids and being broke all the damned time helps with that)  AJ is still annoying though, but I am starting to like Andrew, hopefully he can stick around for a bit. 

No HOH was decided last night, and I haven't read any spoilers yet on who wins, but despite who wins I am gonna say Suzette is the next to get the boot.  I watched After Dark for a bit last night and the consensus is that they're doing her a favour by voting her out next.  After the next eviction the remaining 9 houses guests will make up the final 2 and the jury house, Suzette has a young family, there is very little chance of her actually winning the game, so they think she should go back to her family rather spend the next 2 months in the jury house away from her kids.  Plus, if it wasn't for the stupid twist, she would have been out the door last week.

Well that's it for me this week.  I got called into work last night, so our trip to Tony Roma's for ribs was postponed, I am not sure when our next food club meeting will be, but as soon as there is one I'll post a review.  Until then give me a follow on twitter @didhenley or leave a comment, I really want to know who the German is that reads this.  I look at my stats and there is over 20 views last week from Germany! 

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