Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Big Brother Canada 3 Week 3 Thoughts

It certainly was a big week in the Big Brother house with two evictions.  First up we have the annual Easter tradition with the Instant Eviction, Grumpy Cat being this years victim.  Out of all the terrible Twistos Twist BBCAN has thrown at us, I would have to say the Instant Eviction is the worst.  First they don't have a chance to campaign, then there is no veto which is extremely unfair and it's even bullshit for the HOH as they don't get to have the nice room, the snacks and the god damned letter from home they all get so fucking bloo blooey about.  Even worse this season all the houseguests had to read out their vote to the rest of the house exposing themselves... that's never a part of this game, cut out this bullshit immediately.

Anyways Naeha got fucked over, and I think Kevin realized that... once again the instant eviction didn't let him think things through.  I know I said just last week that Sindy has the best shot of coming back in, but I wouldn't count out ol' Grumpy Cat.

Second to be given the Australia style big boot this week was that cretin Graig.  What a fucking mook this guy is.  It seems like every season of Big Brother there is at least one so called Alpha Male who thinks he is in charge who thinks they can control the entire house and they inevitably are one of the first to go.

I don't know what this guys deal is, I'm not one to be throwing stones when it comes to maturity but Jesus Christ bud you're almost 40 not almost 20.  The stupid haircut, speaking in hashtags, using teen vernacular.  He said he doesn't want to even go back into the game, good fucking riddance then, let someone like Sindy or Naeha who give a fuck about the game a chance to get back in and go back to your Red Bull and Ed Hardy shirts and co-ordinated high fives with your squid bros.

I have to say that Brittnee's HOH was FLAWLESS.  She did a fantastic job, it was definitely one of the best weeks I have seen, especially considering she was nominated two weeks in a row.  I think she is gorgeous too, I think I should be a plus-sized model as well, I haven't gotten any modeling work since my Luvs Diaper campaign when I was a baby but that's another story.

Other Random Thoughts

I know who HOH is, spoiler at the end.

The new nomination ceremony is so fucking convoluted and stupid.  It looks like what a science project looks like in a cartoon with all the pulleys and gears.  I like how they let them talk it out and show who they are considering putting on the block, but other than that it's all unnecessary.

Bobby is a squid.  Everyone can see through him just like Homer Simpson rubbing a Krusty Burger against the wall.  "I am not going to play for HOH anymore" get the fuck out of here.  His whole act is beyond pathetic and anyone in the house who is falling for it should be ashamed of themselves.

Even though Bobby is dumb, and Graig was dumber I would have to say the stupidest person in the house by a country mile is Peeeeeeleeeeeeee.  Does she offer anything whatsoever in the game?  If you look in one ear can you see light coming in from the other side?  Even when all the girls were in the room it took all of them to explain to her that they were outnumbered.  How did she even get cast on the show?  Dumb as a box of hammers she is.

Willow has done nothing but be a spazz, take your pills for christs sake.

I am on the fence about Johnny, sometimes he can be extremely annoying, the whole "Kevvy-Wevvy" thing needs to end immediately, and him saying "whoooo wants some piiiiii-iiiiiiiee" gave me nightmares.  I think he is a good ally to Brittnee though, who is quickly becoming my favourite, Jordan is still my pick to win.

Bruno the meathead is the new HOH.  Since he is chop shop and Graig's closest ally he might avenge his eviction by putting up either Johnny, Brittnee or Sarah.  One things for sure you can expect some fucking water works when he gets his letter and pictures uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhh.  I actually don't mind Bruno's game so far, but if he goes after Brittnee we're going to have some words.

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