Sunday, July 12, 2015

Big Brother 17 Week 2 Thoughts

I guess my thoughts are going to be a Sunday night thing from now on... I haven't been at home the last couple of Thursday nights, and I won't be again this Thursday, so I apologize to the 5 or 6 of my devoted readers who kept refreshing the home page of this shitty blog waiting for my thoughts.

Anyhoo Da'Vonne is Da'Gonne.  That's unfortunate, because I liked Day I thought she was funny and had a good knowledge of the game.  That said she played too hard too fast and that ridiculous blow up she had with Clay a few weeks ago (I honestly don't remember what it was about) sealed her fate.  She was far too emotional for the game and that screwed her.  Anyways she has a newborn baby for Christs Sakes, I know she said she wanted to win the money for her family, but it's a little bit fucky to leave a newborn at home to play God Damned Big Brother.

Another thing is Day why in the blue fuck did she not remove Clay from voting for her??  I guess she must have known for sure she was gone because there is absolutely no logical reason for her to pick those three rando's and not Clay.  I don't think any of these first few evictees are going to come back in the house in a Twistos Twist Big Brother Take Over, as that clown Jace is already home and is back on Twitter (I will not be adding him).

Well that didn't take long for the twins to be found out.  I thought because people figured it out that they were automatically kicked out, but I guess they have to get voted out normally.  Anyways I think it's terrible that they refer to one of them as the fat one.  They didn't show this on the show but Da'Vonne and Jason called one of them "Thickems."


Jesus Christ I'm fat, Ruben Studdard is fat, these girls are both super model skinny.  No wonder so many women have issues with their bodies when someone who's a fucking string bean gets called "Thickems" and they are telling her to eat less.

Liz and Julia seem to be in a good position now because they are working with Austin, Vanessa, Clay and Shelli.  The Sixth Sense is a pretty lame name for an alliance, but I think they are in the best position in the house so far, and have the strongest alliance.

If you have sensitive ears you may want to skip ahead.  But if you actually do have sensitive ears a) Get a life dork, and b) why are you reading this blog?  Well we might as well cut to the chase, Jeff jerked off in the bed (Seen above) and wiped his splooge on an unsuspecting Liz (or Julia?) in the bed.


I'm surprised that wasn't addressed, because that is pretty much assault if you ask me.  He seems like a douchey creep anyway.

Bud, if you're feeling frisky and want to rub one out there is options, there is the shower and remember in Big Brother 7/All Star's they had the Jack Shack.  You don't spank your monkey next to someone who is asleep...ugh that gives me all sorts of douche chills.  If I were Liz (or Julia) I'd feel pretty fucking violated if that happened and it's shocking to me that the producers never addressed it.

Other Random Thoughts:

Johnny Mac is my pick to win it all.  There I said it.  He is actually alright at competitions, and he is playing a good social game.  Plus he is absolutely hilarious, yeah he is a diary room screamer, but that's actually how he talks.  He really needs to stop being a pawn star every week though, so hopefully he wins an HOH soon enough and he can be the one running the show.  My buddy (and future Big Brother Canada 4 winner) Bobbo has made a solid case to me that Vanessa will win, but I got to go with John, plus I have him in my Big Brother Work Pool.

I really don't like Shelli and Clay, they had terrible HOHitis this past week... I couldn't believe it when they asked Johnny Mac not to use the veto on himself so Shelli wouldn't get any blood on her hands.  Give me a fucking break, this is Big Brother you have to get blood on your hands.  That's been the trend the last few seasons in Big Brother contestants being afraid to make moves lest they get blood on their precious little hands.

Not only is Jeff a pervert but he sucks at the game, how did he not know who the HOH's were?  How did this squid get recruited from another show to be on Big Brother, the other Amazing Race person Jackie is completely fucking useless too, is she even on the show??

I am sick of these Big Brother Take-Overs.  First the insufferable Kathy Griffin, and now the caveman squid Rob Gronkowski.  I hate Gronk, the guy is a fucking neanderthal, and I am so sick of him always popping up places being a "party animal".  He plays for the worst cheating football team of all time, and I want that clown away from Big Brother immediately.

Da'Vonne addressed the elephant in the room when she was evicted, that people are worried about putting up Audrey out of fears that they will be labelled a transphobic. I don't think that is necessarily true, but I see why they don't want to be labelled as intolerant or anything like Aaryn the Aryan and VaGinaMarie were in BB15.

As for who is going to go out this week, I think Vanessa (who is sometimes shown with this bizarre blue shit all over her face) is targeting Jeff, maybe because they all know he wiped his man juice over a sleeping houseguest??  Like I said last week these people have to stop assuming they're going to be able to back door their targets, anything can happen in Veto, and why wasted your week?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Insightful and delightful Dids. .and oh so fun to read! I'm kinda leaning towards Vanessa for the win. Let's see what happens.