Sunday, July 05, 2015

Big Brother 17 Week 1 Thoughts

Hey Gang, I know there is about 5 or 10 of you who searched their Facebook and Twitter Thursday night or Friday morning just DYING to know what your Boy HDH thought of the first week of BB17 only to come out empty handed.  Well to the 5 to 10 of you I apologize because I went up to a buddys cottage and have spent the last few days in beer and sun fueled ecstasy.  Well I came back to reality today and got all caught up on BB17, better late than never I suppose!

The first victim of BB17 was Jace, and thank fuck for that.  He was annoying and obnoxious right from the jump, he had to be the centre of attention and his whole act just fell flat.  That was completely evidenced when he decided to be all "whacky" and went streaking through the backyard, and that was met with a collective yawn.  He turned people off immediately with his "zany" personality, and everyone just ignored him and were more than happy to see him leave.

Most of the eviction episode was wasted on him campaigning to stay in, according to people who watch the feeds he was even more annoying than they showed on TV.  Unfortunately with them being so hellbent on twists this year this loser could be back sooner rather than later.  Until then, Jace is going to run off into the sunset....

I have to say that Audrey is fucked.  She is a terrible Big Brother player and I don't think she is all there mentally.  This is not because she is transgendered it's because she is fucking spun.

What in god's name is she doing?  While it makes for entertaining episodes, and I've been told the live feeds have been amazing... she is trying to win $500K and you're not going to do that getting everyone to turn on you immediately.  Her "recruiting" person after person into an alliance is completely moronic.  Didn't she see Devin try to do that last season and how long he lasted??  Alliances are supposed to be kept a secret between 2-4 people, not have half the god damned house involved.

She is a pathological liar too, I don't know how many times she's been caught in a web of her own lies, which will lead her to be evicted sooner rather than later. All that said I think she is going to be safe for a while because I guarantee Big Brother producers are going to do what they can for her to stay, and that may end up coming in the form of the latest shitty Big Brother take-over with that nutjob Cathy Griffin.

Shelli and Clay are holding all the power this week... ugh yet another fucking showmance/power couple that is going to pollute this season.  Their target appears to be Da'Vonne probably because she flew off the handle and went all "Inglewood" on Clay... because... because honestly I don't remember why because it was an absolutely absurd fight, and I left a few brain cells behind at the cottage this past weekend.

One thing they're all doing which is completely asinine is relying on the Backdoor every week, don't these squids know that anything can happen between nominations and eviction?  If someone is the target put them up initially for christs sake.  I suppose the Battle of the Block throws in a wrench into everything. 

I can see Da'Vonne leaving this week, I hope it doesn't happen because I think she is a good player and she is very entertaining, but she has pissed off the people in power now, and they can get the votes to flip the rest of the house. 

Other Random Thoughts:

John is my favourite so far, even though he sounds like Bobcat Goldthwait.  His Diary Rooms are classic, but how in the fuck is he a dentist?  I'm not sure if I want that spazz working on my teeth but I'd love to have a few beers with him.

He's got to stop agreeing to go up as a pawn though, I know Da'Vonne is the target and I just said that I think she'll get voted out, but she'll be better at campaigning if it does end up being the two of them going into the eviction, and he could be in trouble.

I still haven't picked who I think is going to win yet... I am flip-flopping between a couple of people and I will reveal the pick on my next blog.

The twin twist is a bit of a yawn, but Liz/Julia are hot as fuck and seeing two of them is fine by me.

How did a train hit Becky?  Couldn't the train see that chin from 1000 miles away?

For fucks sake James, Meg DOES NOT look like Taylor Swift.  Not even fucking close bud.  T. Swift is a saint, and Meg is no T. Swift.

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