Friday, March 07, 2014

Big Brother Canada 2 Opening Week Thoughts

This week marks the return of the Canadian version of my favourite TV show Big Brother! Once again I have decided to interrupt my usual nightly routine of laying on the couch and staring at the walls by dusting off this ol' blog to give you my weekly thoughts on the show.  I'll try to have blog up after the Thursday episode... but since I'm an old fart, I am usually in bed by 10, and since the show ends at 10 my eyes are getting a little heavy and I really don't want to spend an hour writing up a post (believe it or not, these take an hour or more to do up!) Anyways I'll try to get it up as soon as possible after the Thursday eviction.  

So Anick is the first casualty of BBCAN2... she may have been nuttier than squirrel shit with that hippie Reiki Master nonsense, but at least she was good for a laugh or two, most of this cast (so far) is pretty boring.  She reminded me of Talla from last season in that she was a complete space cadet.  I did feel bad for her when she got evicted as she appeared genuinely upset, being voted out 11-0 must suck too!  She was an easy target and I think she isolated a lot of people with the weird shit she did with the feathers and whatnot, plus she was the first one off the ice block during the first HOH competition.  I hope the 11-0 vote isn't an indication of everyone "going with the house" a problem which plagued the most recent season of the American Big Brother.  Plus I think they were all terrified of Ika, if someone voted for her I am sure she would have tracked them down and ripped their heads off.

Sad truth: I am the same age as Sarah (the "Mom" of the season) and am younger than Paul, but everyone else in the house is younger (in some cases MUCH younger) than I am.  I guess I am over the hill, if I was cast on the show I'd be the token geezer.  That being said, I must say that having the cast in tiny bathing suits on the opening episode was a good introduction, I think I fell in love with Rachelle during that competition..... but on the other hand Paul and his man-boobs reminded me either of former WWF Champion Yokozuna or Bob from Fight Club.

I really wish I knew how to put those pictures side by side, but oh well... as for Paul how many bloody hats did he bring into the Big Brother house? In every scene he had a new hat.   Much like the rest of the cast I am not sure what to think of him so far, he had the typical case of HOHitis, where because he was HOH thought he was King Shit of Turd Isle and everyone had to bow at his feet and kiss the ring.  He seems pretty genuine though, I could see him lasting for a bit.

As for the "Twistos Twist".... by the way as someone who loves snacking and snack foods I have NEVER heard of Twistos, I had to Google it to find out what they were, apparently they're crackers.  But I don't like the twist.... the 3 or 4 of you that have read my previous Big Brother blogs know that I hate the stupid twists that the producers throw at us, just let the fucking game unfold naturally.  Last season Big Brother Canada was especially guilty of going overboard on the twists.  Anyhoo, as we all know that there are 3 more potential houseguests living in isolation and the country gets to vote in who will enter in the house.  We all know it's going to be the fucking drag queen... why even bother having those other two dorks there.  There is NO CHANCE that boring guy from BC or the Dancing Newfie are going to get in... might as well just put the Drag Queen in there now and spare us the charade. 

As for the rest of the house I am going to give some of my initial thoughts on each of them, despite not having much to go on. 

Adel - Ummmm.... I am sure I am going to make an Adel/Adele joke somewhere along the line this season.  The singing Adele is a saint, but this Adel doesn't leave much of an impression, he did "twerk" on the ice block, and that wasn't funny at all.  Lame.

Andrew -  He came across as a bit of a dick, being loud and obnoxious and he did a Rob Ford-level Jamaican accent to Ika, but I think he's a strong competitor and will stick around for a bit.  I am pretty sure I have been to that bar in Calgary he works at too... they had over 100 beers on tap there, it was a good spot! 

Arlie - This is one houseguest that did leave an impression on me - that of anger.  Vote this asshole out immediately.  What a loser! I am sure he is going to earn a ton of my scorn this season.  Plus his name is fucking Arlie.

Heather - She is pretty easy on the eyes, but in the little she has said or done so far seems a bit annoying.

Ika - Megabitch.  I know Anick's hippie-dippie stuff was a little off the wall, but she did not need to be so rude about it.  I don't like her very much so far... I can see her causing drama in the house, which could at least provide some entertainment.  

Jon - He's 1 of 2 Newfies in the house and I have Newfie blood coursing through my veins, so of course I have a soft spot for him.  Plus I heard that him and Rachelle are hooking up already.  Good for him, but I hope this showmance doesn't become as insufferable as the rest of Big Brother relationships are.

Kenny - Epic Beard.  I thought at first before the drag queen came in that they would have a gay person on the show that isn't completely flamboyant... but it looks like I'm wrong.  I can see him lasting long on the show, and plus he is the other Newfie so I hope he does well.

Kyle - Yes he is a meathead, but he has made me laugh quite a bit so far.  He is pretty much Jesse 2.0 (Jesse was on Big Brother 10 & 11).  The fact that he had the shirt peeled within 10 minutes of being in the house was hilarious.

Neda - Big Schnozz, Bad Attitude.

Paul - I've already talked about him and his breasts above.

Rachelle - Will you marry me?

Sabrina - ummmmmmmm.... I really have nothing to say about her, I guess she will float for a few weeks because she is just a fly on the wall.

Sarah - The mature, house Mom who just happens to be about the same age as I am (except I am not mature and thank God don't have any kids).  She hasn't left any sort of impression on me yet.  It's tough after two episodes I suppose!

Well that's it for me this week.  I know who won HOH, but I won't reveal it on this shitty blog, you can look it up yourself or wait until Sunday!  In future weeks I will reveal spoilers but will give you all an ample spoiler alert.  In the mean time give me a follow on the twitter on my new handle @HDH2112

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