Friday, August 01, 2014

Big Brother 16 Week 5 Thoughts

Well on the bright side Amber doesn't have to worry about Caleb cutting off her skin and wearing it around the house now.  I feel bad that Amber was evicted (in yet another unanimous vote, surprise surprise) because that psychopath Caleb completely derailed her game.  Amber tried to get an all-girls alliance going, but she was too little too late with that.  She should have listened to that Milhouse-haired whacko Joey in week 1 when she wanted to form an all girls alliance, instead of ignoring her, and sticking with that Ninja Turtle Devin and his ridiculous Bomb Squad.  Had they done that the game would be totally different now.  I am betting that Caleb is going to have the same VaGinaMarie/Nick-esque melt down over the next few weeks, wearing all her stuff, keep bringing her up non-stop.... if he starts calling the rest of the houseguests cock-a-roaches then that will be really weird.  By the way, why did he shave his arms before his "date" with Amber? 

I'd be remiss this week if I didn't talk about the "Zach Attack" I have mixed feelings on him.  Sometimes I think he is a complete troll and an arsehole, but on the other hand he has been the one entertaining person in the middle of some pretty dull houseguests... he's 100% gay though, I'm sorry bud just come out and admit it and you'll feel better (not that there is anything around with that!) The "Fruit Loop Dingus" comment was hilarious, and so was comparing Christine to Jenn City (aka Jenn Shitty) as being a Big Brother Floater.  His speech to Amber on the other hand was terrible, mainly because it enabled Caleb's downright creepiness, like I said before, Amber deserved a better fate and it's pretty much 100% Zach's doing that she is gone this week.  But despite his best efforts there was no big argument in the house, so shitty Team America (fuck yeah!) doesn't get $5K.

Can we please end this Team America charade once and for all, it was a terrible idea to start and it's been terrible all season.  Good for Donny for putting the kibosh on the latest stupid challenge they had, why would he purposely alter his own game for the stupid challenge, it's such an unnecessary part of this season and they should kill it right away.

Other Random Thoughts:

HOH spoilers are at the end of this.

I never want to hear the expression "Beast Mode Cowboy" again in my life, just typing it gives me the douche-chills.

Derrick and Cody have emerged as "The Hitmen" and I think they will be final 2, and like I already predicted I think Derrick is going to win it all.  But please, Derrick why do you insist on wearing those fucking Steve Urkel glasses with no lenses, it's such a terrible look, production needs to take them away ASAP.

Vicboria was useless again this week, but what is with her catty comments during her eviction votes? She must know that it's the only air time she gets.  Nice try CBS trying to make a Vicboria-Hayden-Nicole love triangle happen because it isn't going too!

There was rumours on the Twitter that they are going to go back to just having 1 HOH...thank fuck for that.  The double HOH was an interesting idea at first, but every week they have worked together and it hasn't produced any of the drama they were hoping it would.  I am guessing during the double eviction it will go back to normal and there will not be a "battle of the block".

They pulled a Big Brother Canada and had a non-endurance HOH turn into a cliff-hanger... it was stupid on BBCAN and it is stupid now.  Anyways Donny and Nicole are the HOH's!! Woo-hoo!  I hope this does shift the balance of power in the house, while I want to see Caleb gone, I would also like things to get shaken up a bit as it's been predictable as fuck the last few weeks.  I hope something big happens... but I am not counting on it!  Go Donny!!

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