Thursday, April 16, 2015

Big Brother Canada 3 Week 4 Thoughts

Sorry for the lateness with this post, I was at the Jays game last night and have been pretty much been fucking the dog all day.  Anyways, Johnny is the latest evictee from the Big Brother house in yet another boring unanimous vote... like everything else this season it met with a "meh" from me.

I am not sure what made Johnny the big target in the house this week, if they were all butt-hurt from that cretin Graig getting voted out, it was Brittnee and Sarah that were the masterminds behind it, Johnny just went along with it.

The thing with Johnny is he got all emotional about Kevin especially betraying him.  Here's a tip bud, don't fall in love with straight men.  To be fair Kevin totally led him on trying to make it be a whole Zach/Frankie thing happen  (ugh) and that really wasn't fair to Johnny.  But really, he should have known better when Kevin started sucking face with that dunce Peeeeeleeeeee.

So the these five dorks are playing to get back into the house, it was interesting to see that they went to the Jury House..... errrr, Sequester House and they were allowed to talk about the game with each other.  It was my understanding that in the past when houseguests went back in they were put into straight sequester.  I think the producers must've watched the same documentary on Solitary Confinement on Netflix that I watched because that would've been psychological torture to isolate someone completely, Risha especially who has been out of the house the longest.  But still now they all know about the Chop Shop, any different alliances etc and have had a chance to formulate a plan based on the information they all have, rather than going in without a clue.

As for who I think is coming back in? Without knowing what the competition it's tough to tell, it really should be something hard, when Nicole was let back into the house on BB16 it was pretty much a game of luck which was stupid.  That being said my money is on Naeha, I think she wants it the most, if not her than Sindy, she has already proved herself to be a competition threat.

Other Random Thoughts:

The way they do a cliff-hanger for HOH on a before and after competition is completely absurd.  Julie Chen and BBUSA wouldn't put up with that shit. Make it a cliffhanger for endurance challenges only! That being said, I know the spoiler and it's at the end of this as usual! 

Arisa Cox is doing a way better job as host this year, she was a bit awkward in BBCAN1 and a little less so than BBCAN2, but she has been great this year.  She'll never been on the same level as my beloved Julie Chen, but even the Chenbot had some growing pains when she first started hosting Big Brother... there is a reason she is called the Chenbot for christs sakes. 

Is it just me or does anyone else find it weird how often they say that they love each other.  I expect to say "I love you guys" when they are pleading for votes to stay in, but for fucks sakes they tell each other "I love you" instead of "good bye".  It's fucking bizarre.

I'm sorry to offend turnips, but Peeeleee has the IQ of a fucking turnip.  She could quite possibly be the worst Big Brother player ever.

Did anyone else notice that they gave away Bruno winning the Veto on the Tuesday episode?  In the opening montage they showed him wearing the stupid necklace... who fucked up?

Jon Pardy coming back in and the whole BBTV thing just goes to show how boring this lot is.  People that watch feeds are all saying that they are a bunch of dullards.  That being said some of the stuff on BBTV was pretty funny... except Willow's dance, what is her deal??

Speaking of Willow is she a lesbian? (Not that there is anything wrong with that) I kind of got a lezzy vibe but then there was that whole kiss with Sarah, which I must admit was pretty awesome, but what was that all about?

Zach is HOH, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnn.  I find this guy incredibly boring, he is about as exciting as his home province of Saskatchewan where you can watch your dog run away from home for days.  I am sure he will have a safe nomination, probably Sarah and Brittnee and whoever gets voted out will have another boring unanimous eviction.  But who knows who will come back in the house and how that affects the nominations and the game.

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