Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Big Brother Canada 2 Week 6 Thoughts

What a week to fall behind on this shitty blog! I spent the last few days in London with my family for Easter and missed both the Thursday and Sunday episodes, and didn't have access to a computer to watch them online.  Last week I spilled a bunch of beer on my laptop which fried the fucker, so my Dad gave me his old one to tide me over for now... but it is a Windows XP machine that may have been put together in the Stone Age, so streaming the episodes did not go over well (even writing this stupid article is choppy as fuck) So I just watched the last two episodes on my phone.... I should've thought of that when I was stuck in traffic on the shitty bus back here!  Anyways the Twistos (tm) Twists were out in full force this week, both forced by the producers and otherwise!

First we had Arlies eviction and the way we got there.  Things were looking good, Jon smartly and justifiably put up the Gremlins, I was pretty happy about that, everyone else was happy about it, but Neda convinced him he needed to make a "big move" and back-door Arlie.  I kind of get that, as much as no one likes the Gremlins they are both useless and can be evicted whenever.  So Jon won POV removed Rachelle and put up Arlie. So everyone now knows that Arlie is the target, might as well not stir things up..... but wait Allison chimes in saying she is going to use her Secret POV on Sabrina, why in the name of fuck did she do this?!?!  I am pretty sure she said it was her last chance to use it, but even if that is the case why bother?  As mentioned, Arlie was the confirmed target there was no need whatsoever to stir the pot even more.  What a complete dunce... but more on her later.  What was even STUPIDER was the fact that Allison and the Gremlins did not take Arlie up on his offer to form an alliance.  While I like Jon and Neda that would have spelled doom for them.  Hindsight is always 20/20 and they're kicking themselves now, but keeping Adel is the dumbest thing they have done... they blew it!  Honestly these people are fucking retarded, asking them to do anything smart in this game is like asking a goldfish to climb a tree.

I guess with me being behind on this means I can talk about the Sunday episode, which was surprise surprise yet another Twistos (tm) Twist with the Instant Eviction.  It wasn't terribly surprising that Neda made Allison the target and she went home.  To be honest I have been pretty disappointed with Allison's gameplay this season, I was pretty happy when she got in the house, but she about as useful as a fart in a windstorm all season.  I suppose she was put behind the 8 ball right away with the rest of the house being there 2 weeks forming bonds and alliances before she got in the house.  Then she just got herself into an insufferable showmance with Asshole Andrew, which didn't help her case at all.  Anyways, her needlessly using her secret POV on Slobrina sealed her fate, she didn't offer anything anyways, and will not be missed!

So as we all know now the fucking Gremlins are thankfully nominated again, and hopefully it will be Slobrina going home, but I have a feeling it is going to be Rachelle.  Obviously they want to boot out the stronger player, and Rachelle has won competitions while Slobrina is as useless as tits on a bull and has won fuck all.  Like I said I didn't watch the show last night live but I was following my Twitter and people were all shocked and outraged at Adel's speech to the Gremlins, personally I loved Adel's speech when he put up the Gremlins, big fucking deal if they get jury votes, that is the last gasp for any loser in the house (and Slobrina is the biggest loser of them all!) to threaten the jury vote  In the end the jury always gets it right anyways and votes for the deserving winner no matter how bitter they seem at the time.

Other Random Thoughts

The Marsha the Moose thing this week with the rest of the house pump-faking Adel while he went on his mission was hilarious, and the drunken shenanigans that ensued were as well.  Stuff like that separates BBCAN from BBUSA, I know some other BB fans don't like that stuff but I don't mind it, keeps things entertaining!

I can't believe they showed Rachelle peeing in the hot tub, people who watch the live feeds have been talking about it for weeks now.  Now I am not going to sit here and say I've never pissed a pool before, but seeing the yellow come flowing out made me gag... of course Slobrina continued to sit in there stewing in it.

I thought it was funny when all the house guest got a certain important memento from home, Rachelle got something from her Great Grandmother who was a holocaust survivor, Neda got her Canadian Citizenship Certificate, Adel got some bloody religious thing but Jon..... he got a shitty t-shirt they got from some two bit gift shop in Newfoundland for $6.99.

Well that about wraps it up this week, I'll have another one these up after the Thursday episode when hopefully there is no Twistos (tm) Twist fucking diamond power of veto or any more meddling bullshit and one of the Gremlins is thankfully shown the door

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