Friday, August 22, 2014

Big Brother 16 Week 8 Thoughts

Everyone's favourite bi-curious shit disturber Zach is out of the Big Brother house, and I think that is going to suck.  Like I have mentioned before I've been hot and cold on Zach all year... on one hand he is a cry baby who bursts into tears like a petulant child when things don't go his way (did you see him sulk after Kathy Griffin delivered that vicious zing above?), he has that whole weird homo-erotic relationship with Frankie... I don't care if you're gay, but really Frankie?  Frankie is vile, he could do a lot better than that.  All that being said he was the most entertaining house guest this season and things are going to be a little flat around the house without him.  Ultimately he got fucked over by stupid shitting puking fucking puke shit arsehole Team America and especially Frankie.  Zach deserves the money Team America gets (especially fucking Frankies cut) because he is the only reason their stupid missions were successes. Because he was such a trouble maker everyone easily blamed him for stealing all their shit which was a "final straw" for some allowing them to set the stage for his backdoor.  I have a feeling Frankie has been backdooring Zach all summer, so I guess it is only fitting that he was evicted that way.

Zach had the chance to get back in the house along with Jocasta, Hayden and Nicole, and I was really rooting for Zach to get back in because he would've caused a ruckus and it would have fucked over Frankie royally.  But it was all for not, as Nicole the Froot Loop Dingus with the most annoying voice in the world is back, meh.  The shocking thing is Jacosta was within a dick hair of winning... that would've sucked, where was your messiah there Mama J??  She would have been good for some sassy Diary Rooms but that's about it.  The competition itself was pretty lame to get them back in, it should've been an endurance competition, see who wanted it the most! Nicole is likely to go after Christine which is good, but I don't think she is going to be a threat to Derrick's eventual win.

Ugh, I really hate Christine, I hate her even more after the Battle of the Block competition where she purposely was throwing it to screw over Donny.  The whole Skittles thing and the whole throwing of competitions is a disgrace to the Big Brother game, and these idiots can't even get that right!  They should all be ashamed of themselves and good for Donny for fucking with their plans time after time, Donny is the best!

Other Random Thoughts

The HOH is determined...spoilers at the end and thank fuck the Double HOH twist is over!!

We all know Caleb is as dumb as a fucking post, but he actually thinks the Bomb Squad is still a thing and that he is the leader?

Zingbot is one of the highlights of the Big Brother season for me, I love insult comedy whether it be the Comedy Central Roasts or Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, I was a little upset at first that Zingbot was giving "props" but he came back with a vengeance!! The great thing about Zingbot is that it is the first chance that the houseguests get to hear what the outside world thinks of them.  Caleb found out that everyone thinks he is a stalker, Zach that he is gay, that Vicboria is useless etc.  It must get them thinking, especially how Caleb and Christine got zinged on all their extra curricular activities.   Kathy Griffin's zing on Zach was the best, however!  I wish they had Zingbot on BBCAN.

Cody is HOH... meh, so pretty much Derrick is HOH for the 8th week in a row.  As for who is he going to put up?? Probably Donny for the billionth time, maybe Nicole too because it is bullshit that she is back in the game... I'll say Nicole and Victoria and Donny gets backdoored :(

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm hoping Donny will pull out another dramatic VETO win and we can rid ourselves of Veronica. Seriously = she is worse than Sabs!!