Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Big Brother 16 Week 12 Thoughts

Thank fuck this self-absorbed egomaniac is off my TV.  I honestly think I haven't hated a Big Brother contestant more than I have hated Frankie, and I am so happy that he isn't going to get the satisfaction of winning $500K for his "charity".  He went out claiming how loyal he was, where was his loyalty to Zach?? To Donny?  I'm disappointed they let him know before they evicted him, an actual blindside would've been beautiful.  Good on Caleb and Cody for calling him out on his bullshit, he really did think he was Jesus of the house, and what the fuck was he thinking saying he is going to unleash his "millions of followers" on them.  How so? From the Jury House where you are still cut off from the outside world?  The worst part is that he didn't get the Christine-like booing he deserved because the Tuesday eviction show was pre-taped and not live, so the audience was all CBS employees because they didn't want spoilers to get out (they got out anyways).  He is such a conceited fuck, and from what I have read recently his shitty sister is a conceited diva as well.  Unfortunately he will have his enablers and ball washers surrounding him when he gets out who will all tell him how marvelous he is.  Now there is the matter of America's Favourite Player:

Give me a fucking break.  Fuck this awful family, they are worse than the O'Doyles in Billy Madison.  There is a massive difference when you have 173K twitter followers and your awful daughter has a whopping 18.7 million followers... how many twitter followers does Donny's hillbilly family have?? Anyways, just like fucking Elissa last year who came in the house with an established fan base and won AFP, shitty Frankie will win it too.  I really hope Donny wins it though. 

Oh yeah, Caleb was evicted too.  Surprisingly Caleb grew on me this season, especially once Amber was evicted.  Don't you think it was kind of funny that Caleb's ultimate demise came from promoting a TV show called "Stalker."  The waters don't run deep with this fella, good lord he's as dumb as a box of hammers.  He ended up providing most the entertainment the last few weeks, but unfortunately his loyalty ended up being his downfall - loyalty is a great trait to have in real life, but not in Big Brother.  He genuinely does think that Hollywood producers are going to be blowing up his phone wanting him to be the next big Action star.  Caleb throwing shade at Frankie during his interview with Julie Chen was the highlight of his season, Frankie did make it all about him, and I am glad people in the house realized that.

Other Random Thoughts:

I liked seeing the jury back in the house destroying everything, like I said last week I am way more interested in seeing them then the actual remaining houseguests.

Derrick is still the heavy favourite to win, (I called it a long time ago too!)  By the way I liked how the Narc just so happened to pick "420" for his number when he won the HOH.  The only way he loses if Cody pulls a Jon from BBCAN2 and stabs Derrick in the back at the end and takes worthless Victoria to the final 2.

Julie Chen got quite pissy during the HOH contest on Tuesday, I love when that happens.

For next year and beyond, if they are going to returning guests make them all returning guests, if it is going to be C, D or E-List celebrities or siblings of former players, celebs etc. make it an entire house of those people enough with the mixing of them, and for christs sakes make it all real fans of the show, not fucking recruits who have never seen an episode.  Apparently 2/3rds of the houseguests were recruited to be on the show.... even fucking Victoria.  How in the blue hell did they recruit HER to be on the show??  

Only two episodes left thank fuck.  As much as I love the show, the first couple of weeks and the last couple of weeks are usually dreadful.

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