Saturday, August 08, 2015

Big Brother 17 Week 6 Thoughts

What an absolutely dreadful display put on by Ken and Barbie Clay and Shelli last week.  It was a complete fucking embarrassment to themselves, to Julie Chen and to the entire Big Brother franchise.  Get the fuck off my TV and never come back you obnoxious plastic twats.

Tens of thousands of people apply to be on the show every year and this fucking clown gives it all up for some retarded showmance.  They didn't even kiss until week 6 for christs sakes!  There is probably some dreadful holier than thou Jesus-y reason behind it, which makes it even worse.  I have absolutely no game at all but I think even I would have gotten to First Base a lot sooner... how many nights did they spend alone in the HOH room and all they did was cuddle?  Go back to Grade 6 losers.

Anyways half the power couple is gone, which I am obviously happy about.  Clay is just a dumb fuck who has been hit in the head far too many times... he needs subtitles for christs sakes.  Shelli is even worse, has she never seen the show before?  Big fucking deal if you were blind-sided that's the name of the game.  How can these cretins not realize that they were not going to be in charge of the game forever and eventually they were going to be the target.  Delusional fuckers. Unfortunately we still have to deal with Shelli for the next few weeks, while she is good to look at I can see her pull a VaGinaMarie and cry and be stupid about this for the rest of the season.  I guess unlike VaGinaMarie and Nick her and Clay actually had a relationship.  Hopefully she doesn't start sniffing Clay's shorts like VGM.

James is the man, despite me saying that Johnny Mac is going to win, I really want James to win.  Unfortuneatly I would lose my office pool, but the $10 would be worth it.  Finally someone is stepping up and making big moves in this game.  Good for him for stabbing Shelli/Clay in the back, that's what this game is all about, it's not about falling in love and dry-humping someone you didn't know existed 2 months ago.  I really hope he makes it far in the game, because he's great entertainment.

For those who were wondering, when James said he spent three years in prison having big guys yelling at him, he wasn't actually locked up as an inmate, it turns out he was a jail guard.

Other Random Thoughts:

Given that it is Saturday afternoon I know who won HOH and who the HOH put up, Spoilers at the end as usual.

Standard Austin is a creep comment.

What was with Meg all over Clay when she was white-girl wasted?  That was a bit embarrassing...then Clay said that she has had a showmance with everyone?? Yikes.

As hard as I was on Shelli, and will continue to be hard on her her the rest of the season her punishment was extremely hard, and I can't believe she pulled it off, I would have quit for sure.

Vanessa is bat-shit crazy, 6 weeks without her booger-sugar has really messed with her head.  At first I thought she had a good chance of winning the game, but I don't see her lasting for too much longer.

More Johnny Mac please.

So a jury member gets to come back in the house....ughhhhhh.  I hate this twist more than any of the other ones, if you get evicted that should be it, no second chances.

Whatever happened to the Big Brother Take-Over??  Not that I miss it, but they dropped that like a dirty shoe pretty quickly.

Becky the train wreck won HOH?  Oh, she was playing this game?  She puts up Shelli and Steve... Steve???  What has that guy even done this season?  He has gotten absolutely no air time and it is a fucking nerd (my mortal enemies).  I haven't read any context to why she did that, but hopefully Shelli is gone this week, or they are using Steve as a pawn to backdoor Vanessa or Austin.

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