Thursday, September 11, 2014

Big Brother 16 Week 11 Thoughts

Ummm... there really isn't a piss of a lot to say this week because of the BB Rewind.  So here is an artist's rendering of Christine.  In a move that surprised nobody, they decided to play it safe and eliminate Victoria.  Which they will likely do again next week, because this house is allergic to making big moves. Unfortunately there was no big reveal to Victoria that they are in an alliance like when the best alliance in Big Brother history - The Brigade spilled the beans to Brittany.  I really miss that season, the Brigade with the best houseguest ever Enzo, Brittany was hilarious and also gorgeous, there was the overwhelming hate we all had for Brenchal, there was when Ragan had that huge and hilarious fight with Rachel when she came back in the house for 24 hours.  Maybe one day we'll get a good season again?? 

Honestly the best part of the week was the part when they showed the Jury House.  Donny's reaction when Christine told them she got booed unmercifully was the best.  They'd be better off filming the Jury House and airing what is going on there instead of the bullshit that is going on in the real house.  In a way I kind of feel bad for Christine, she got booed on national television, nobody likes her in the jury house, she could well be served with divorce papers when she gets home.  It's not like she has a great job to go back home too, doesn't she work at Starbucks??  At least Aaryn the Aryan got work with the Westboro Baptist Church, the KKK and Fox News when she got out of the house.

Other Random Thoughts:

Spoilers at the end.  Next week should be a lot better considering there is two evictions.

I still hate Frankie, but I have to begrudgingly give him credit for winning competitions and playing a decent game.  If he makes it to the Final 2 with anyone besides Derrick he will probably win and unfortunately does kind of deserve it.  Let's hope it doesn't happen because he is so incredibly fucking annoying.

Has there been a worst houseguest than Victoria??  Seriously how was she cast to be on the show?  She has absolutely no personality, she is completely dreadful at competitions and she thinks she is some sort of Warrior Princess?  You're no fucking Xena I'll tell you that much.  Seriously she was absent from any screen time at the start of the season because she offered nothing, and now she is clearly being fed her Diary Room lines by the producers, saying she is a force to be reckoned with and a competition princess... she won one fucking veto competition by default.  She can't even deliver those lines well, she always moves her head from side to side, I am expecting a sassy "Oh No You Di-Ent" at any minute. 

Can Jeff and Jordan please go away forever?  That whole proposal thing was so unbelievably awful, and who in the flying fuck is Brett Eldridge? You guys were on Big Brother 5 years ago move on, do something else with your lives.  Jeff is a fucking tool, his interviews he does with the houseguests are absolutely awful, you might as well have crash test dummy or Victoria do them.

I have to say that Globals episode stream on their website the next day is brutal.  Sometimes it takes forever for them to upload the video, then the video is all jumpy like I am watching some Japanese cartoon and I am about to have a seizure.  Worst of all the commercials (which are the same ones each god damned time) are about 15 times louder than the video.  I have to have max volume just to hear anything during the show and all the sudden it is commercial time and my ear drums burst into flames.

Caleb needs to stop saying dag gum.  Does he even have his Grade 10?

Caleb won HOH.  Which means he is going to be a blindly loyal to his boys and put up Victoria.  Who he puts up beside her is the bigger question.  It could well be Derrick because he has not been on the block yet, and it is "his turn" and Caleb seems closer to Frankie than to Derrick.  If Frankie was smart he would then make moves to get Derrick out of the house, but I don't see that happening.  Victoria will be gone on Tuesday and hopefully Frankie on Wednesday.

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