Thursday, April 18, 2013

Big Brother Canada Week 8 thoughts

Holy shit this dribble has been on for 8 weeks now? My heavens.  So I was wrong about Peter winning the inaugural Big Brother Canada, get used to it I'm wrong about almost everything.  You're looking at the guy who has predicted the Leafs would win the Stanley Cup every year since 1990.  Peter can PTFO though, what a fucking loser.  He had his little sob story about not being accepted on the Wednesday episode, no fucking wonder bud, nice poem too nerd. Worst. Exit. Ever.  My buddy Bobby has a good point, his face is way too pointy.  The worst part of the episode was not the ridiculously unnecessary twist of Gary coming back into the house, which was bullshit.  It was the cameo appearance of....

Ahhhh! Is Rachel destined to come back and haunt our dreams forever?  Her voice is the worst, just the 3 minute clip of her talking about this season made me want to shit bricks.  At least her insufferable fianceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Bah-REN-den was nowhere to be seen.  Probably off showing his peen on Skype again.  They totally needed Enzo and Lane from the Brigade to come back and talk shit about these jabronies. The Brigade remains the best alliance in Big Brother history.

No this isn't some weird bukkake scene Gary was involved in, although I am sure if you look hard enough you can find one.  It should really come as no surprise that Gary came back into the house.  On their Facebook post announcing the return of a houseguest (which I left a scornful message on saying how much I thought it was bullshit), 90% of the people wanted Gary to come back.  As much as I think this twist is bullshit, it could actually make the last couple of weeks somewhat interesting.  As of right now I don't know who is HOH, but if Gary or Andrew win they along with that dunderhead Talla can finally split up the insufferable power couple of Jillian and Emmett.  By the way I think Andrew and "La-La" bickering at each other has been hilarious, Sundays episode in particular had several genuine LOL moments for me.  Before this stupid twist Jillian and Emmett were cruising towards final two, but now who the fuck knows, I guess that's what the producers wanted.  It's still bullshit though, if Gary ends up winning it's a tainted victory.

I haven't really talked about the dreaded "milkmance" (ugh as if I just said that) in this blog, mainly because I find them to be intolerable.  That being said one of them does deserve to win the game.  They've really controlled things from the get-go.  So Jillian has told a few fibs here and there, I find nothing wrong with that, you are supposed to do what you can to win, if that means lying to peoples faces then so be it.  I think Jillian deserves to win more than Emmett, all he has done is drink milk, get disqualified from competitions, and sit around with his shirt peeled with that horrifically ugly farm tattoo polluting the airwaves.

I have a bit of bad news for the 6 or 7 of you that look forward to my Big Brother musings every Thursday night, this time next week I'll be passed out beside some swim up bar in sunny Punta Cana!  That's right, I'll be in the DR courtesy my buddy Bobby, who won the trip through work, he drew names from a hat to be his guest, and that lucky person happens to be me! Don't worry though as soon as I catch up I'm sure I'll have a thing or two to say.

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