Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Big Brother 16 Final Thoughts

The most deserving person won Big Brother, Derrick played a pretty flawless game right from the jump, he was never on the block, he won competitions when he needed too and he pretty much controlled everything that happened in the house.  He may not have played the most exciting game, but he played one of the best games in recent memory and very much deserves the $500K.  All that being said if Cody wasn't such a fucking cement head his whole season would have been for naught.  Cody's loyalty to Derrick and The Hitmen cost him $450,000, when Cody won the last HOH I thought for sure that Cody was going to pull a Jon from BBCAN2 and Derrick was going to get Neda'd... Jon and Neda were banging for christs sakes and he still stabbed her in the back for the win.  ANYONE would have won sitting next to Victoria, Cody should've known that, he is going to be kicking himself in the ass over that one....

The only thing that was shocking is that unlike 90% of the votes this year, this wasn't unanimous.  Bitter juries can fuck off....what was that whack job Jocasta blabbing on about with fake praying??  I don't remember that, and as much as I love my boy Donny he was still bitter about the whole Skittles thing, nobody in their right mind would possibly think that fucking Cody played a better game than Derrick.

This moment was the best of the finale though, the look on shitty Frankies face when my beloved Julie Chen not only revealed that he didn't win America's Favourite Player, but that he wasn't even in the Top 3!  So much for unleashing your "millions of followers" you fucking tool.  I am very happy Donny won America's Favourite Player, knowing ol' Donny I think he is happier knowing he was voted as AFP than he is winning the $25K.

The good news is Big Brother has been renewed for another 2 summers, so you can all look forward to be bitching about BB17 and BB18!! I really hope they do a full All-Stars season, but I read an interview with Julie Chen saying that it is not likely to happen.  Hopefully in the next couple of seasons they just don't jam these stupid game twists down our throats.  Team America was easily the worst twist ever, never ever do that again..  If they insist on doing twists (which they will) I suggest they bring it in a few weeks into the season once everyone is comfortable and alliances have been formed.  How much more interesting would the whole dual HOH/Battle of the Blocks have been if the two HOHs weren't always working together and were on opposite sides of the house?? Thinking back on the last few seasons it would be so much better if the show be given a chance to gel before they had MVP twists or Sabateurs etc. but they're the producers making the big bucks and I am sitting here behind my computer in my underwear making snarky comments.

Well that's it for my blogging on another season of Big Brother, thank you for reading, and I really do appreciate the kind words that people leave on Facebook etc. I hope you've enjoyed reading these as much as I have writing them!  I am going to be trying out for Big Brother Canada 3, so I may not be writing about BBCAN3!! There is pretty much no chance I'll make it, so I'll be writing posts about that season when it starts up next March.  In the meantime I'll post my usual food reviews (I am always taking recommendations, anywhere in Hamilton, Toronto or London!) I might post something about the Leafs, or something else sports related.  Until then give me a follow on the Twitter @HDH2112

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