Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What happened to the Rogers Ginge?

As readers of this blog know a couple of months ago I compared the two most annoying Dad's in TV commercial history, the Rogers Ginge and that awful Canadian Tire Guy.  Apparently the suit-dicks at Rogers have nothing better to do but scour the internet and in the latest commercial the Rogers Ginge (let's call him Dirk) has been given the heave-ho!  They must've read my blog and decided enough is enough, we can no longer give this loser air time.  But, after watching the new commercial I have to think it's not Dirks fault he was such a toolbag, he was driven to insanity by his bitchy wife.  I think ol' Dirk has come to his senses and hit the road.  In the latest crappy Rogers commercial that airs 1000 times a night, it is the same wife, but the Roger Ginge has been replaced.  I feel bad for this new guy, the wife goes out of her way to embarrass him in front of her friends.  Calling him out for watching "The Real Women of Nantucket" and figure skating, she isn't even doing it in a joking way, she is just straight up bitch.  Let the man enjoy his Real Women of Nantucket, that stuff isn't my cup of tea, but I've watched some pretty suspect programming over the years, we had OC viewing parties in University (first season only, which according to Matt Logue was a "work of art"), and I wasn't put on point about it in front of a group of people I just met.

As much as Dirk is a fucking dork, his wife is a real mean person.  Remember when the wife and daughter got home and kicked Dirk and his son out of the comfy chairs to an obstructed view on the couch of a movie that they were watching peacefully before they barged in.  Plus she threw a handful of popcorn at him when he simply wanted to get the movie going, I bet you that isn't the only time she threw stuff at him in a fit of rage.  He lived such a miserable life that his stupid Roger NextBox remote that let him pause and start programs on different TVs caused him such joy, it was the happiest the poor bastard has been in years.

In closing, I take back all the mean things I said about Dirk the Rogers Ginge, you go enjoy single life let the new guy live in misery.  The Canadian Tire Guy will always be the worst Dad in Canadian commercial history.


mark said...

Have to say I'm glad he's gone now if we can just get rid of the rest of em!

Unknown said...

I would be happy never to see a Rogers commercial again, how come is it the richer the company the more awful the commercial? Tim Hortons I'm looking your way....