Thursday, September 04, 2014

Big Brother 16 Week 10 Thoughts

Can we just give Derrick the $500K now and spare us the last two weeks of this bullshit?  This season of Big Brother has quickly degenerated into one of the most predictable, boring seasons yet.  Every single fucking eviction has been an unanimous vote, nobody has the calzones to make a big move, instead "going with the house" and "not wanting to get blood on their hands" has won the day. Fuck Off.  Like Nicole said you're not playing Big Baby you're playing Big Brother.  Obviously the Froot Loop Dingus Nicole was the first one out tonight, her coming back into the game is bullshit to begin with, and she was targeted right off the bat.  So good bye Nicole, have fun with Hayden in the jury house. 

Being Double Eviction night I was hoping that Frankie was going to be next to go, in the little pow-wow's Derrick held (PS Derrick looked pretty pissed off that he won HOH) it sounded like the plan was to back door Frankie, so obviously that little turd goes out and wins the Veto.  I let out an audible FUCK!! when that happened.  So in yet another predictable move, the wretched Christine was shown the door... not only did she burst out the door without saying good bye to anyone she was unmercifully booed back to the stone age!  Aaryn the Aryan didn't even get that much boo's last season and she was genuinely reprehensible, to me it sounded like it was just one guy doing the majority of the booing but it's not like the rest of the audience was clapping either.  Christine talked A LOT of shit on the live-feeds (not just current house guests, but past house guests), she was instrumental in getting fan-favourite Donny out, plus she had that whole weird touchy-feely relationship with Cody, that rubbed everyone the wrong way.  The houseguests obviously heard all the boo's, as soon as the feeds came back on I read on Twitter that Frankie said she was talking shit about HIM in the Diary Rooms and that is why she got booed.  Jesus Jumped Up Christ he is a self-centred piece of shit, the boo's better RAIN DOWN on him when he is finally mercifully evicted from this god forsaken house.

Great now we have this fucking thing, the "BB Rewind" as far as I can see this is just a desperate ploy by the producers to breathe a little bit of life in this dull season.  I've read that ratings have taken a real nose dive in the last couple of weeks.... most likely because Frankie is a vile cretin.  The 6 or 7 loyal readers of my Big Brother blogs (Thank you for reading by the way!!) all know that I despise twists, but if Frankie wins HOH and this ends up fucking him over than I am all for it, if it somehow helps Frankie I am going to shit bricks.  Knowing these jackasses none of them are going to press the button because they want to play its safe and not want to get any blood on their hands.

Other Random Thoughts

THIS IS IMPORTANT: Remember last week when I said the CBS is going to start airing Thursday Night Football as of September 11?  I read tonight that for the next two weeks Big Brother will be on Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday... I am not sure if that is the same in Canada, or if that is just an American thing, but I am sure Global will air it at the same time as they do in Murrica.

EDIT :  It's been pointed out to me that my beloved Julie Chen did make this abundantly clear tonight, I might have flipped to the Blue Jays game or was looking on Twitter when this happened!!

I read spoilers, and maybe that is why I have found everything so fucking boring recently.  The HOH, nominations, and veto are all done by Sunday, so I knew then Caleb was a fucking wuss and did not back-door Frankie and went the safe route by putting up Victoria as the replacement nomination.  All I could do during the Wednesday episode is shake my head and give the middle finger to my TV.  I can't help but read spoilers though, I am such a Nosey Parker, I totally snooped for Christmas presents when I was a kid.

Can we ban Frankie from hosting competitions?  He is so fucking annoying, he really is in for a rude awakening when he is out of the house as can be seen here:

Joker's Updates does a poll on the houseguests popularity and Frankie has overwhelmingly been in last place for weeks, but I am sure he thinks that everyone still loves him.  I make notes on my phone throughout the week for this blog (nerd alert I know), 90% of my notes are either "Fuck Frankie" "I hate Frankie" or "Frankie is a steaming pile of shit".  Fuck Ariana Grande as well, her name sounds like some pretentious fucking Starbucks order.  I knew this night wouldn't end well when she Bleeding Gums Murphy'd her way through the Star Spangled Banner before the Packers-Seahawks game.

Team America is still a thing?  Good fucking lord, enough is enough, when are they going to realize how much of a flop this is.

Derrick is obviously going to win and should win, but he is going about it in the most boring way possible.  He has controlled the entire season, good for him, but bad for the viewers!  That being said I like his strategy, he's there to win $500K for his family, not to entertain the masses.

Victoria has played the perfect second place game.  She is completely useless so of course she is going to be strung along in the end.  Not a bad way to earn $50K for a summer of doing nothing.  The 4 remaining guys would be absolutely stupid not to take her to Final 2.

Cody isn't the only dinosaur that has been in the Big Brother house, remember Jerry from Big Brother 10?


EDIT: I found out HOH spoilers, so read them after this.  I'll leave this paragraph in anyways though.

As for what happens next week, well it'll be either Caleb, Cody or Frankie that will win HOH, as Derrick can't play and Victoria doesn't have a fucking clue.  I can only hope that Cody wins as he seems to be the most gung-ho about getting Frankie out.  Caleb is too loyal to his Bomb Squad (which doesn't actually exist), which he thinks he is the leader of (which he never was, Ninja Turtle Devin was), and he would push for Victoria to leave, I can see his Army background being the root of that, being loyal in combat and outside the Big Brother house is a great quality, but this is a game, get the fucking knives out and stab someone in the back.  Plus there is this retarded Rewind thing.  As long as it is Frankie walking out the door I'll be happy.

Uhhhh, so you can forget that whole last paragraph.  But anyways, fucking shitty god damned Frankie won the HOH..... BUT!  They pushed that stupid button, so his whole HOH week will be all for not!! I can't wait to see the look on that little weasel's face when Julie Chen tells him his HOH meant nothing.  But with our luck this season they'll re-do everything and fucking Frankie will win HOH again.  Booooooo.

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